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Technology #616
How can I become a hacker?
Early internet
/cyb/ /sec/
What's the comfiest PC operating system?
Want to listen to weeaboo beats at work
R e t r o
Im sorry, WHAT
Progamming project roll thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Thoughts on Krita?
/rpg/ Raspberry Pi General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Windows is only 7% of Microsoft
Bravo intel!
/hsg/ Home server General
Daily reminder that macOS is the greatest mainstream operating system in the world
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What is the most botnet-free way possible to watch Youtube?
Have you ever fiddled around with a VirtualBox before?
Told my dad to get me a new Mac book for collage and the stupid cunt got me some cheap shit called a razer blade...
Alright, vim, emacs, nano, Sublime or whatever are great to whip up scripts or small programs quickly
I'm alone
I tried to sell the graphics card of my gaming rig today and was offered £0.60 at a electronics/games pawn shop
*fetch thread
Key Free/Wallet Free Life
Computer Science Degree
Clover thread
Programming Weed
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
So let me get this straight
An Open-Source Broswer Other Than Firefox But That Can Have A Lot Of Availible Add-Ons
Multiply integer a with integer b without using the * operator
Browser 2017
>not using world's most advanced operating system
Why doesn't your processor have 32 threads?
Nvidia shills on suicide watch!
What DE does Sup Forums use?
Sup Forums humour thread
Daily reminder that "free" software is political correctness
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Radio Autism General - /rag/
Hard to believe Mozilla devs are this stupid
He doesn't use edge as his primary browser
Encrypting disks on Linux
Windows Defender has been sandboxed by a third-party
Devuan sucks
Tfw no refresh
Name 5 realistic potential use cases of the Ethereum platform without using the phrase "Internet of Things"
Are Xiaomi laptops actually good ?
So now that the dust has settled
In which order will they fall, and why?
Edge/chromium video playback
Fuck bilinear scaling
Hey Sup Forums! I was thinking about good cloud drive which will store my files...
"You're quite delusional to think you're more clever than every single malware creator in the world...
Certain combinations of 1's and 0's are illegal
I wonder what their excuse will be this time around
Intel Coffee Lake CPUs will NOT be compatible with Z270 chipset motherboards
/nrg/ Nyaa Replacement General
PC build
You guys are determined to make this website look like shit. Why?
Opera Masterrace
What can we do to stop the bloatification of the web?
*blocks your path
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Where does Sup Forums get their technology news from?
Can we discuss how much Electron fucking sucks?
Holy Moly. I might be paranoid, but serious now:
When we'll get rid of the outdated IPv4 in favor of the clearly superior IPv6?
Linux has achieved a new record on desktop
Why the love for RMS
Screenfetch/Neofetch/Uptime thread
Why do retard faggot case manufacturers put 120mm fan slots in places where a 140mm would fit...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What is Sup Forums's choice of Text Editor?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Quick, prove you arent new!
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
Best player for watching anime?
I wrote a program Sup Forums. How the fuck do I use GitHub?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Get rid of Google for good
Red Hat drops Btrfs support
Is it true that c is better than c++?
So /g, why are you NOT using linux?
How far are we from being able to upload our consciousness and mai waifu as an Ai to a matrix-like program?
Why are there no decent GUI toolkits for C?
Why do people sperg out about mpv configuration when the default settings are reasonable and there's no discernible...
Hello there ;)
Proof Me Wrong. Pro Tip You Can'T
/mpv/ - a free, open source, and cross-platform media player
I'm fucked Sup Forums. used piratebay to grab latest edition of TLD and got hit with malware...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/wt/ - watch thread
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Does anyone else use an old or square monitor just for NES games, 80's music videos, and old cartoons?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Would you have done the same user?
Ok guys heres an easy way to hack one of these stupid things
Google's search results aren't ri-
Am i fucked?
This fag book for faggots
Why women love Apple products?
Post your VPS servers
Why don't you do this?
Is AMD about to recover?
50 issues with Windows
これは何、Sup Forums?
Hi! I am wondering how to hack my stupid neighbor because they bully me...
Which model was your first laptop?
The perfect car doesn't exi-
What is the best mouse ever made and why is it the Logitech G602?
