So now that bandcamp has been confirmed for absolute shit beyond a doubt, where do you get your music? Just as SJWFox was dropped by all sane people recently, now what do we do with the digital music distribution scene?
>bandcamp has been confirmed for absolute shit >SJW >dropped by all sane people lol, stay mad Sup Forums
Parker Rogers
>Current year >Downloading music
Everyone streams now, grandpa
Colton Collins
If you don't already know the answer to this you need to gtfo
William Howard
Connor Stewart
man why do people even care
Bentley Morgan
these are the same people who bitch about safespaces and trigger warnings hypocritical retards
Aaron Ramirez
I just use private trackers and buy CDs for things that i can't find on private trackers.
I'd use spotify but it has fucking nothing.
Logan Johnson
Lol trans rights.
Charles Myers
what's wrong with supporting trannies?
Ryan Sanders
Grayson Diaz
I buy the CD and rip it then compress with FLAC like a normal person.
Carter Hughes
>CD >96khz or gtfo
Camden Baker
You can stream from bandcamp if you insist on being a cuck
Robert Richardson
1) 2) Bandcamp was always shit 3) Soundcloud
Juan Martinez
how do i treelike tab on opera?
Ayden Evans
What rights do transgender people not already have?
Jason Green
>SJWFox was dropped by all sane people recently souce?
well i suppose they need support like the all the other mentally ill people
Eli Parker
Forced acceptance. Same as blacks.
Cooper Robinson
Transgender is not a human
James Flores
In all reality though It takes no effort to run something like bandcamp so what else could they do beside sucking tranny dick It's the only real alternative to itunes
Chase Richardson
There is no proof for that, but it was the last straw for me and others in the thread. I put up with their other dumb bullshit, even firing their CEO because >muh freedoms and not chrome
Then pic related happened
Samuel Perry
ever heard of TPB? Private trackers?
Isaiah Johnson
I think it's worth it to just pay for apple music or google play music
Leo Jackson
>not supporting the artist
Alexander Gray
it's almost as if you don't like fapping to traps. i mean what's wrong with a feminine cock?
William Gonzalez
>streaming music
lol pleb
Chase Walker
>not wanting to give money to an organization that supports the destruction of western civilization is the same as not wanting to hear other people's opinions
Wew lad
Anthony Lopez
>western civilization is going to be destroyed by mentally ill people who mutilate their genitals and not by out of control bankers printing fiat currency out the fucking wazoo
Xavier Price
Jesus fucking Christ
If you don't want someone with renal failure or slight scoliosis or one leg shorter than the other or whatever other minute detail disqualifies you in the military it doesn't mean you hate them or are 'taking away their rights'.
Fucking insanity. I want AI genocide today.
Aiden Gutierrez
In support of trans rights.
When have these people ever talked about responsibilities? Not once. Not fucking once. It's all about rights. I want my rights to do this. I want my rights to stop other people from doing their job properly. I want my rights so I can feel comfortable. I want my rights so people use a proper pronoun. Nothing about responsibilities. Produce something of value and be strong instead of feeling like a victim at every single second of your miserable lives or perish the thought of having all these rights. You already have more than enough rights to become decent human beings.
Wyatt Taylor
True, but it's a part of the problem. It's how it's done. You give them an inch, and they take a mile, in inches. It's only mentally ill trannies, it's only LGB, it's only LGBT. Did you know we're up to LGBTQ2+ or something similar now? Eventually we'll have the whole alphabet. The (((elite))) are destroying the west economically for example, but don't forget about culturally, which this is an example of. Keeping pol in pol, whatever. The point is we shouldn't support this in the slightest.
Ryan Gonzalez
>fell for the 96khz meme
Samuel Sullivan
What, are you going to stop using Debian too because they drank the whole bottle of Koolaid in less than 10 seconds?
Wait, Debian is shit. Nevermind.
Bentley Sanders
>he can't hear ultrasonic frequencies over twice the range of human hearing at sound pressure levels almost enough to kill
Ian Cooper
It's both ya dingus. And more. All of such problems come from the same source
Nolan Watson
exactly. we can only hear up to 20 khz at birth, by our mid 20s, most people can only hear up to 16-17 khz, with that range declining as we get older.
24 bit/48 khz is more than enough for audio. i can understand when movies go for higher specs but by the time it reaches home video, it's in some lossy format so it doesn't matter after all.
Isaiah Fisher
>True, but it's a part of the problem No, it isn't. Fiat bankers don't give a flying fuck about trannies and will ruin civilization infinitely faster. You care about the most superficial things, things that offend you on a banal moral level, rather than things that are actually fundamental to the working of western civilization. Mentally ill people getting surgery to modify their bodies isn't going to slippery slope into the destruction of western civilization. They are not "part of the problem", because they aren't a problem. They don't prevent society from functioning properly, even if they all went to the doctor tomorrow and got their dicks chopped off. Remember this when you're in the bread line. Or don't, I'll be standing right behind you in line and I'll remind you of your idiocy in mistaking such trivialities for what is essential.
Brody Butler
>It's only mentally ill trannies The DSM-5 states that being transgender is not a mental illness so your statement is incorrect.
