Are Asians the smartest people in the world on average?

Are Asians the smartest people in the world on average?

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Bad news

nein they just are good at test
they have zero creativity except for some japs
even niggas have their own modern culture even if its rotten to the core nowadays but asians cant produce any modern culture at least in the west

though whitey cant make anything new and mind blowing stuff nowadays as well



Most are actually book smart with no creativity and individualism

The Jews edge them out.

what's with this no creativity meme?

I mean look at Japan, it's teeming with creative albeit weird culture.

its the "reality" not bs

I would seem that due to at least the prevalent arubaitu culture in Japan it causes most people in higher education to not learn a thing due to them slaving away their studying hours doing their part time job

This except i dont agree with whitey part

Japanese produce some amazing artists, most of other asians are ants cucked by nationalism materialism and lookism who does not deserve life

>creative but weird culture
im talking about innovations. We literally produce barely any scientific innovations. I recently participated in a bio-engineering competition and europe won them all.

yes that creativity bullshit is bs propaganda

they have just been stifled by their culture and peoples to not be as independent and not stand out as much

creativity is easy, pure technicalities and brute logics are more difficult

Tiger mom and education culture has forced them to bear great intelligence


Both of them are cancer and liberal propaganda.

My mom was pretty dumb. We keep more people in school exculding brown asians, and that raises average test score. Don't mean we're smarter.

My ass the US is by far the most creative and that's why everyone in the world thinks they're so cool and hip

Asians are just good at memorizing and computations. Even their music is simplistic.

not really; see their ancient cultures

if we were talking about the pure Asian regions and their higher strengths in computational memorization intelligence, that could be transferred and translated to more flexible and a bit of ostentatious creativity through some tweaking, but it's a part of their old-style ways and cultures

perhaps the solution is just to blend together West and East more

Ashkenazi Jews are the smartest ethnic group in the world with average IQ of 107 to 115 depending on the study.

Asians are smarter than Europeans on average but they have narrower IQ standard deviation.

I don't think that's the case, I believe its more of their traditionalism (?) that holds them back.

any academic sources for this?

〉be smartest
〉can't speak Englise even though study for 6 years

Damn leaf you have been on a roll tonight. Keep these ebin shitposts coming please

>you'll never make ruskies butthurt by invading kuril and sakhalin
>you'll never rape korean confort women
>you'll never march in machuria to the sound of taiko drums
>you'll never burry chinks alive with shovels in nanking
>you'll never kick ABCD powers in the balls and establish Greater Asian Co Prosperity Sphere
>you'll never ride the waves on the deck of the IJN's yamato class
>you'll never BTFO americans at pearl harbor
>you'll never charge against gaijin with your bayonet arisaka as you scream "TENNO HEIKA BANZAI!!"
>you'll never plant the IJN's flag in numerous islands across the pacific
>you'll never see your best friend die in a kamikaze attack
>you'll never die in a nuclear explosion

Why live, Sup Forums?

english is neurotypical language. you have to dumb down and think emotionally to be able to go from rational logic languages like hangul and chinese to emotional languages like african and european languages. that is why it is hard for asians

East Asians have the highest iqs on average and this is a fact. Any white guy trying to dispute this with "muh distributions" is a faggot.

Also the "asians can't innovate" thing is a meme. Who the fuck was innovating everything since before Europe was a backwater asshole after fall of Roman Empire to the Renaissance? None of those proxy jap/Korean posters westerners can change shit as well.

t.westernized chink

High mathmatecal, analytical intelligence
High social, physical related intelligence
High philosophical, strategic intelligence
High culinary, engineering intelligence
>pacific islanders
High naval, survival intelligence

Intelligence is difficult to seperate from ones own culture.

this tbqh. China was the most power nation in the world up until the industrial era. And the whole asians aren't creative is a meme too. China had some of the best architecture in the world at the time and was beautiful too. They made progress in the other arts as well

Asians are only "book smart." Finns score the highest in science, literature and math but they never contributed anything to those fields. There's no Finnish Shakespeare or Finnish Newton. They never won any Nobel prize or Fields medal. Asians completely miss the point of education.

Some studies by J. Rushton suggest that East Asians have fewer idiots and fewer geniuses. Geniuses are essential since they push society forward and maintain civilizations with their masterminds and innovation. The same phenomenon can be found among women, they have narrow st and they lack scientific and cultural contributions.

