Law tech help

Sup Forums I may be getting some warrants served against me.
Particularity to get my iPhone and Computer
Is there anything I can do to protect myself
Do I have to give up my passwords

Other urls found in this thread:

You deserved it

Also, obviously get rid of both you fucking mongoloid. Burry them in the woods in waterproof containers or give them to your third side bitch.

Anything you do from now on will be considered tampering with evidence.

I was going to sell the computer on ebay
I believe the police report was filed today
how much time do i have
a police report hasn't been filed yet soo

Delete iCloud account and physically destroy iPhone.

Implement FDE on computer - assuming contempt of court is not as bad as whatever you are going to be charged with.

DO I have to give up my passwords or what

is truecrypt any good>

Get rid of everything and hope they don't throw obstruction of Justice at you. Any texts, emails, or location data will still be found from your carrier. Not to mention your Apple cloud shit.

don't be retarded
shatter the platters of your drives
reinstall windows or whatever on a brand new drive
destroy your iphone and incinerate as much as you can

I just got a new phone so yeah and a new apple account

would it be better to reinstallwindows or encrypting with true crypt

you can't keep that fucking drive, user
you have to kill it, or forensics will fucking rape you

fuck man...


Would ccleaner clearing all advanced windows stuff help any how.
If i do that and encrypt drives

>a police report hasn't been filed yet soo
Do you know in any official capacity that a police report is inevitable? If you know that it will be requested, you may still get in trouble for spoliation of evidence.

no im not sure i was hoping it wouldnt be
tfw turned in by family memeber

>post weebshit
>dont know about tech removal techniques
>is a pedo most likey due to weebshit
You deserve every charges against you and i will cap your post and post it to the fbi tips section

dban usb

an informational vid for oh pee. must've something fucked up for a family member to turn you in.

> I may be getting some warrants served against me.
Well, if you have a heads up best option is to sanitize your devices

>Particularity to get my iPhone and Computer
Once again, sanitize devices. overwrite entire disks with zeros.

>Is there anything I can do to protect myself
sanitize devices

>Do I have to give up my passwords
Constitutionally and legally no, they have no power to compel you to give these up.

But in our modern day they will lock you up until you hand them over. Some police officer on the east coast has been in jail 16 months without charges ever being filed because he wont decrypt his device

Z270F board user how the fuck do i set a boot up bios password. i looked around through the options and have foundnothing to do with passwords for my windows drive

I don't know much about iPhones but I suspect you're screwed there.

If you're really worried about your HDD then you could boot up a GNU/Linux distribution and overwrite the entire drive a few times with something like

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=4k

There are plenty of forensic tools that can recover files on a harddrive that's simply been formatted so that's not an option. These will look at the raw blocks and look for file-headers for the file-types they are interested in. This won't work if the entire drive has been overwritten.

dont bother with encryption or passwords, seriously.

live boot Linux and sanitize the drive.
sudo dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda bs=1M status=progress

Assuming your hard drive is /dev/sda (you would have to check drive designations after booting into linux) this will overwrite your entire disk with random data. It may take awhile, but it will sanitize your disk.

Oh, and when your done: install gentoo.

>underage anime girl post
>police want a look at my digital storage

Checks out. May I ask how you got caught?

dont use /dev/urandom this will take FOREVER to generate enough entropy for all the random characters needed for an entire disk sanitation. user just needs to overwrite bits, not generate cryptographically secure key pairs

dont bother with passwords if you think its comming

They will jail you indefinitely if you refuse to encrypt your device and they are sure something is on it.

just sanitize and re install a fresh OS

what if OP just bleachbit the pc, throw iphone and hard drive in the microwave, nuke both. then take a hammer to both of them and smash them both as good as humanly possible. Doublebag them in a trashbag and throw them out.

Sup Forums doesn't has a consesus in how to hide critical data under pressure

Sup Forums I'm disapoint

If hard disk: Get dban on a USB stick.
If SSD, dban WILL NOT work. Find the manufacturer's safe erasure software and hope it does what it claims to do

Physically destroy it. Make sure to destroy the flash chips. Dispose of the pieces. Your shit may be in the cloud

Passwords dont work well against law. Sure they cant crack it but they can break you or increase penalties.

>bleachbit the PC
ahh, the good ol' Hillary Clinton maneuver. Worked on her server, should work for user

> throw iphone and hard drive in the microwave, nuke both. then take a hammer to both of them and smash them both as good as humanly possible. Doublebag them in a trashbag and throw them out.
This is more mr. robot-ish. I would suggest to instead remove the hard drives and flash memory chips and take a drill to them.

But to OP,

Just come clean. Your here on Sup Forums asking how to cover up whatever the hell it is you did.

Just come clean, your looking guilty as fuck already panicking about what you should do

blowtorch --> hdd
get new hdd
set bios pw (use something funny)
install windawz
get some ransomware
never turn on pc again
hope it spreads when thet confiscate your pc

delete appel acc
blowtorch --> iphone
get new phone with new email

Either install linux, like fedora or debian and make sure the disk is encrypted. Or nuke the drive, like take it out, smash the platters, and burn the remains. Any relatively secure iphone is good, though just don't use a fingerprint scanner. In the us you are protected with 5th amendment rights for your password, but for windows or anything unencrypted they don't have to even ask.

You're commiting a felony by doing that in your case you stupid fuck. Just come clean, don't make things worse than they already are.

>criminal scum blarg blarg blarg

you are a bunch of script kiddos

[spoiler]I'm not a criminal btw, I was just surprised nobody could help OP

> In the us you are protected with 5th amendment rights for your password
You literally are not tho.

A man has already been jailed for 18 months for refusing to give up his passwords by pleading the 5th.

He has not been charged with a crime and he is being held in contempt.

They will jail you indefinitely until you give up your passwords

He's most likely going to get locked up longer for tampering with evidence you dumb fuck. The DA takes that shit very seriously because it could be hiding bigger heinous crimes that OP may not even get charged with.

Don't use literally like that pls.

All these /dev/((u))randoms

openssl enc -aes-128-ctr -pass pass:"$(dd if=/dev/random bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64)" -nosalt /dev/sda

That is significantly faster.

If it's anything serious destroy them and throw away, you don't wanna be indefinitely imprisoned for not turning over your keys. You could also hide them or dig them down if you wanna keep them.


never thought about that. interesting.

Watch this.

And I am reporting this thread to Interpol.

50MiB/s vs 800MiB/s on a single intel core with AES-NI.

The clock is ticking user.


How about not being a pedophile?