Redpill me on watercooling units like this

redpill me on watercooling units like this.

They're a meme right? I mean how do you even change out the liquid solution?

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Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team

Not asking for tech support. Asking for redpill.

Are you incapable of searching Bing© for answers to a simple question?

So, here's how it goes: AIO units have better performance and are quieter. They also have more moving parts, and those moving parts have liquid which evaporates over time and can spill if shit breaks, causing more shit to break.

As for changing the solution, you don't. You buy a new AIO.

fuck off you worthless retarded piece of shit

are you upset because you wasted money on an AIO or all in one watercooling unit?

Then what's the point of buying one of these things when you can just make your own custom loop and exchange the solution for far less $ than it would be to buy a new AIO unit.

AIO units are a meme.

Main thing is cost and ease of setup, an AIO takes about as long as an air cooler to setup. Also, the main thing that fails first in both AIO and custom loops is the pump.

Personally own a custom loop though

Seems it would be cheaper to replace a failed pump in a custom loop too. Yet alone the fact that you can get better individual pieces.

They're not a meme, Watercoolers can be extremely beneficial depending on your workload

That being said, one thing people always seem to forget is that the water will eventually heat up, so if you're doing 48H renders the temperature between an Air and Watercooler will end up being almost nothing

this also causes evaporation of the liquid. Try and keep your water temps under 60 degrees if you want more than a couple years use out of your AIO

Yeah, the big thing for most people is probably cost. You get kinda comparable performance for way less money.

For comparison, my custom loop (which includes the GPU) cost about $625. I coulda bought an AIO CPU cooler and a GPU with an AIO for about $250.

You are like a little baby, watch this
>buy two of these
>nigrig one to your GPU
>$180 for both CPU and GPU AIOs, and that's in Canadian pesos

>how do you even change out the liquid solution?
You don't. They come sealed from the factory. In principle, you're unlikely to have a problem with the liquid evaporating over the useful life of the unit. Corsair, for example, has a five-year warranty on their AIOs.

They're maybe 5% better at cooling your CPU than top-tier aircoolers but 30000% more likely to break and ruin your whole PC.

They're a meme. Get an Alpenföhn Olymp for 50€ instead and slap a couple of top tier 14cm fans on it. It'll be cheaper and provide the same amount of cooling as top tier AIO units.

They're shit. Get an air cooler.

>Bing© for answers to a simple question?

Normal operating temps are 13 degrees lower and the noise from fans are gone.

I thought they were shit until I got one. Turns out normal cooling is loud - default intel CPU fans

Redpill me on aio water coolers on gpus.

This is all you'll ever need. Colors shouldn't trigger you, unless you're the kind of faggot who jacks off to your PC's guts in a dark room with RGB lighting illuminating you.

Fuck off

stop helping fucking neo-Sup Forums

even my H60 outperforms it and does not have meme gayming RGB lights
step up your game, I bet you don't even overclock or tweak fan speeds

a custom loop will not cost less than an equivalent AIO unless you're using parts that will deteriorate within a year and take your whole rig with it.

Sure it does, sweetie.

Air is better because if you every put your computer in the car during the winter during a drive your fucking pipes will burst destroying your shit.

If you're going to invest in these at least pay decent money for a Kraken.

I write scripts which usually takes 15 processing which means a lot of mathematics, encryption, and shit. 15 seconds for a CPU is a lot of processing.

I brought the one OP shows in his picture and instantly I enjoy the quiet operation.
>Cost me $68 AUD
> Cunt of a job to install in my case but got it fitting nice

Normal operating temps were 70 degrees with decent terminal dissipation gel on the CPU. The case breathed freely and was cleaned monthly. The previous fan was the default intel fan config.

Once I installed this new cunt it had removed a lot of noise which I didn't think made a difference until I did it. The cooling unit had reduced operating temps by 13 degrees (normal use) and 29 degrees doing heavy encryption key generations (sequencing hacking and Sup Forums hacker shit).

It is a meme and I brought this as it was on a daily deal thing. I am glad I got it since now I can run long operations without my temps reaching high temps.

They're great if you want a clean looking set-up in your build, and they also outperform the best air coolers but not by a large margin, and also have the added peril of leaking and completely fucking your system up.

I've got the D15 and never had a problem with it apart from having to fuck around with one of the fans to get to the memory slots. My next build though I'll probably get a Corsair AIO and stick a couple of Noctua fans on it

Also my GPU does not need such a useless cooling system.


Saying that I personally believe that if you don't invest in a decent card in the first place then you shouldn't worry about cooling when you are displaying a lack of education for basic hardware brands and designs.

>1060 OC windforce nvidia (Asus).
I game on 4k since I am a gay cunt
>Temps never reach past 82 while fan speeds are at 80%. I mean what retards think water cooling and OC further is worth it when the defaults run decent.