Hence we can also conclude that East Asians are the most effeminate race.

I don't think you know history that well.
>China was the most power nation in the world up until the industrial era.
LOL where'd you get that idea? You mean economically? Haha I see Chinese and Indians spouting this meme about times before the industrial revolution when GDP was a function of population numbers and literally nothing else.

It's because asians emphasize community over individual creativity. It's why China took so well to communism and subsequently turned it on its head for their own purposes.

The Century of Humiliation is over though

It was the richest and most technologically advanced country in the world for about 1500 out of the last 2000 years, and will be once again after 2050. I'm just telling you guys first since once their economy and reach really takes off you will learn it later.

Your ancestors were great.
Today,our defeatism is too serious

Yes and geniuses and complete morons usually oversaturate the categories of antisocial serial killers and criminals. See where I'm going?

>High mathematical, analytical, strategic intelligence
>High social, physical, reflexive intelligence
>High philosophical, business intelligence
>High culinary, engineering intelligence
Pacific Islanders
>High naval, survival intelligence

Fixed that for you.

Maybe. The thing is westerners sound like dipshits speaking asian languages too. I think you're hitting on an idea ive had for a while though that language influences what a nation succeeds in.

>geniuses oversaturate the categories of antisocial serial killers and criminals

I highly doubt this is the case.

I think that Ashkenazi Jews are

Haha oh please the entire point of the age of exploration was to reach China again after the Ottomans closed access.

how though? Genetically they're a mix of middle eastern and European.

Well done senpai thanks

>J. Rushton
into the trash it goes

I often see whites debating their superiority over Asians on Sup Forums by extolling the fact that very high intelligence found in Asians is undesirable because of the prevalence of antisocial killers and genius ubermenscht nazi types (u know what I mean). Lol, there is no winning these kind of arguments. All i know for sure is that East Asians have higher iqs on average, yet Western Europeans completely dominated the world technologically and culturally the last 3 centuries. It fucking takes smarts to do both.

>well off (prob smarter) ashkenazi jews flee europe
>other smart crafty jews hide somehow
>6 million people not well off enough or smart enough to avoid detention are killed
>new smartest race

>into the trash it goes

That's not how you prove him wrong.

Not everything in the world revolves around your cartoons

>t. Peter

Mehhh europe only dominated by accidently discovering two continents full of people susceptible to old world diseases though.

>geniuses and complete morons usually oversaturate the categories of antisocial serial killers and criminals.
People with lower iqs are more likely to be criminals and serial killers typically have average intelligence(100) while criminals have an average Iq of 92.

Eugenics by medieval European sgovernment, basically 90% of all Ashkenazi males were forced into professional positions in careers that required high verbal and logic reasoning skills, those that fared poorly died childless, while those who excelled had a large number of children.

What about curries?


The explanation I've seen is that they favored the professions(doctors, bankers, lawyers, etc) when breeding so it increased their average intelligence over time. No one's sure though

>Mehhh europe only dominated by accidently discovering two continents full of people susceptible to old world diseases though
>leftist revisionists ACTUALLY believe this

no they just have no souls so they have no problem with working so hard that they die and as a result score high on tests and have high paying jobs

Kind of a mix desu. Work a lot in computer science but also really good at art. if they stopped fucking so much they could get somewhere.

I'm not taking sides or claiming anyone to be superior. There is no objective superiority in this world, yet you had the axiom about white supremacy for some reason.

Different groups of people have different attributes is all I'm saying, and by accepting that we understand the world much better.

>implying it isn't true

Okay explain europe being the equivilent of sub saharan africa for 1000 years

>have high paying jobs
>Work a lot in computer science but also really good at art
that's just the best ones who could come to america

Its damage control desu. Their low self esteem can't handle not begin the best something so they make up whatever garbage they can to satisfy it.

>Okay explain europe being the equivilent of sub saharan africa for 1000 years
I will once you drop that shitty strawman
Fuedal Europe =/= subsaharan shithole

>europe being the equivilent of sub saharan africa for 1000 years
>Europe equivalent to SSA

Haha o wow where did you get that official fact sheet? Dark web?

At least Japs and chinks have some hilarious invention,have very significant indivisuality,generality,changing world.
Korean or phillipinos such miserable people,I dont know what their contribution to modern society.

