How much processing power is equivalent to 10% of the human brain?

How much processing power is equivalent to 10% of the human brain?

Watson can beat humans at Chess and Go, but it has to try hard to do that, and I'm still not convinced what Watson is doing is actually true thought and not just calculations which my iphone can do.

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We can't simulate insect brains in action in real-time, which should tell you how complex human brains are.

>We can't simulate insect brains in action in real-time
Natural brains can't simulate a brain, either.

>and I'm still not convinced what Watson is doing is actually true thought and not just calculations which my iphone can do
It's just calculations. That's what computers do.

>I'm still not convinced what Watson is doing is actually true thought and not just calculations which my iphone can do
What makes your chain of electrical-neural impulses "true thought" exactly?

Of course Watson and your iPhone are doing calculations. It's all you're doing too.

watson is IBM's bullshit. IBM is terrible at AI and honestly should stay out of that field. it CANNOT beat anyone at Go. Maybe Chess. DeepMind created AlphaGo (the Go champion) and that's owned by google. now fuck off back to Sup Forums

Pretty rudimentary understanding considering it's not just electrical impulses that effect our thought.

They more than have the horse power though

No, they don't even understand how other brains cells function, which is required for simulation.

Blunt machine learning without understanding what is actually happening is another thing.

please tell me all about how many FLOPs human brains are capable of

Hey gais I have an idea. What if we network all our brains wirelessly and we harness the unused cycles and storage for our own needs? We could sell it to other companies.

Grace and her colleague Paul Christiano from Carnegie Mellon University used the IBM Sequoia supercomputer as the artificial intelligence champion: the machine currently holds the TEPS benchmark record with 2.3 x 1013 TEPS of power at its disposal. Their calculations suggest that the brain is at least as agile and possibly up to 30 times faster than Sequoia at shifting data around. Based on current market prices, that means you stand to earn between $4,700 and $170,000 if you rented out your brain's computing power for an hour.


That's actually a really interesting question. Not how many actual mathematical floating point operations the brain does, but how many would be required to achieve equivalent function. For example, visually rendering stimulation on the cornea to a coherent 3D image of equivalent resolution and field of view. Or the constant, high accuracy directional audio processing.

It's a huge misconception. Humans use more than 10%

Why 10%? Does Watson only use 10% of its power?

The two methods of processing is not really comparable.

Even the world's largest supercomputer cannot run an artificial neural network in real time that's even 0.01% the size of the human brain.

On the other hand, even simple computers are far better than the brain at raw number processing. A 20 cent microcontroller can do arithmetic faster than any human can.

Supercomputer took 40minutes to simulate 1% of human brains activity

P.s. thoese 40 mins for computer was actually 1second of brain activity


No way.

"It used the open-source Neural Simulation Technology (NEST) tool to replicate a network consisting of 1.73 billion nerve cells connected by 10.4 trillion synapses.

While significant in size, the simulated network represented just one per cent of the neuronal network in the human brain."

then why can't I calculate instantly like a calculator or am fluent in 20 languages written and spoken?

>inb4 being called dumb


You know, brain activity isn't just your thoughts.
Dear I say, human brain is most complex thing in universe.
>Inb4 smarter aliens

Nice try, botnet


The human brain is running off a super computer called the physical universe. The way neurons are wired together, they don't have to wait for each other, and there is no lag. AI is nowhere near.


+ Able to create new ideas
+ Able to create new ways of solving problems
+ Able to upgrade it's abilities without changing the mind itself
+ Able to understand anything
+ Has artistic abilities
+ Storage that keeps increasing
+ Memory that keeps increasing
+Unlimited thinking abilities
-+ random unpredictable patterns
- a lot less accurate
+ 100% accuracy
+ A lot fatser
- 0% creativity
-Limited thinking abilities

Both are different things. Comparing a mind to a computer is like comparing a cpu to a car.
Also a mind can do what a computer can do but a computer can't do what a mind can do. If you mean the mind ability to do computer activities then a calculator can beat the human mind

>10% of the human brain
Saging for your dumb shit, pooloo, go take 8th grade biology again

I wonder if I can mine bitcoins with my brain