Autonomous floor cleaning robot
DO NOT download f.lux
Do we really need end-to-end encryption?
Youtube follows reddit by walling off "offensive" content
What is a good alternative to Youtube?
How do I get a programming job? Especially in a shit area where there are barely any start-ups?
Windows will never design another os as beautiful as this
Integrated vs Dedicated Graphics
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
NVIDIA Announces Quadro And TITAN xP External GPU Solutions, OptiX 5.0 SDK
How difficult is your first programming job out of college? Pic not related unless it describes how you feel
What is the most beautiful graphics card for you anons
What is the Sup Forums appliance manufacturer of choice?
Can I find a scammer from their phone number?
Why do white people buy apple products?
/cag/ Companionable Apple General
Best Genome Sequencing Companies
A question to all Windows 7 users
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Reciting your superbly unique personalities without having met you
Should I go through with my purchase?
Hey Sup Forums, do you think any of these e-ink price tag label things could be programmed with a simple rfid writer...
What's the programming equivalent of a deadlift?
Stupid Ideas
Web Browser Eating RAM
RIP manjaro-openrc
Made a website in an hour yesterday
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Hi Sup Forums, what is the best SSH client? And why is it moba?
RSS thread
Here is the problem: It’s Android...
ASUS X399 ROG Zenith Extreme
Today I decided to give Vim a try, as it is praised as something godlike here and in many programming communities...
The Brower Debate
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - AMD edition
What colour scheme do you prefer when working?
Sup Forums what desk chair's do you have/prefer?
Current year 2 0 1 7
Thoughts on pic related?
Link your website
Hey Sup Forums
Why is there ALWAYS a fucking problem with ANY linux distro?
Bitcoin BTFO
/hdg/ Harddrive Domino General
Hey Sup Forums, how many PCs have you found next to dumpsters?
What fucking browser do i use on windows
Is the Bloomberg Terminal Sup Forums-approved?
Systemd does it AGAIN: prevents encrypted systems from booting
Sup Forums bingo thread
Talk me out of this
Is this good software ?
RIP Firefox
Why aren't you watching all of your anime in h.265/HEVC?
AMD Giving Up on CrossFire with RX Vega
Why is this piece of shit so bad?
Bitcoin split just happened. Now we have Bitcoin and "Bitcoin Cash" (BCC)
Help a tech news fag with build parts
Law tech help
AI. Body or No?
Lubuntu installation failure
How did we go from watches that can leaat years on a single watch battery to seeing people plug them in to charge mid...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Picture related and I'm hyperventilating
Apple sold 40.7 million iPhones in Q3 2017
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Note 8
Thinking of buying a smartwatch. What's the best bang for buck smartwatch under $100?
/tpg/ thinkpad general
He spent all of his money for a monitor supporting 4k resolution when he watches 720p anime and plays 1080p video games
JUST in: Nvidia loading lower graphics settings when in motion
First job
Buy a used ThinkPad x230
3277 CB score @4ghz
Have you ever written your own compiler?
Don't mind me I'm just modifying your website on my browser so it behaves different as intended
Eyesight has started to deteriorate in the last year
Which of these water coolers is best suited for the threadripper?
ITT post how much mp3s you got in your music library
Why does windows 10 get so much hate? i think it's the best looking os out there
What's the best software and encryption method?
Uhm what is this...
WWY when VEGA was confirmed for being an absolute turkey
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Replacing a gift
Solus, is it worth?
I am currenctly making a SEO (search engine optimizing) bot. This means that it will create blogs, social bookmarks...
8gb RAM is becoming the norm, soon 16gb will be a defualt in Laptops
I just made a imageboard
Sup Forums humour thread
Not a screenfetch thread
Don't mind me I'm just blocking javascript while using your website
I recently went into an Apple Store and couldn't help but notice that the iMac display was extremely crisp and...
Dude - what if we made C++'s syntax uglier lmao
I just upgraded from a Samsung Galaxy tab to an iPad
I threw away all my unused cables before by mistake
Screenshot your documents folder and post it ITT RIGHT NOW
Ask how to minimize windows in I3
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So/g/ what do you expect computers will be like in 2050?