Unless you have a bad brand card I would also say that cooling should not be an issue. If you do have a bad designed cooling default then you have failed your PC.

Show me a case where water cooling is required and I would show you a case where the defaults can do any standard gaming task that normal users would do.

>No super computing GPU tasks

This thing is great. It's huge, but I managed to fit it in this small case with no problems.

The one with red lights usually run hot. The blue ones are cool. The green ones are eco friendly.

Toshiba drives are slow and low quality.
Every drive I have had in any form of use has failed me by the internals failing.

850 evo I agree with this

>7000 models CPU
Not buying 4790k and OC up to 4.5 to get the same performance for half the price.

Specific studies have yet to show cases where DDR4 ram provides increases that users notice

AIOs are sealed systems, if liquid is evaporating the unit is faulty and can be replaced under warranty.

I have an H110i GT with a 5 year warranty. It is NOT the quietest CPU cooler, but it's damn good at keeping the system cool under load.

In custom loops you ideally need to clean the loop and change the liquid 1-2 times a year, with an AIO you fit it and forget it.

Custom loops look way better though if you do it right. Pretty expensive though, a decent one encompassing CPU and GPU can be upwards of £300.

Not breaking the fan blades to make it go faster
>Missing blade == lighter fan == spin faster


I can't believe I forgot to tell NEVER EVER MIX ANY OF THOSE LEDS

Also this

I do not think anyone on Sup Forums even generates enough heat producing loads to make use of custom cooling solutions.

Like you said "set and forget". You still get decent increased cooling while not looking like you're a top hacker that burns through CPU because you compiler life ending programs.

It's an expensive meme, doesn't do anything you can't do with a proper fan setup on your case
doesn't even have to be that high-priced noctua bullshit, just don't get fucking sleeve bearings


Nice bait though
You forget that water cooling removes heat to a source that is a few centremeters away. Any fan related cooling tries to move it away from the CPU but the heat is to moved as a significant speed like water cooling does.

Then again you could always use a massive GYM fan with liquid nitro for cooling


HGST HDDs are hard to find where I am, but I've used Toshibas before without issue.

I got the i7 for the price of an i5 from a friend who owns a computer store, and he delid it for me at no extra charge.

It's a meme forced by the Jews in order to collect your schekles to finance underground pedophile rings that promote Islam

Yup, what's so hard to believe? One routes air outside, the other ones routes internal air, one uses water, the other uses air.

>buy deep cool gammax $20
>Push pull set up
Aio is a expensive disaster meme waiting to meme it's liquid all over your meme build

Enjoy your inevitable leakage with your budget brand cooler.

Two years and counting, working great.
Thanks for your concern.

An air cooler paired with a good fan configuration for the case outperforms your cheap liquid meme.

>H100 pump gets noisy
>Bought it on sale
>All replacements are 2x price
>Take a chance e on the gammax
>Lower temps and only slightly louder on custom fan profile

Overall happy with the switch and no chance of leaks now

Cheap rad with push pull a best

Watercoolers are a meme regardless of their price, including custom loops.

There is no part out there that can't be perfectly cooled on air and no, it won't allow you better OC headroom because you'll much sooner hit the natural limits of the silicon than some temperature ceiling when it comes to these things. They also sound like fish tanks due to their shitty pumps and the air WILL make noise when going through the tiny radiator tubes regardless of the fan you use if it ramps up every so slightly.

For the price of an entry level garbage water cooler, you can already buy premium air coolers that not only cool way better, but are also actually silent, don't have the risk of leakage and you can use them forever if you just swap out the dying fan. A water cooler should only be used for a few years before it will probalby run into problems.

People with custom loops will tell you that it's worth it but they are just ricer fags trying to look edgy. For the price of a good custom loop, you can get entire 1080/60 fps capable builds, plus they are a fucking hassle to deal with if you're new to the concept. You're wasting copious amounts of money all so your hardware that can go in the hundreds of celsius degrees stays at a slightly lower temperature than an aftermarket air cooler that costs 1/10th of the price and can be maintained (read: cleaned) and installed with minimal effort, when the price for the custom loop alone would already guarantee you a top of the line upgrade down the line.

In short, buy air coolers, don't buy garbage cases with zero airflow, don't buy faulty fermi tier hardware like AMD gpus with reference coolers (or reference coolers at all) only to then try to remedy your mistake through the shitty water cooling solution. It's not run on magic, you're just sticking a fan somewhere else.

Where are your statistics?

I friend had a AIO watercooling unit like OPs picture leak and kill his motherboard about a decade ago. I haven't had one or tried one because of this myself.

I bought it for this feature, nice to look over through my $280 tempered glass case window and immediately know what my temps are based off the RGB color feedback on the godlike Corsair logo.

Having a large chunk of metal hanging and straining your motherboard is hipster autism tier.