Joshua Foster
For playback 16 bits really is enough. Even dynamic classical music goes down to -60 dbfs, while redbook allows -96. With proper dither it can go much lower.
48khz I might agree on, so it doesn't brickwall as hard and gives a smoother fadeout. I probably can't hear it anyways.
Isaac Lewis
I'll just keep using Bandcamp, I don't give a shit about your crusade thank you very much.
James Thompson
> where do you get your music? Rutracker. I mean, yes, it's not what.CD or something like that, but there's still plenty of music.
Jose Cook
They are the ones pushing this shit to divide and weaken the society so they remain in control you retard.
Michael Roberts
>culture is trivial and superficial pic related. They are both problems. Race, culture and social policies matter as much as 'economic' or 'government' things.
It seems a leftist society and government is bad, but a leftist society and centre/right government is okay to you.
Elijah Hill
Can't wait for the Chinks to become world leader
Henry Watson
wtf I love trannies now
Jordan Lewis
>Race, culture and social policies matter as much as 'economic' or 'government' things. "Culture" is so nebulous that you can define it to mean anything. I could say you are destroying western culture by posting image macros.
Western bankers don't need to push anything except financial policies you fucking idiot. They didn't need transsexual rights to "divide and weaken the society" and cause the Nixon Shock.
Joseph Collins
Because it's written by people, and people have agendas. Believing you're something that you're not, to the extent of self harm (choosing to mutilate your reproductive organs), is a clear sign of mental illness.
Jaxson King
Not those faggots, but isn't it called gender dysphoria? And if it isn't an illness, why does it necessitate surgery and medicine (sexual reassignment surgery and hormones)?
Dylan Allen
>nebulous Yeah probably, it's too broad. But what isn't broad is your focus on only certain things. What is the point in having an independent Britain for example if it isn't British?
You might ask me next what does that even mean, but come on. If we went along with what you say things would still be just as shit, only difference is we might have smaller more efficient government, national independence etc. But we would still be flooded with foreigners and degenerates. You would look at that result as a job well done. Those bankers have been hung and crony capitalism is finished. Western civilization is saved and back on track.
Liam Long
Just because you disagree with something doesn't mean someone(s) is pushing an agenda. Your pushing opinion as fact.
>You can be trans and not want medicine / surgery True, just like you can have cancer and not want treatment. Wanting or not wanting some form of treatment isn't what determines if you are ill. From your link: >The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) provides for one overarching diagnosis of gender dysphoria It is a mental illness, these misguided retards in this thread just mislabeled it.
Ian Davis
Your still pushing opinion as fact. You must be Sargon of Akkad.
Kevin Robinson
I don't particularly have a problem with trannies but on a social level it becomes quite a bigger issue than you would expect. On one side you have big corporates adopting these ideologies so they can pretty much scam those who feel as though they are guilty of something because they have been in positions of perceived privilege.
Then you have everyone and his mother paying so some people can actually chop their dicks off. This isn't free. Their medication isn't either, and in the military it's rather inconvenient.
Another issue we have which is more important than you might think is the tendency of parents to educate their children into this. If we are careful about children not getting molested by their parents, I don't see why we're not careful about having their parents allow for this kind of surgery on them, as this can cause (and has) severe irreparable damages of a very similar nature.
If all you can care about is bankers, there are many things that can be taken from you without stopping you from stopping said bankers because, well, these are apparently inconsequential. Like having a family for instance.
Christian Sanders
>Your still pushing opinion as fact. So instead of refuting what your own link has stated, you insist upon spouting memes?
Alexander Foster
when will you fucking leftists get the fuck off this site? goddamn i wish the old days were back
Elijah Hill
right wing idiots like you are a diamond dozen and a waste of time
Wyatt Green
Then why would you bother posting in the first place? Did you hope to change someone's mind without any effort?
I don't have any problem with mentally ill people getting treatment for their ailment, but I just want to be clear that people who are receiving such grotesque surgeries actually are ill and in need of them.
Nolan Nelson
>They are mentally ill >40% of them try to Kys >Tax drain if they want to 'change sex' >nvm, they dont really work nevertheless >naggers
Andrew Sanders
dont forget the part where they have to stick something up their gaping fake vagina wound to keep it from closing up.
Gabriel Long
>I don't have any problem with mentally ill people getting treatment for their ailment I agree. The problem is that the help trannies need is not even close to the same thing as the "help" they want or demand. They need to learn to accept themselves as they are, not take drugs or undergo surgery to reinforce their delusions.
James Martinez
>They need to learn to accept themselves as they are, not take drugs or undergo surgery to reinforce their delusions. naw fuck em
Xavier Davis
is why civilization will fall people who are insane will be given the wheel and incredibly sensitive positions potentially, insane people in power positions caused Rome to burn multiple times
Jeremiah Roberts
Nothing, but the help they're getting is to reinforce their delusions. They need help, not appeasement. If someone believes they can fly you don't stitch wings to their back since when reality hits it'll be on concrete.
