Github has a major service disruption. What is it this time lads?

Github has a major service disruption. What is it this time lads?

diversity hires

>>Sup Forums

someone got triggered


Newsflash: The vast majority of people on this planet considers hiring based on made up Twitter opression points retarded.

That's what happens when you hire based on sexuality,. color of the skin and not meritocracy.
You end up with a company full of retarded monkeys who can't get the job done and it pushes out of the company people with skill... because their skill is not appreciated and rewarded.

Hope Github burns to the ground. Fuck that shit site.

>he hosts his shit on SjwHub


>That's what happens

An hour of downtime? Don't you think you're being a little dramatic?

Its just the start of their death, they are going to recover, but its going to get worse
when people and companies are going to learn?, its fuckign always, SJW gets near and projects die, is that hard to learn? or they are forced?


I was just thinking similar thoughts after seeing their 404 page today

it seems to convey angry gay unicorns? kind of a weird thing to go out of the way to convey in an especially aggressive manner.

I preferred the cool tattooine landscape... much more neutral ironically

>I preferred the cool tattooine landscape... much more neutral ironically
You're thinking of the 404 page, it's still there

Been using it all day and didnt notice

Good thing I've mirrored all my repos on my server (not a cuck), where I can eggplant emoji all I want :)
Also this


Please stop being racist and sexist

It still blows my mind that there are people this stupid

Thanks for finding the actual proof user.
These people will be the downfall of America.

I like how they use the word toxic in every sentence and when you open their Twitter profiles they're constantly fighting with other users

what happened in America that suddenly people like this appeared from nowhere? they are surreal stupid and entire companies gives them attention, what the fuck

They're getting 10 requests a second more than normal and Rails can't handle it. Same thing it is every time.

>from nowhere
they "graduated" from college and were released into the real world.

> Ruby web "developer"
> Ruby web "developer"
> Ruby web "developer"

Every single time.

>what happened in America that suddenly people like this appeared from nowhere? they are surreal stupid and entire companies gives them attention, what the fuck
Have you looked at demographics? America's a dead man walking. Give it another 20 years and America's gonna fall apart. It's the next African/Mexican shithole.

>letting your intellectual property sit on other peoples computers.
People with money to make don't really do this, do they?

This, rails users ruined the ruby community.