So what do I do if my ISP sent me an email saying they detected my peer to peer network and are threatening to stop...
Why do people with XX chromosones always use iphones
ITT: technology that laughs in gods face
I was really hoping to get a GPU that would last me a solid 4-5 years at 1440p res...
Current state of Linux is absolutely deplorable
What linux distrobution do I use
I want to learn C++ but I'm having trouble breaking away from C#. tips for learning C++?
Screenfetch/Neoftech Thread
Apple makes the best products
Why is this shit not banned yet?
So now that bandcamp has been confirmed for absolute shit beyond a doubt, where do you get your music...
Anyone else fall for the 1440 meme
Using a desktop
How secure is your master password?
Windows will never design another os as beautiful as this
PSA: KDE is broken on Arch Linux. Even with a complete default install...
Do you have an answer?
What are red flags that let you know someone is a monkey?
Programming languages
So... Is functional programming the next big thing, or is it just something that's gonna vanquish soon...
What's wrong with Windows 10?
What is the most popular desktop environment for little girls?
Hacking/Reverse Engineering
Router Thread
Tech Channels
New twist on an old challenge: print all numbers from 1 to 100...
Hello Sup Forums
Sup Forumsuys, i'm getting a thinkpad x220. what distro/OS should in install on it? coreboot?
Who here /2500K and 560Ti forever/?
What OS does she use?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
I am waiting for your excuse
Mice Thread
Some MPC-HC ex-dev(s) talking:
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Forth is the most ultimate programming language, I think nobody would deny that...
Why am I so weak and get memed into buying things I don't need...
GTX 1080
Google just won the browser wars forever
Speccy thread
Why can't we use VRAM as system RAM? Why do we need DDR4?
100 word essay due tomorrow
People will spend over $1000 on custom water cooling using hard tubing and a fuckton of fittings
Thoughts on the Asus ROG 27 inch IPS, 165hz, GSync, 4ms vs the Acer Predator with the same stats?
Hello again Sup Forums and retro enthusiasts. This was my thread from the other day: >>61632364
Reddit redesign
Where can I find a reasonably new macbook (2010+) for sub $200 because i just want to try out a mac to see what its like
Threadripper: confirmed underperformance
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I am a digital art hobbyist , would you guys happen to have any good tablet suggestions?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Putin bans VPNs to stop Russians accessing prohibited websites
Anyone have a good guide on vinyl players?
Google Coding Interview Question
What's the best keyboard for Android and why is it the good ol' Google Keyboard?
What's the difference between Firefox and it's forks like Nightly?
So used to Google Instant that its removal is really jarring
Graphics overheat
ISP Comparison Thread
Play video with web browser
Why do car displays still have pajeet tier graphics for nav systems...
Sticker thread
Be proud of my Moto Z
/spg/ - Smartphone General
"What's that? It's complete? A hardware backdoor in every computer? Every processor? Even Linux is compromised...
Last screenfetch / neofetch thread disappeared. New thread, please post yours
Dubs names my wifi network
2 SSD M.2 NAND slots
Hey C faggots. What meme is this? Why do i have to tell my code TO NOT CRASH. Fuck C
Sir, I'm going to need you to unlock your phone and laptop
This got to be the greatest scam ever
Cat hair in computer
We post our used programming languages. People try and guess our reason for programming/job. Go
Repeat after me:
Serious question
What IDE does Sup Forums use?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Modern OpenGL, 2D
How much compute horsepower / bandwidth would be needed to run Sup Forums?
Just curious if anybody felt like trying
4.3GHz on all six cores right out of the box
/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I hate programming
Obscure Operating Systems
Who is smarter, /dpt/ or /wdg/?
Does anyone use any of these forked Firefox browsers?
Desktop Environment
F-Droid General
The FizzBuzz test
Gaymers BTFO
What the FUCK is this shit? What is this shitty operating system?
So now that Vega is officially as disappointing as everyone knew it would be...
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think SSDs are a meme
Github has a major service disruption. What is it this time lads?
Nano is back
22 year old autist
New AMD Radeon software will have on screen display with FPS and other stats
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
His operating system doesnt use NTFS for its filesystem
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
At what age did you grow out of using an adblocker and realise that blocking advertisements is effectively stealing...