They never regressed into a hunter-gatherer lifestyle but pretty much every empire between 500AD and 1500AD DOMINATED them culturally and otherwise.

Do all Asian-Americans have hwabyung?

Also if gunpowder defined Euro new world dominance, who invented that?

>Rushton argues that East Asians and their descendants average a larger brain size, greater intelligence, more sexual restraint, slower rates of maturation, and greater law abidingness and social organization than do Europeans and their descendants, who average higher scores on these dimensions than Africans and their descendants.

Nowhere in J. Rushton's selection theory to race does he specify that White have a higher standard deviation than East Asians.

>but pretty much every empire between 500AD and 1500AD DOMINATED them culturally and otherwise.
That's why Europe is a part of the caliphate, right?

>who invented that?
Who perfected its use as a weapon?
Hint: It wasn't the chinks

Japs are more inventive than other Asians. Everyone loves video game and anime music. Finland's greatest contribution in the arts is spurdo.

If they stopped worshipping cattle and putting their shit everywhere, maybe.

>Average east asian iq is 120
Kek nice meme pic.

Everyone loves spurdo.

Only autistic shitposters love it. Finns are uncreative gooks.

>Rushton grants that the IQ tests of Asians shows a relatively small standard deviation, with a smaller right tail towards the very high IQs. Thus the proportion of very high IQs and geniuses is much higher among Whites than Asians: M. Masters, “The Morality of Survival” (Part II), American Renaissance, August 1995, pp. 1, 3-5, at p.3.

Jews are still the leaders in that regard. Again, I'm not claiming anyone to be superior. I'm just telling things as they are.

How's that internship going?

What's your beef with Finland m8?

Linux a shit.


every ancient nation has unique ancient culture
there are asians in america as well most of them still go into math related careers
Asians are overall good at computation and just not that creative/ don't think outside the box much

"The Morality of Survival (Part II)" was not written by J. Rushton, but Michael Masters.

Even though the right tail extending towards the extremely high IQ section of the graph is smaller for East Asians, it does not change the fact that the graph for the entire population is shifted outwards to the right one standard deviation from Whites.

The least intelligent Asian is on par with the average White.

I want to give her a hug and smell her hair and tell her everything's gonna be alright.

Most likely so, yeah.

Purely subjective and practically impossible to measure. IQ is a meme.

On average yes. Whites have more geniuses tho.

i love this meme graph XD

the falloff is just so absurd: europe, north america, you'd think the third one at least would be non-white, but 'ancient western world' :D :D alone has more scienzes than all non-white societies combined X-D

That graph is misleading. Most of the Finns were Swedes or educated in Sweden or other parts of Europe.

>The least intelligent Asian is on par with the average White.
>T.chang Patel

That's a terrible shoop.

> but 'ancient western world' :D :D alone has more scienzes than all non-white societies combined X-D
Off the top of my head, Arabic numerals, Gunpowder and the Compass are the extent of "non-western scizenes" utilised globally.

they're reading into the graph posted earlier, which puts the least intelligent asians at about 90 and most intelligent ones at about 120.

i've seen this curve comparison a few times and i know what website it comes from. seems pretty plausible but the "could blah blah explain blah blah" doesn't help its credibility at all. i'd like to see the same in raw data

top menes 5/5

Standard deviation is 15, not 5. It mentioned the right tail is smaller, not both.

>i'd like to see the same in raw data
Same, as it contradicts every other study I've read. All the ones I've read have average IQ of 103-106, verbal IQ of 97 and visuospatial IQ 108-110. This is for east Asians only.

Did you finish your internship?

It doesn't really contradict your studies if those are all the figures in them. For the scale of most studies averages is probably all they're measuring, not distribution. If you have one that contradicts that meme image please share.
I'm the meme posting Finn in this thread, not the scholarly Finn if that's who you're trying to talk to.


I don't rate jews.

they need powerfull hosts.

I think the thing most people have missed here is that East Asians lack passion. Generally speaking Westerners that are intelligent and good at what they do are passionate about it, they enjoy the process of learning and discovery in their field. East Asians on the other hand study hard to work in a career that they don't give a shit about, but do it to make their family happy.


Standard deviation is actually 20.

Testing to see if σ works.