What's actually wrong with iPhones?
What's actually wrong with iPhones?
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NEETs can't afford them
they are the choice phone of emotionally stable, functional people.
theyre too perfect.
As someone who owns both an iphone and an android, both have their advantages, but the iphone's main appeal to normies is that it's marketed well and they know how to use it. Android suffers from some really bad fragmentation even within the OS, a phone from google doesn't work the same way one from samsung does, meanwhile every IOS device works exactly the same. From a security standpoint IOS is much more safe than andorid as well, due to the way it handles sandboxing.
However, if you know anything about what you're doing and have any desire to customize your phone android is really the way to go, and it has the appeal of being (mostly) open source.
If I were to respond to your question directly, I'd say: overpriced, locked down, and apple practices planned obsolesce.
an android phone from 2012 might not run as nice as a new one, but if properly taken care of it'll run just as fast as it did the day you bought it. Then there's hardware things like SD cards and removable batteries to consider. iPhones are just like any other apple product, they're marketed well, they work fine with little fuss, but they're the most casual product on the market. They are easy to use as intended, near impossible to use in another way though, and the way they're intended to use is all designed around draining your wallet even more. (you have to pay for ringtones on iPhone through itunes, whereas in android you just put mp3's in the ringtone folder, as well as slowing down old phones with new firmware and not allowing you to downgrade to force upgrades etc.) iPhone gives the appearance of elegance however, the whole "it just works" meme is more or less pretty true, it's just that it only works one specific way.
to summarize: both are good but iPhones are expensive, you can only do what apple says you can, and they are essentially a device designed to suck money out of you over a long period of time. They are the console of phones.
I was an Android cuck since smartphones became a thing. I scoffed at iPhone users like everyone else on Sup Forums.
I got a 7 to try on a huge discount because my S6's battery was all but dead. I will never look back. I fucking love iPhones.
Also having iMessage has literally gotten me laid.
It's just works.
Someone just needs to prove their superiority by troubleshooting and solving problems 90% of the time which they cannot do using Apple products, therefore they deem iPhones as "brainlet devices"
>you have to pay for ringtones on iPhone through itunes
Ehhh kinda outdated now, you still do, but you can upload it to your phone and set it as a ringtone.
Another itot gettin icucked, whewhh boyy, I am sorry your parents didn't love you enough as a child to teach you any better.
Only if you know what you're doing, you have to convert it to that file format first (aiff I think it is?) and most people who use iphones have no clue how to do that. It's much easier just to use itune's included feature to clip your own mp3 and pay the 99 cents.
Nothing. It's the actual epitome of phone trchnology currently available
nothin, comfy as fuck..does what it needs to, prefer my z3 though.
i too have both android and iphone, used a Z3 for years, recently had an iphone6 on the cheap, love them both, niggles like iphones putdate and you have to upgrade buy are a pain and the close all background apps isnt a feature like on android (that i know of anyways) but each have their pros and cons which i reckon kinda balance out (unless you ricin then its android all day) ...after being android for ever the iphone 6 was a good change, will it stop me having the latest phone on upgrade?? probably not, but thats from a bisness standpoint not a tech preference..get iphone7 (or 8 if its out) on upgrade, sell it for silly money get a second hand z4/5 and still hav chnge left over..oh, and an iphone 6 thats good for atleast one more ios update.
There's nothing wrong with iPhones, I just don't use them because Android's suit me better and I'd rather not spend $1000 on a phone.
I bought my 7 for $430 brand new. iPhones are only that expensive when they first come out. Why would you by a phone at launch anyway?
I live in Australia and tech is expensive as fuck here.
why buy them at all, free on contracts.
>Shit incomplete os (no file manager, no customizations, need to write all the person number to call him)
>shitty battery
>Shitty screen 720p in 2017??
>Shitty Glass that shatters from a one meter height
Until the fix these problems i am sticking with my Xperia XZ Premium
Literally no difference between 720p and 4k resolution on a 4.7 inch screen other than power consumption. The 8 is probably going 1080~ due to the new screen size though.
>It's much easier just to use itune's included feature to clip your own mp3 and pay the 99 cents
Since when did they start charging for this? Last time I did it it cost nothing.
>no headphone jack
>no hardware back button
if the iphone 7 had these I'd buy one
nothing at all well at least before removinf the headphone jack it was the reason i got an s8 plus over an iphone 7 plus
This. 1080p with around 300dpi is the holy grail. 4K on tiny screens is bloat. You will only need 4K if you are into those cardboard VR crap.
The phone is usually running @1080p but when open 4k content the screen resolution changes to 4k and there's a huge difference between 1080p and 4k.
Also 4k is a lot better with VR
>I've never used a 4k phone and The only screen I've used is a 720p iPhone screen and i know that 4k is a bloat
It's the same problem with all Apple products, once you buy them, your breath immediately starts smelling like cum.