No. It's like saying the bristles on a paintbrush are an artform
Lets talk about bad Linux design choices and what Microsoft got better
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Office/gaming chair
I'm going to travel to another country where I'll be moving around for a couple years...
Radio autism general
/bst/ - Battlestations
Do you still apply the stickers that come with your cpu/gpu to your case?
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Facebook shuts down ai because it defied orders
If operating systems were fast food places, what would they be?
Western Digital housefire hard drives
Why does AMD stuck fluctuate so much
“Bottom line: If you truly care about great photography, you own an iPhone...
Startup culture is the cancer killing tech. Just a bunch of normalfags trying to cash in on "le nerdy tech world xD"
July 31st, 2017
Mfw just put S. Retriever and the sound is super clear now
I'm looking for a laptop to take to grad school
It's over Nvidia is finished?
Why is MacOS so comfy?
Could rap make better students and engage them more?
I have vital information that could lead to Hillary Rodham Clinton being indicted and arrested...
What happened with the rebranding effort?
ITT we write code one line at a time in C
Opinions on "Elementary OS?"
Postfix or prefix increment?
AMD does it again, releases a new arch with disabled features
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
The #1 cybersecurity expert of Australia
What is better?
Are there any Sup Forums approved Discord server?
Half my add-ons won't be able to work in a few months. What can be done?
/sfg/ *fetch general
Sup Forums humour thread
What are the actual differences between Linux distros, besides desktop environments...
ONE threadshitter is 40% faster than TWO intel xeon chips
Is this objectively the worst programming language ever made?
I stopped using IE in 2001 or 2, then moved to opera, then in 2003-5 to firefox and in 2009-10 or so to chrome
Destroys the 1080 in minimum fps stats
Something you coded that you are most proud of?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
So i'm attending a coding bootcamp this month, it's a 4 month program...
Not impressed. Why buy a card with double power draw for similar performance at the same price?
Intel x299 vs amd x399
1000 Watt power supply required
Doom Benchmarks on Vega 64
How does it feel knowing that there will be tons of normies, autists...
I was browsing craigslist and i saw this offer. should i take it?
Why is it that only niggers and Indians use AMD products?
Freetards shit all over Sup Forums with their MUH OPEN SORES INSTALL LOONIX bullshit and refuse to partake in anything...
Gore thread
How do I set up my own imageboard?
Why do most "tech" people look like hobos?
Using a 13" laptop in 2017
What do you do on your workstations
Are there any decently priced printers out there that don't gouge you on new cartridges?
Chair general
What programming language should I start off with? I want to program applications for mobile devices and websites...
Safe Linux and *BSD
This is what a linustechtips video looks like after hundred of thousands on camera/video/lighting/editing equipment +...
Speccy thread
These new Recaptchas are getting more annoying
Sup Forums how do you feel about Ham radio operating? For some reason it appeals to me...
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1900X 8-core CPU for 549 USD
Look up how to fix problem
Put on movie
RX Vega reference confirmed slower than Vega FE
ITT: Tiny autistic things that spice up your tech life
I'm thinking of moving to The Bay Area™ for job opportunities...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
The current state of Linux gaming
Women In Tech
Some mexinigger just plugged in his phone to my laptop and walked away. What can I do to fuck up his phone? (i.e...
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - The Final Countdown
Sup Forums will defend this
So Sup Forums I recently got a job and I'm looking to get a new phone, I have 600-900 to spend what one should I get
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Where were you when chinkshit dominated the ultrabook market
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread
How come consoles are much cheaper price / performance this generation when they were never really last generation?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/TOSG/ - TempleOS General
Serious question: Why do people pirate something as critical as an OS? Even if you're a poorfag...
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Good side project ideas for Rust?
/mpv/ - The Open Source and Cross Platform Video Player
Hey Sup Forums
Screenfetch Thread
What's your dream phone Sup Forums ?
Do you use surge protectors?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How do I make self-balancing robots?
Thanks CIA Niqqas
Gamers are ruining the PC market
Why even get iOS at this point when Android does everything?
What is the most meme language?
