Im cia. Ama

Im cia. Ama.


Do you feel in charge?

have any more pics of emma watson nude you could leak?

How painful was it?

Is it pronounced jif or gif in the CIA?

what's the biggest misconception between what people think you do and what you really do?

bonus question: do you glow in the dark?




How do you pronounce it? Speak out loud, so I can hear it.

What people think we do: Investigation
What we really do: Herd the FBI nigger cattle

Dunno, but a friend of mine got run over in 1999 by some crazy guy and yes, glowed.

whats the status on the templeOS file

is it true that you can hack into any computer with an intel chip made after 2009 or whatever

no, we would never do that
Telly will soon "die" in a car crash because he was drunk.

>we would never do that
>not "could"

Lmao. How is it even possible to take Brits and their nursery rhyme lexicon seriously.

Source, pretty please?

Sure kid.

How do I cook lamb?


When you took off his mask.

what's my user agent?

proof of gtfo

Where is Terry?
Let him go you bastards

Are you a big guy?

What's the password to the mainframe?

Do you think your internet connection is being monitored at the moment?

Did mummy buy you a new iPad to shitpost from?

Fucking Chester Bennington yourself you fucking degenerate piece of shit.




Thanks m8

>captcha: gracias edgar

>getting this assblasted

hahahaha damn. Nice

Who is your waifu?

What you are is full of shit.
But you got people playing into your stupid game.

"I'm bored I think I'll pretend to be in the CIA today"

>I. Cia

No one cares fuck off your an ANALyst no one cares about you desk jocky, we care about wet works

What security clearance level do you have?

why would you shoot a man
before throwing him out of a plane?

Covfefe Level 8