William Baker
>people who are insane will be given the wheel Come on you fucking moron, be consistent at least. >hurr DA JOOS are going to rule over everyone! >hurr DA JOOS are going to let trannies rule over everyone! Pick one and only one, dipshit.
Ethan Butler
Why would I stop buying music from bandcamp because they are doing something with their own share of money? I'm sure most companies spend profits on garbage I don't care about.
I don't buy digital music from bandcamp anyway. I buy physical releases from artists I like that happen to only be releasing their music on bandcamp. Not going to stop doing that because the middleman is spending their money on whatever they want for 24 hours.
Nolan Lee
What the fuck are you even saying?
Joseph Ramirez
I'm saying be consistent with your naming of your big bad boogieman. Who is destroying society?
Austin Lewis
I'm not him but we both agree it's both. One just stems from the other, but it branches out much further.
But what are you arguing for? Is the way we are now okay? Are you arguing against government corruption or globalism or whatever like the other guy, but our society is A-OK? The guy who doesn't like crony bankers who really are ruining our civilization, but doesn't like when we call them out for who they really are?
Jaxson Green
There's a lot of projection going on there. Nobody said shit about Jews.
Justin Price
Ironically, globalisation is another form of 'colonisation' these people complain so much about.
Adam Reyes
Reminder that youtube-dl can rip bandcamp pages.
Ryan Sullivan
>muh rome
Wyatt Reed
>Implying you're not coming here with an agenda
Christian Fisher
At least you don't have the "Follow the artist on X" to download the "free" track on Bandcamp.
Luke Ramirez
Carter Rogers
This is not about that kind of traps I'm afraid...
Julian Rogers
>supporting SJW leftist (((artists)))
Jaxson Parker
The only race on this planet which truly tolerates transweenies are whites, and whites are dying out. Their fertility rates are in the dumpster (pic related) with negative birth rates across the board.
I can't wait for the day Muslims, Chinese, and others take over and genocide all the faggots and trannies. It will be a grand day, and it is mathematically inevitable.
Evan Moore
>wants to bridge a gap between the arabic and western world your gonna need about 1500 years
Parker Perez
"whites" unless you're outside of the anglosphere of influence and media, then suddenly and "strangely" your beliefs align with the rest of the world see: Russia, estranged Eastern and Southern European countries with a big language barrier like Romania and Greece
Asher Hill
what does "whites" even mean. I think next time im called white as a race ill just call them the "brown" race or whatever
Joseph Cook
calm down, I know you hate everything about the west are are probably some leftypolfag but it was an example i'm super sorry for daring to use the most successful long lived and well recorded State the West has ever produced as an example vs lesser known Persia for example
Mason Allen
>pretending mozilla is more SJW than google
opinion discarded.
Nicholas Bailey
It really doesn't mean anything, there's enormous differences between Europeans, people just like to chunk them all together because they're successful just like people like to chunk together "East Asians"
Brandon Ortiz
either way, the way i see it, as long as the product is floss and freedom respecting i will use it, because that wont fuel any agenda. if its a payed product or not software (ben and jerrys, bandcamp) i wont use it.
Landon Flores
Of course I am. I'm a person, and as I said, people have agendas. In my case, it's that I get pissed off when people tell me the sky is down, the grass is orange, and people with a Y chromosome are women.
Brandon James
>I need to stop using this service immediately because some of their views don't align with mine I'm beginning to suspect that Sup Forums is the real snowflake
sage for not technology
Elijah Morris
If you are going to stop using any service that comes out in support of LGBT rights then you are going to find yourself loving in a handmade cabin in the woods with only a rope made out of old KKK robes pretty soon
Austin Foster
I dunno, for me, Bandcamp is exactly the same as before, no reason to stop using it Stay mad
>DRM Die
Jeremiah Mitchell
>THE EVIL BANKERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING when will chanology finally leave
Joseph Morgan
Good goy.
James Lewis
Drop the T and I have no problem supporting them. I can't condone exacerbating an untreated mental illness though.
Austin Howard
The only mental illness here is your pointless hatred of a tiny group of people who just want to be a different gender. If bandcamp want to spend one day giving them money then just let them and don't shoot yourself in the foot trying to stop them
James Gomez
Evan Murphy
Calling this "support" is dishonest, people like that need legitimate help as they have a legitimate mental illness, it's better they learn to cope with their illness than it is for them to try and maintain a facade every day, the weight of such a burden without actual support is enough to bring a lot of these people to suicide. I understand the knee-jerk reaction people have, thinking that being like "yeah bro, wearing dresses is fine" is somehow beneficial, but in reality it's harmful long term, even if you managed to convince all of society to accept these people they still need to learn to accept themselves and that's not going to happen without actual support from medical professionals. More importantly the recent trends that are now becoming socially acceptable are objectively harmful, these include hormone treatment and genital mutilation, especially as the age barriers for these are reduced, children under the age of 18 should not be able to make such decisions that impact them for the entirety of their life. This whole "transexual" trend is so harmful to the individuals inside of it and nobody seems to think that. Instead of pretending that transitioning between sexes is possible we should be proposing the acceptance of traits such as cross dressing or homosexuality, at least that doesn't ruin someones life physically and irreversibly.