What are your thoughts on American girls, Sup Forums? Would you date one?

What are your thoughts on American girls, Sup Forums? Would you date one?


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they are racist

Anna isn't

0/10 cooking skills, would not wife

she is
i can detect racism from Km away, people has been racist and xenophobic towards me my whole life
also she cant grill for shit

I like Val more:

t. bordercityfag here

I go to USA every so often and I've got friends there, and around 95% of young women nowadays seem to be entitled, vapid and boring people. They're easy to get in bed, but beyond that they have nothing interesting to offer personality-wise. For a long term relationship, none of them can cook for shit, are massive consumers of whatever stupid shit they see (including mass media) and they seldom want to work or try to be less ignorant.

She needs to keep her mouth shut.

...and then there's Val.

That's because you're going after normie women. Normies are shit worldwide

Been with a few, not worth the hassle or really the sex. I am at an impasse, I just don't think I'll bother paying attention to them anymore. Who knows, maybe this can make me a millionaire.

No, she's cute.

I wouldn't.

I'm sort of a metal-fag even though I don't really dress much like one and I know a lot of people in the scene and grills who think that are into metal are either attention whores or just plain fucking weird. The whole "look at me I've got piercings and tattoos and dyed hair unique look" is just a red flag.

You're right though, normie women here are shit too, but at least every other normie likes to cook and clean because being a housewife is still something normal here. The whole progressive feminist sjw shit hasn't caught on completely, but it's slowly creeping in.

>watches video called "how to grill"
>expects 2 minutes and 20 seconds of complete silence

That kid just have to put her name on Google to see her tits.

I wonder if he already masturbated to her.

No, American girls are trash.

I beg to differ

She's adorable.

>Front of wanting diversity
>Front of wanting open-borders
>Front of wanting Hillary in white house

What are some good things about American women to want to date someone so liberal and left? Not to mention the fact I'd assume they are ignorant to facts.

Why are you only looking at the negatives? Do you actually believe all women here are like that or are you just that cynical? America is a diverse place.

Nah, American women represent the worst the Western world has to offer.

not true btw, they represent the best AND the worst.

The only states I'd consider going back to are Texas and Indiana.
I don't think you understand how frustrating the USA is, I never was the first to bring up political views but answered honestly - What I got was buzzwords and no arguments at all. The general people I met wanted to voice what they want but never listened. Come to Aussie and voice and opinion and be surprised when people don't call the cops on you.
There's better places and better people than America

They are. One of the main reasons Shillary is going to win is because "hurr im a woman first woman president" meme, and I bet the majority of women are going to vote for her just based on that. Then again its either her or Trump, so the illusion of choice is kind of wasted on two shitty options.

For some reason I find american woman way too flirty. Like if some Tyrone comes over "Ayyo hol up gurl lemme got yo numbah aight den dat ass tight tho woop da shoop" she'll be all over him because flirtying is fun and "omg he's funny". I've seen girls do this even in front of their boyfriends and I'm like shit, c'mon Chad get your shit together and tell the bitch that's wrong and a lack of respect, especially in front of you.

They're fun if you're fucking them for a while, but anything regarding a serious relationship is a no go. Finding a smart, decent looking woman who isn't an empty hoe like the rest is harder than my cock that one time I saw Natalie Portman in the streets of LA like 10 years ago.

I guess California isn't the best place to find women, now that I think about it.

I thought about marrying an American fat girl because I'm very bored of my life and rather handsome. Then I could look for better openings when I'm finally there.

Any expert level advice on seducing a fat american for citizenship?

Cali wasn't so bad to visit, but I eventually started seeing why people fucking hate it so much
Good food and people gave me directions when I asked

Why did everyone have to absolutely know where I am from? "Oh ya accent is so diffrnt! Where are you from? :)"
Thanks for the hospitality. I guess.

Why does she have to be fat?... if you're handsome surely you could do better.

I am a terrible underachiever so I think I would go for something easy and fatties tend to be easy.

Because there are only a dozen thin ones left.

Yeah, say all you want about americans, for the most part they're good people and friendly.

I saw more fatties and white trash in Scotland than I see back here tbqhwy

That bitch is way past her prime.

>tfw you will never marry a qt virgin heartlander american that doesn't realize how beautiful she is

If you get caught in the cold you can carve her out and climb in to survive.

Can't argue with that. British 'women' are the most unattractive people I have met. Your fatties may be fatter and more of them, but other American women are often amazing.
>tfw mates give you shit for having an american accent fetish
>"u wot m8? Yanks 'av nasti accen's. Caan' stan' them talkin'."

They're shit

Nah I'll pass.

>they are racist


Normie women can cook, everywhere else in the world.

Why the fuck do Americans have an extra bucket just to light their coal? Why not just throw the coal into the grill with the rest of the coal and put fire on top of it?

I've never understood this either, as well as using gas grills. Also they douse the coal with lighter fluid way too much; you don't even need lighter fluid to light that shit up.

A napkin doused in cooking oil placed under a neat pile of coals is all you need famalams.

ouch, my heart. :(

The same applies to Spanish women with the difference that are not easy to get because Catholicism, so their mentality is much "people will think I'm a whore".


I find it endearing
>oy wotchu lookin' at me loik da for? yoo 'avin a larf dere, m8? oi'll hook yoo in da gabber, oi swear to me mum oi will. carnt even take a step outsoid widout sum barmy cahnt lookin at ye funny

I would date a practicing Catholic woman yes

Will she cheat on me with Jamal?

Why would she, she already has BBC.

I've never seen one. What makes them special?

Yes i would love to date american girls pic related

I would date any girl I could have a laugh with.

Would you date a Dutch girl?


That's Germany. I can tell by the license plate (and description).

I know one
Well she's half russian but she lives in the U.S. since she turned 6
She's cute desu


>What are your thoughts on American girls, Sup Forums?

I have no thoughts on American girls, since i have never met one. But i think they are not very different from any other girls, females in all countries are pretty much the same.

>Would you date one?

No, i wouldn't.

Why not? So as long she has good character and open to more than just being a trophy/house wife, sure.

>this entire thread

>What are your thoughts on American girls
they are people, that's all matters.


Like this.

cum at me bro


"American girls" are different regionally

Love it


convinced me you're english native speaker