My RN3's screen is good enough
my real issue is with how it can't Bluetooth with other phones that isn't Apple
>They are the console of phones.
>They are the console of phones.
Well said.
"Our way or the highway." Can't even share files over Bluetooth, a feature found on everything from $20 flip phones to $800 flagship Android phones.
The iPhone 5 is five years old and still running the latest OS with all the security advantages it brings. Lag or not, you can't expect that level of longevity in support for most Android OEMs.
huge ass bezels
low resolution display
small battery / poor battery life
gay closed garden app store allows no fun or shit like adblocking or customizing
no sd slots (not so much the storage but the convenience to store things if phone gets physically damaged, or popping the sdcard from your dashcam in to show someone footage quickly)
massive premium in cost for what amounts to subpar limiting hardware ($800 phones with 16gb storage)
can't use webms
and the biggest one, the BIGGEST one of all:
"no default apps". What you get on the phone is what you deal with. You use safari, you use imessage, you use whatever comes with it. Even if you can install another browser it will always default to safari go fuck yourself
>super overpriced
>no designated back button
>some downgrades compared to some other android phones (no wireless charging, lack of headphone jack on iphone7, obsolete display compared to galaxy)
>built around sucking up as much money from consumer as possible (ridiculously priced wireless headphones, needing extra dangles down the line to actually use headphones)
>no longer leader in innovation (iphone 6 to iphone 7 was basically almost a copy paste)
You can get that from chink OEMs, Xiaomi just announced MIUI9 is going to be released for all their phones including the original Redmi 1 (2013) in a couple months.
absolutely nothing. especially the SE.
there is adblocking for ios browsers
The SE was smaller than your dick. Basically a phone made for people with bitch size hands
I mean more global adblocking, as in every app's ads are blocked like MinMinGuard
That's because all browsers on the app store are just Safari skins.
>on contract
Pick one.
there is app adblocking as well
Cumskins who are born retarted prefer iphones.
Found the poorfag
I got my S8 for just $430 and 70 a month with over 3 gigs of data, so you can right fuck off saying contracts are for poorfags. I saved 400 dollars and got the phone before my friends.
>70 a month
>3 gigs a data
Unlimited plans cost that much...
you didn't save shit faggot you got raped anally and you're going to enjoy paying over $1680 + $430 to have your cellphone for 2 years.
I pay $38/mo for: unlimited long distance, unlimited calling, 4gb of data/mo, and my bill drops 1% per year on publicmobile (canada, biggest carrier).
Even if I dropped $1000 on an S8 I am spending less money than you. Contracts are for poor people doomed to be poor by stupid fucking decisions.
This user has it right.
Considering we're on Sup Forums, not Sup Forums or /lgbt/ iPhones get shat on because they don't suit Sup Forumstards
Gentoo is not installed.
who is this child frightener?
>bezels meme
Get a life
Back when I was an iPhone fag (4S), I had to look up a guide on how to do it... It wasn't exactly easy.
Aren't the phone's flash memory cheaply made, which results in them become very slow after years of usage, even when installing a custom rom?
Use f2fs
idk how it works where you live but here when you buy a phone over a contract the price of the dataplan is increased compared if you bought the phone seperately
so for example let's say you're on a 2 year data plan
$600 phone bought off contract
$50 a month data plan
= $1800 over 2 years
$300 phone bought on contract
$50 a month data plan + $20 for the phone
= $1980 over 2 years
I've never seen it ending up less expensive compared to buying off contract.
>Lag or not
disqualifed, You guys shit on android for slowing down. I've had several people upgrade from their iPhone 5 because of the lack of support. The FUCKING IDIOTS bought a 5s instead of an SE because it was cheaper.
>S6's battery was all but dead
Stepfather had this happened to him, he bought 6s and now raves about iOS being SO QUICK. This is the same guy that bought a 3K Elitebook that had 512GB nvme but everything else was just integrated graphics and hyperthreaded i7. He has a ton of cash but splurges in the wrong places, I feel this is the case with most iPhone users/poor people.
Unfortunately for you shills, there is literally nothing wrong with iPhones. What makes Apple so good in the eyes of their customers, is the simplicity and the efficiency of the services provided by their devices. Android has some strong points, only in the eyes of a teenager with time to waste. That's why ricing and customization are often quoted as the strong points of android, especially by neets and basement dwellers.
Additionnally, the very existence of malware apps within the official google play store should be enough proof of the nonexistence of security. Devices running android are'nt known for their reliability : Samsung (explosions), Wiko, LG (bootloops)... You'll have either to be a kid or a robot(neet, anime loving otakus...) to enjoy the lackuster android experience.
And as we all already know, these people (who represents 50% of android userbase, the other half being pajeets) are not worth your time. Their income (if they have any) is not sufficient enough to access the premium experience Apple can offer. This results in bitter criticism towards the firm, if they are'nt putting the blame on jews/migrants/corporations/their parents for their shitty lives.
