>i just wanted to learn haskell now i'm being cuckolded while i incinerate my own balls and shaft
What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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>i just wanted to learn haskell now i'm being cuckolded while i incinerate my own balls and shaft
What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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I'm looking for help here man I really don't appreciate you trying to dismiss me as some shitposter. as far as i'm concerned you got me into this mess and i'm begging you to help me out of it. Right now i'm en route to the hospital. I've got a nominal understanding of haskell and a few other strongly typed/useless languages. My wife is being impregnated as we speak by a variety of blacks/indians/gypsies, and all of my children have some non-standard hair color and are undergoing hormonal therapy. What I want to know is what sort of map/reduce/collect algorithms you have offhand
The OP is not your personal shitposting space.
I want an anime gf so much that it hurts.
>anipedo thinks his opinions matters
I lol'd
>Intel Boot Guard is a technology introduced by Intel in the 4th Intel Core generation (Haswell) to verify the boot process. This is accomplished by flashing the public key of the BIOS signature into the field programmable fuses (FPFs), a one-time programmable memory inside Intel ME, during the manufacturing process; in this way the CPU contains the public key of the BIOS and it can verify its correct signature during the boot. Obviously, once enabled by the manufacturer, Intel Boot Guard can't be disabled anymore.
Were firmware attacks really all that common?
Couldn't you just re-flash the previous firmware before, anyway?
What is the purpose of this?
Post a worksafe sticker for my laptop and I'll buy it. If I get more than 5 suggestions I'll pick 5 randomly.
there are a lot of stickers with "there is no cloud, it's just somebody elses computer" and "it worked in dev, ops problem now" stickers that I lel at.
I enjoy h3h3, though. :(
I was going to buy this one anyway, actually.
Why the fuck are you posting this retarded nonsense here?
thats on my work pc right now, my CEO really fucking hates it and I love it.
I've posted a bunch of quality shit in /dpt/ today that you can't immediately associate with me because I left it user, so go fuck yourself I could care less what you think nigger :)
Ha, look at this asshole calling my shit retarded. Have you ever written an interrupt handler? Hm? How about a compiler? Try writing that shit in one of your fucking retarded meme languages. Shitposting is all well and good until it's someone else, right?
>it's 2017 and OCaml still doesn't have a better multicore story than Python
>I posted on-topic shit at one point, so that allows me to post off-topic reddit-tier garbage
That logic makes no sense. Fuck off.
The real purpose is to void warranties of people who would consider flashing custom firmware. It prevents a custom firmware industry from sprouting. This then allows them to do planned obsolescence by disabling things in firmware. For example, some 2 core low shelf CPU is often the same thing as the top shelf 4 core CPU, the difference is that 2 of the cores are disabled in firmware. Granted, sometimes the disabled cores are disabled because they have "birth defects," but not always.
When you're an asshole corporation, you always have to think 2 steps ahead of users who want to have fun.
End my suffering /dpt/
∇ output ← {levels} dither input
:if 0 = ⎕NC 'levels'
levels ← 4
c ← 0 .. (⍴input)[3] - 1
x ← 0 .. (⍴input)[2] - 1
y ← 0 .. (⍴input)[1] - 1
mask ← (119 × (236 × y) ∘.+ x ∘.+ 67 × c) ÷ 255
output ← (⌊ mask + input × levels) ÷ levels
What is this alien language? Is it Go?
>Is it Go?
Definitely not, some sort of meme language(read functional)
If MC guy is around: so essentially, Rust+Scheme is practical for gamedev? That's rather pleasing.
try assembly
I'm doing C+Scheme.
It's APL, and it's not functional at all (at best you could say it's tensorial)
Meme Languages: Worst of The Bad: Ultimate Fight
Game development is more about architecture and design than language of implementation anyways.
Rust's traits and generics is absolutely fucking retarded. If you are using a generic fucking type on function declaration, you gotta specify what trait is the function going to use
Plus T::output retrurn type? This is fucking ludicrous
I'm doing machine codes, bro. Step up your game
>it's not functional at all (at best you could say it's tensorial)
*wets pants*
Define "meme language".
>comes to /dpt/ for high-quality content.
alright i'll actually talk to you. earlier i posted a question asking how i'd accomplish a rolling hmac in CL. do you think I got an answer? no dipshit--it's /dpt/ you think anybody in this thread even knows what hmac or let alone how to implement hmac in a recursive fashion is? I answered my own question later realizing that I can use `map` to recursively roll up an hmac signature across a list of inputs.
I've got to admire your balls for sticking with this.
I tried J once. I still have the nightmares.
Any language I don't like due to my sheer ignorance
I thought you said Chicken integrated well with Rust
There is a fucking difference between low-quality and completely off-topic.
Seriously, just fuck off.
A language with no practical purpose whose (limited) adoption is only due to constant circlejerking in specific communities. See: Haskell in academy, Brainfuck in skiddies, Rust is lgbt
Hmm maybe another user did.
C is autism, C++ is street shitting. I could go on
Not sure why I laughed at this.
I said no practical purpose.
>rolling hmac, highly applicable in industry use cases is low-qual
>calculating hmac is off-topic in dpt
dude I get this is where you come to feel good about yourself but don't you think that is setting tha bar low
Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit have no practical purpose whose (limited) adoption is only due to constant circlejerking in specific communities.
It's called 'human knowledge', and it's glorious.