Slower than a $400 GTX1080 that was released 1.5 years ago
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
How do freetards justify using non-free sites and even Sup Forums? Lots of sites have non-free elements...
So Linus Shill Tips hosted his own event, 'LTX 2017'...
Is it even worth owning a TV anymore?
The 2DS XL has the cameras on the bottom of the handheld
'A Keurig, but for food'
My posture is fucked
Why is there so much hate on Richard Tanenbaum? Is it because of his sexual orientation?
Dual booting Linux and Windows 10
How does Sup Forums organize its files?
A solid laptop
The best programming environment
3400 battery cycles on macbook pro
What's the programming language equivalent to this movie?
M.2 SSD's
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why do people hate linux so much? I legitimately don't understand the hate. Just don't use it if you don't like it...
Neofetch thread? Post screenshots/neofetch?
Ask your stupid questions ITT
So before you autists go
What are some essential Sublime plugins?
Be me
/wt/ watch thread
Desks are technology
Why does Sup Forums hate go?
Why haven't you become a chad or stacy, Sup Forums...
What OS does he use?
Hello Sup Forums
When will the "simple" meme end?
Daily programming challenge
The wires on these fuckers make my face itchy...
Yfw recent progress in AI research
The state of applel
Being older than 21
/pcbg/ PC Building General - gtx 760 edition
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
What's a good alternative to a Surface Pro? I like all the features, but FUCK Windows 10
Is arch really the best?
Why does Sup Forums dislike Python?
Just finished a gaming sesh. Time for a speccy thread boyz
ITT: redflags that instantly mark software as garbage
How do I make a GUI on Windows
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Dear Sup Forums
AdblockPlus won
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Can we get a mice thread going. my g9x is dying on me and i'd appreciate some insight on good replacement options
Why you still don't use default Windows Notepad??
500€ 5 year old refurbished PC
Automate your life
Gopher (and other alternative net protocols)
How much music do you have in your pc?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
IPhone or Android?
/hsg/ home server general
From gamers to gamers
You have 10 seconds to explain to me why you aren't using Windows 98
Alright guys, I finally need a new monitor and decided to go ultrawide
Which phones age worse, Android or iOS?
Vega $499 for air cooled, $599 for liquid cooked version
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Retarded technology terms
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread
/sfg/ *fetch general
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How can Intel ever recover?
Why did mods delete the Snowden thread? If you are going to start moderating this board...
20 years ago DVDs are first put on the market
What addons have you installed on your browser?
What's wrong with W10 E LTSB? Apart from not supporting Visual Studio for some reason
Huge butthurt over Linus exclusive
How long until Apple starts to finally catch up with Android again?
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Apple has done much for privacy and security
Can we discuss retarded tech?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Which adblock do you use Sup Forums?
Update to 17.04
There is no better depiction of technology on television or in film than this series
Why dont you own the Sup Forums703?
W-wwait, japan gets an actual cute anime girl on their windows 10 discs? i-its not fair!! microsoft BAKA ;˘;
Do not use ProtonMail
Is FreeBSD/OpenBSD more secure than Linux?
How do you pronounce "Sup Forums"?
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General: OPs Back Edition
Why the hate on reddt?
What's actually wrong with iPhones?
Need a new gpu
Worth it freetards?
How do I program something this fucking small without java it's impossible. What language do I use?
RX Vega listed for sale in online Norwegian retail outlet
/sbc/ - Raspeberry Pi
Post ur homescreens
There is no user friendly *BSD, right?
Who /archivist/ here?
He isn't using a windows 10 theme
Sudo apt update
Should we all be using zsh or fish?
Do you think there is room in the market for a 3rd home desktop CPU manufacturer?
Will Mommy and Raja deliver tomorrow???
Redpill me on watercooling units like this
Wtf Sup Forums why didnt you tell me that this had a futures/promises library that doesn't require standard lib?
Set up favorite desktop enviroment, firefox, video drivers
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Stackexchange just went full autist
What os are you using and why Sup Forums?
/nrg/ Nyaa Replacement General
First time linux user, I am tired of windows 10 bullshit fucking my computer up. so xUbuntu or just Ubuntu...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Be girl
Post your firefox
Is AMD going to win in the end?