I'm very proud to be part of the Apple experience, and I love to show it to everyone. My newly acquired iPhone 7 is a prime example of technology serving a fully grown man to achieve his goals in life.
I can't nice the ssl traffic
>Have SE
>Use 6+ res on it
>be 6'3"
>hands easily bigger than phone
nah man, 4" is comfy af
Your math is all wrong. If he's paying $70 a month for a data plan, only a portion of that payment is for the phone (usually 25-30 bucks per month) and the rest is for the plan..
So even 25 x 24 months = 600
+ his 430 down payment.
Comes out to 1030 over the period of 2 years..
>Comes out to 1030 over the period of 2 years..
Without including the data plan without a phone?
So he paid 1000 just for a phone compared to the 600 if he paid upfront?
I have a Windows phone
>Wow, this brand new top of the line device I got is so much better than that other one from years ago that was received poorly in the market! I will never go back!
Boy, aren't you the brightest bulb in the box.
Nothing, just that my one plus 5 is not only better but also has lesser marked up pricing.
And I guess if it matters, Android is closer to free software than iOS.
>le meme memexD
The iphone literally looks like something from 5 years ago next to current android phones.
just gimme a file explorer and I'm sold, senpai...
that's basically the only thing stoping me from going that way.
It looks a way better IRL.
Their fan base are just annoying asshole. There plenty of legitmate reasons to buy, such as your job needing you to buy a Iphone.
>They are the console of phones.
I've been saying this for years.
>6gb ram still have to deal with closing apps, restarting, random apps crashing, clearing cache.
>built exclusively for the google botnet no getting around this as fact
just admit the pluses in androids favor has dwindled to bullet points that just don't really matter anymore.
Really, that's your best?
Get a noose.
>Curved screen
Why? What a pointless fucking gimmick
I'm black and this offends me
They are unusable without JB and barely usable with it:
Locked bootloader + closed source OS - phones get obsolete when Apple decides.
No file system access - either from the phone or from the PC.
Transition animations block UI elements.
Slow as molasses(ifags are conditioned to call it "smooth").
The hardware itself is alright, except the FP sensor on front. But hardware determines, like, 20% of the experience nowadays.
>6gb ram still have to deal with closing apps, restarting, random apps crashing, clearing cache.
Sounds like iphones after a couple ios "updates" to give you that nice feeling of planned obsolescence, while android phones keep going strong and just as smooth as the day you bought them.
Actually if you update Android phones(especially by custom ROMs) they run BETTER than when you bought them.
>No mass storage
>No file manager
>no headphone jack(on iPhone 7 and up).
>no expandable storage
>No webm in safari
> forced iTunes synchronization, can't even pick a custom fucking ringtone without it.
That's about it. I don't even mind the price.
I've recently switched from an iPhone(3G to 5s) to Galaxy S7.
The only thing i miss is the iMessage and overall quality(Samsung is very close, though).
I don't see myself ever going back.
Bullshit. Android phones rarely get updates from the oem. Best example is my LG G4, piece of shit phone that annoys me every day, I am definetly considering switching to ios. It's super slow and it gets worse every day
OEM ROMs are always trash though. No reason to tolerate them when you can just slap on LOS or a similar ROM.
true, but I'm still in warranty and kinda don't want to void it for no reason
That's why you should buy OEMs who actually care, not from the Korean bootloop company
>That's why you should buy OEMs who actually care
So uh, Google? Possibly Nokia?
Name a non-google made phone currently running Android O.
They're pretty much our holy hope for now. Although Blackberry and Wileyfox are also supposedly good for updates, at least the security one.
On the other hand, phones with good community like the OnePlus will probably have a stable version of LineageOS with great support
Sony releases official AOSP for their flagships. Oneplus is slow at updating but at least they release kernel sources quickly.
So quickly in fact that TWRP for OP5 was available before the worldwide release of OP5.
Of course, the s6 is an old phone...
iPhones were pretty much useless up until the iPhone 7. I was an android fagboy for many years but when the iPhone 7 came out I tried it and I was impressed. It was a hugeee upgrade from the previous ones except for the fags complaining about the headphone jack.
(Its 2017, BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES).??????????
Name a single non-software feature that 7 has but 6 doesn't.
They're explosive laggy pieces of shit.
Only brainless gullible retards that fall for marketing buy them.
why are people ok with apple having a locked down device but not with google or microsoft?
rly makes me thing
iphones are still useless until ios 11 comes out
seriously no file manager should have been fixed years ago
it pretty much has the same shit but the iPhone 6 its much slower than the iphone 7 especially the 7Plus with 3 gb of Ram.
All I give a fuck about is speed and consistency
all the other shit that fags complain about its just little kid shit.
Holy shit, based Xiaomeme.
>All I give a fuck about is speed and consistency
too bad they still haven't fixed the notification problem