>be proud of my Moto Z
>mom asks me to fix something from her old Galaxy S4
>notice something weird in her screen
>compare both phones
>the S4 screen is gorgeous and mine looks like a Chinese plastic crap
Be proud of my Moto Z
let me guess, you made your purchase decision based solely on spec sheets and didn't bother to go into a store and actually hold and play with the phones, right?
but Sup Forums told me user experience doesn't matter! Sup Forums berated me until I conformed to their opinion!
>not getting the OPO
>not buying the only actual flagship killer for a killer price
Feels gud, glad I bought into it before it became a meme and oneplus turned into chink jews.
>mfw will never see a phone like that ever again
>bought Zenfone 2 meme with 720p screen
>When it died, bought a g5 plus with 4gb RAM and a 1080p screen
>Realized Sup Forums memes are cancer when I cached all of Nova launcher, ran every app I had, then ran YouTube and Facebook (only because it's a RAM hog, deleted immediately) on nougats multitask thing and still couldn't slow the g5 down
King of budget phones indeed.
Does it actually matter? I go between my LG G3 and Galaxy S3 because the S3 has a huge aftermarket battery. When I switch to the G3, the screen looks mind blowingly good but when I'm done being impressed I stop noticing. Then when I use the S3, it looks like garbage but I get used to it and stop noticing.
>spending more than 5min/day on your phone
So the g5 plus is too fast 4 u?
God no. For $250 I can't justify any other phone. Although the battery could be a 4000mAh ideally.
User experience is 60% firmware 30% specs and 10% marketing memes like "glorious amoled display".
>Sup Forums told me user experience doesn't matter
This is literally the opposite of anything anyone on Sup Forums would say
>delusional Android fanboy
User experience is mostly software.
So, pretty much what I said?
Yes, pretty much, but not exactly since all firmware is software, but not all software is firmware.
>ran YouTube and Facebook (only because it's a RAM hog, deleted immediately)
what kind of insecure, giant fag needs to say this?
I bought the moto z for the battery life but never cared about the screen quality at all until now. I want to end myself desu
> tfw buy axon 7
> mom has a moto g5 and dad has a one plus 3t
> gf has an iPhone 6s
> every sub 1440p screen I look at looks horrible
> went on a 9 day vacation
> now my 1080p computer screen looks like shit
>dad has a op3t
Is he a virgin?
Get out normie reeeee
I'm so sorry user. Please don't autist out all over me.
My dad got the phone for work. What's wrong with having a gf?
> then ran YouTube and Facebook (only because it's a RAM hog, deleted immediately)
gotta take care of that Sup Forums street credit!
does she have a penis?
I got a motor z play and my screens fine.
Go in to you setting and make Shure your display settings are set right.
A feminine one
I'm sure he's talking about the crispness, clarity, and HDness of the S4's screen
the S4 and S3's screen look light years apart when I compared the two
same thing with the S4 and S5
ooh even more so comparing anything to an S8
Compare it to a Galaxy S4 or more, not even shilling. I still hate Samsung for the bloat and touchjizz.
I have my text set to small and I can't see any pixels. So I don't see a problem.
I now there's a way to make the color more saturated in setting.
That's what I was thinking the issue was.
First smartphone so I'm new to this shit. Too new to this to help I guess.
>assuming the same software, the shift from a 240x360 px 2" display to a 5" full HD one is minimal
you have a nice phone
I'm jelly
The S4 screen was not even that good. Mumsy has the S7, now that's a beautiful screen.