Hey Sup Forums
Japan is hiring programmers but you need to speak japanese
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Does the opposite of this exist?
/pcbg/ PC Building General - nvidiots btfo edition
If Moore's law is dead then does that mean we will never ever see 100000x performance gains again?
Which Linux distro is your favorite and what separates it from the other distros?
Tech shit that's been getting popular and you like thread
The RAM in my PC build is the most expensive part, even more expensive than the CPU and GPU
Internet Speed Test
What is the most difficult concept in all of computer science? I want to master it
I've switched from chrome to brave a day ago. It's actually good and not a piece of shit...
Do you know how to solder processors Sup Forums?
How do we fix technology? how do we remove normies, leftists and apple fags?
A novice here asking a question. Skip the following paragraph if not interested in irrelevant backstory
Why do windows 10 users always get so triggered by linuxposters?
The state of applel
No desktop / screenfetch / neofetch thread. Please post what you have
C was designed in the 1960s, when colonialism was still rampant, and that is reflected in the language design...
Thoughts on my new thinkpad
AMA Linus Sebastian
Is there any technology that can make me taller? OR at least look taller?
Daily reminder that Linux is a joke OS
How accurate is this meme? Is it really that much of a joke? I know people who have said it, is it even possible?
T420 in 2017 - 2018
Is Ryzen meme over yet? Can we all agree that only Intel i9 is the official Sup Forums CPU?
Sex robot more popular at brothel than REAL prostitutes
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Holy shit guys i just invented something incredible!
Fix it
Does anyone else feel like technology is degrading the quality of children as we progress more?
Since Sup Forums love LEDs
Speccy thread, post them and rate them
Server OS
Tfw finally closed my gmail account and deleted windows 10
What's the best phone for music?
/apg/ - Apple General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Someone told me that Tixati is better than QB, is it true? Why?
Shaving technology
Find a flaw
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I dunno why, but 1070's are popping up on ebay for dirt cheap, saw one yesterday for 50 dollars
Everyone here is using this, right?
How do i install/activate it in 2016+1?
Voltra Beta
What makes a linux distro a "good" or "stable" server distro...
Why these thing exist?
Is this piece of shit ever going to die?
What's your internet connection speed?
Go worship thread
What's the oldest piece of hardware you've got in your otherwise rather new desktop?
What happens when Windows 7 and 8 reach EOL?
Every programming language is viable in the situations they were built in
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think SSDs are a meme
So it seems that most people that have a little extra money or care about image quality, buy IPS panel monitors...
What was the last time you browsed Sup Forums without reaching at least 30% annoyance...
Ryzen Meme
New Computer Build after 6 years
AMD won't be livestreaming RX Vega unveil event KEK
D vs Rust
Album torrent is the .cue file and one or two flac files instead of being split into multiple tracks
Whats the best free email client?
Mfw someone commits code that uses spaces instead of tabs
I have tremors in my hands, is there anyway to avoid shaky photos on android and iphone...
ITT: We weigh the pros and cons of a floating setup
Is it real? will we be able to get robuttcars?
Sup Forums I'd like to hold a monitor census
No sticker thread? Sticker thread
/hgc/ - Handheld Gaming Console
/mpv/ - The Open Source and Cross Platform Video Player
How botneted are your stupidphone
Can I build a gaming pc under $500 with Ryzen 3?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Firefox Filepicker
Pentium G4560 is 4 times faster than Ryzen 7 1800X
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
It's over AMD's margins are finished
Best OS for crappy notebooks?
Adults on Sup Forums with actual jobs
How should I install Gentoo?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
When will hdds finally start to drop in price? theyre going up wtf?
Just a reminder that Terry actually took TempleOS down for a few days...
Prove to me that piracy isn't communism
The med school ill be attending uses examsoft, and from what I've seen its not very stable on windows
ITT: Software where the proprietary version obliterates FOSS equivalents
Are you excited about internet of things?
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - One More Day
Cars keys are technology
What's the point of releasing a shitty GPU that runs hot like fiyah and doesn't even exceed a 1...
Why create something that you know will only facilitate pedophilia?
What is the iteration algorithm?