Corsair has a good history with dealing with the very very are case of leaks so I've got nothing to worry about.


>t. I got my build from r/buildapc


Two years is nothing. Fact of the matter is water coolers require more frequent replacement than she coolers. That's a fact.


Post isn't even long you ignorant child.

He's in denial because he bought a garbage expensive cooler on top of RGB lighting and a windowed case like an edgy teen.

Why would you need an LED to tell you shit is hot?

Also 60c is kind of unacceptable from a liquid cooler unless your not just gaming

My shitty rad keeps my CPU under 60c easily and I do very CPU intensive work/rendering

>even my H60 outperforms it

My ass it does. I have one in my itx build and this shit is no better than air coolers that cost a fraction of the price.

Typical retard from Sup Forums.

>during the winter
user, do you not have a heater to keep your house nice and warm?

Nice samefag.

>Two years is nothing. Fact of the matter is water coolers require more frequent replacement than she coolers. That's a fact.
This is relevant, how? H60 costs nothing, less than the NH-D14. But it delivers better performance, for your CPU cooling and keeping the air inside the case cooler too.

What kind of backwards faggot are you?
You talk about being non-gayming, then you go full autismo.

The best reddit is our own generals like /BST/ & /pcbg/ where I hang out actually and got my build from.

I don't owe you more time then you deserve old man, don't make your posts so long and obnoxious,

The cooler is great actually, RGB lighting is nice to have, windowed cases are nice to show off guts, I'm 23.

I'm currently gaming yes, when I'm not she stays well in 20 zone.

I only browse Sup Forums and /sci/ only actually.

Except it does. In real world and generic benchmarks.
Real world usage is even better, when you don't have to deal with the hot GPU air that leaks into the case with a air cooler.


If you need "redpilling" then avoid water coolers. They're a death trap for newbies mainly because water can leak at any time. Air cooler is the safest best, and in most cases costs less. Corsair especially is fairly budget brand mainly aimed at newcomer gaymurs.

>Nice samefag
>different IP

Just die already.

Off course they're a meme, air coolers do a great job and with tdp's coming down there's really no need for expensive and complicated watercooling setups anymore.

>during a drive
It shouldn't be that cold when you're driving.

>stupid made up scenarios
If you ever fly with your pc, the negative pressure on the airplane makes your water cooling system more likely to burst.

>I'm 23

It shows.

>My ass it does.
>have Noctua NH-D14
>old ass FX chip goes to 70C after 20 minutes while under load at 5.0GHz
>try H60
>same scenario, two hours latter, CPU still at 58C.
bitch as much you want, you ain't gonna convince me what I've seen with my own eyes, he's right

Congratulations, you found out that stock coolers are shit and lout. Literally every aftermarket cooler would have decreased noise levels and temps for you.

>Just die already.
>THIS butthurt over a post
>being in Sup Forums and not knowing how to samefag with different IPs
are you ironic or unironic right now?

People who prefer air are just dumbasses.

People who use water are already above them.

Where is this "corsair is a budget brand" meme coming from?

Buttmad CoolerMaster or BeMemed! kids with buyers remorse.

It honestly depends on the cooler. I myself use a NZXT Kraken which is top quality. There's literally nothing wrong with air coolers though, in the end I think it's all down the aesthetics.

Air coolers are only better because there's no water in them. Trying to sound pompous as a waterfag makes you a colossal faggot.

I don't think they mean budget, but they are a brand aimed at newer PC gamer builds. There's better available.

It's too bad Kraken software (go browse their bug page) is absolute dogshit, the hardware is great though.

t. owner of this

>Buy a AIO liquid cooler from a reputable brand with 5 year warranty.
>If it breaks in 5 years I can RMA
>get compensation for any damage since they don't want to lose face.
I don't see a problem with this.

Wrong though.

How much did you pay for that warranty?

What do you mean by that?

user dropping redpills like a madman. All confirmed btw. Alex have the documents

AC= Heavyweight: Will bend MB over time causing damage. Issues with RAM clearance. Look ugly. Good cooling.
AIO = Lightweight: Certain brands have pump noise. Rare risk of leakage. Looks modern. Great cooling.

Both are shit in some way.

>Rare risk of leakage

AIO have come far, yes.

>AC= Heavyweight

Not all of them, and if your mobo is secured the bend won't be an issue for at least a decade.

>not ryzen
you can just fuck right off to Sup Forums you normie faggot

I built it several months before Ryzen was out, you raging fanboy. Got it on sale, and delid for free. Stay mad.


>even my H60 outperforms it

>shilling for a company


Ryzen sucks for video games.

>>different IP
that's literary exactly what everyone says after samefagging with their phone instead of just capping

thanks for letting us know how you behave on the site

there was nothing to samefag about

leakages are a very real risk for water coolers and OP's pic is considered a low end water cooler