Practical purpose is subjective. You can make the same programs in different languages
As smart as you believe you are, you clearly didn't understand the post you replied to.
There are libraries for that stuff user
Besides, reimplementing an algorithm is boring. Creating new algorithms is more interesting and worth posting about
The practical purpose of those languages is in preserving the integrity of works written in them, whose nuances (of aesthetics, sound, meaning, etc.) cannot be perfectly replicated by other languages.
t. web artisan
Is that supposed to be your argument?
no shit there are libs you fucking gaylord. there are libs for just about every fucking computational function you can think of. what in the fuck is your point? are you saying that /dpt/ should just reflect pure academicia and new abstract concepts? be my fucking gest m'bruh show us some of the dope hifalutin bullshit you're pumping out? I'm guessing you wrote some awesome compression algo we all just overlooked right? or a revolutionary way or sorting record!?!?!?
chan is just as bad as Sup Forums kido
t. expert fizzbuzz master
The point is just because a language isn't adopted widely doesn't mean that it's worthless.
Haskell explores all kinds of weird and wonderful shit in categories, Rust in safety. That doesn't mean that those avenues of scientific/computer research should be shut down or ignored.
If you want to earn money, go away and use C++ or Java; if you want to learn something and possibly have some fun, use Lisp or Haskell.
You can make anything in assembly, doesn't mean it's practical. It also shows the guy's butthurt when he proceeds to reply with the 2 languages most certainly used by the OS and browser he uses to shitpost on /dpt/.
What the fuck user.
Define "practical"
no way, it's way worse
And that's exactly the point: he was disregarding all the interesting knowledge and learning which has been gained from 'lesser known' languages like Haskell, when, in fact, lots of functional/monadic shit has been taken from it for other languages.
Most languages compile to machine code, why does it matter?
lmao, no. I'm just an electrical engineer triggered by numale code artisans unironically shitting on C.
+1, your programming experience extends to saving mspaint files. /copout
C is autistic, there remains no mistakes in that
what implementations are you basing this off of? outside of compiled languages thats basically not true at all.
I will admit things like SBCL as rare exclusions to this rule.
>he was disregarding all the interesting knowledge
I'm sorry I'm the one who has to tell you this but you're actually stupid.
J is objectively better and more advanced, but I think that APL symbol are just “more readable” than J's ASCII glyph line noise
Besides, most APLs implement a big subset of J, though I'd just want the man's original ideas (range/domain/partition/power/derivative/integral operators, categorical stuff etc.) be implemented
>outside of compiled languages thats basically not true at all.
Which is why I said Most.
Note that C, C++, Rust, Haskell can compile to machine code one way or another
the whole field of programming is defined by an aspect of "autism" -- that is over-engineering, elegance, and perfectionism.
C is not perfectionist either
animepedos btfo
C, C++ and Rust compiling to machine code is one thing, Haskell (as somebody who works mostly with gdb and nasm) offends me greatly in it's assembly form.
Use OCaml my man
First reply decides which language I learn. By "learn", I mean read 2-6 textbooks on the language, depending on how many good quality textbooks are available and whether or not there exist a sufficient number of "advanced" textbooks (i.e. whether reading 6 textbooks would mean reading 6 beginner books on the language).
building an encrypted protocol similar to HTTP and a browser without JS and CSS, gonna revive web 1.0
DON'T eat a handful of jalapenos /dpt/. Doing so will DEFINITELY NOT synergize with your programming socks.
>6 textbooks
you will never make it, brainlet
There's literally no actual textbook on nim
Nim in Action
4th for Classical Sanskrit.
I actually really want to try and take some time to learn OCaml. One of my colleagues from other the pond showed me some incredible bullshit wherein they were using OCaml to boostrap microkernels that were basically stateless firewalls running in a cluster. a kernel crashes? so what, it's a connection reset. I work a lot in lxc (or in serious cases kvm/qemu) and OCaml seems so damn powerful for orchestration!
Get out, parjeet
Why do you say that?
Imagine using a language that can't do multicore
OCaml is deader than D
And then some actual Rajesh keeps telling you that it's the mother of all languages and that PIE was colonizer envy
>the mother of all languages
Fact: Hebrew is the most powerful language in the world.
>OCaml is an industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-oriented styles
alright I am interested. Also, I've heard enough from my friends using it for absolutely insane architecture.
I have so many personal references discounting what you've just said I am sorry. Unless you have some citation I have to assume you are uninformed.
Aramaic would like a word
>industrial strength programming language
Imagine retards falling for these marketing buzzwords
I wonder which language can express the content of the Bible in the fewest strokes or syllables. I would say characters but then Chinese would have what I consider an unfair advantage.
No multicore
>Industrial strength programming language
>No multicore
Why did he mean by this?
>w-whaa no multicore!!
Damn, I must be some kind of black mage to do multiprocessing with OCaml then. Hint: threads aren't the only way to share resources.
I was actually more curious as to how it accomplished functional, imperative, and object-oriented styles all at once. How convenient a world where you can choose you strawman you cognitive weakling hahahaha ^_^
Python supports more paradigms but it's still a brainlet language.
>how it accomplished functional, imperative, and object-oriented styles all at once
The only way any language can: badly.
>as to how it accomplished functional, imperative, and object-oriented styles all at once
OCaml OOP is quite different from what you'll find elsewhere, I mostly see people use functional with imperative programming. As long as you don't use it mainly as an imperative language it's quite pleasant.
Grapes are sour