Games optimization
Why do my expensive "gaming" mice tend to break every 2 or 3 years at least (double clicking when I only clicked once...
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General: Edward Snowden Edition
Mozilla Appreciation Thread
How do you fight heat, Sup Forums ?
Bye Linux, it was nice until you got infected with AIDS. My tribute to the end of an era
Facebook is dying
I was in an Apple Store recently and noticed that the iMac display seemed so crisp and aesthetic and high quality
Upgrading to Mac
Fuck's your Xiaomi?
Why the anti-Indian sentiment?
Intel Core-X series, full specs revealed
Technolo/g/ical life hacks/pro tips
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Why are all of these young kids wanting graphical programming languages with the mouse instead of text with the...
Ryzenfags pls help
Post best tech youtubers
Sign up to be among the first to have their consciousnesses transferred to a machine and live forever
Okay Sup Forums, I was wondering about something you might be helpful in this type of situation...
I made qtchan to replace my web browser experience for Sup Forums; is anyone interested?
Will windows ever seriously compete with Mac?
VPNs. Which VPN providers are not botnet, Sup Forums?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Tfw your wpm slowly approaches your iq
Buy macbook air
Has your operating system ever attempted to hypnotise you, Sup Forums?
Forth is a great programming language you should give it a try
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Would you get one if you were offered one?
So I've searched through Google and it seems like the only thing I can find are people having the opposite problem I am...
Gui for arch
Windows 10 LTSB
Cybersecurity Humble Bundle
Imposter Syndrome
If the richest 'computer guy''s wife is a 2/10 what's the chance for me getting a non-uggo gf?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How the fuck is this legal? Wtf
Automatically blocks ads and trackers
Moot's learning Python!
If you could delete a programming language from existence, which one would it be?
Tesla Model 3 reveal event
Why is the captcha so interested in helicopters?
Nvidia vs AMD
Snapdragon 835
What the fuck, how do you learn more than two or three programming languages man? Don't you confuse the syntax?
Do you create an email for each service?
Anyone have an 8k h265 video file? it can be any length or be about anything. Shit's impossible to find
Who was in the wrong?
Is go worth learning?
Hey Sup Forums what's your game engine of choice...
Go is a good programming lan-
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I'm new to Linux - decided to get Manjaro but I can't decide on a desktop...
A+. N+ cert crap
Should I buy the Ryzen meme to upgrade from my i7 2600k or hold on until next year and see if Intel will pull its head...
I haven't really used Firefox since FF4. Is it good again?
There will never be an OS this good again
Women in tech
How fast is your internet Sup Forums?
How do I pirate Windows 10 "Metro" apps
Muh Ruby
Do you think in our lifetime we'll be able to send smells to each other? Like via cell phone...
There is literally no reason to use Linux. Heck...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Who else wants to watch Linus be skinned alive?
Be me
Is there any serious reason to use BSD over Linux?
/wt/ - watch thread
ITT: must have software
How overpriced is this thing going to be?
There are "programmers" on Sup Forums who don't know category theory or lambda calculus
I have a AYMD 280x and it shits the bed with memegrounds, should i increase these sliders for some more FPS or not?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sudden influx of android shills
With all this BSD talk happening on Sup Forums the past few days, I'm curious, what companies use *BSD...
/pcbg/ PC Building General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
CRT Replacement
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
I want to curb stomp him
AMD Radeon RX Vega 8 GB HBM2
His main machine is a laptop
How to install AMD X399 CPU
Any good websites for downloading mp3s that wont fuck with my computer?
Have GTX1080
Mom gifted me this botnet for my birthday
How do you kill your entire new like of cpu's?
WiFi adapter
I did it
Sup Forums I just bought a 2017 MacBook Pro non touchbar with the base processor, 16GB RAM, and a 256GB SSD
Don't mind me, just pirating this software
This person is responsible for the most important process in your computer and the most important piece of code after...
Putting movies on an ipad
Whats the browser with the absolute lowest RAM usage?
What did they mean by this?
Let's put a botnet in you're sink
What android music player to use?
What is your excuse?
Time travel scenario
I3 from 2013
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Just hanging out with my Silicon Valley start-up coworkers
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...