just upgraded, wanted to show off/gauge Sup Forums's internet speeds
Internet Speed Test
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I have 240/24 but currently no compatible NICs, upgrading wireless card soon
It just becomes dick waving beyond 250mbit desu
You have almost exactly what I have. I can hit 180mbit down but I spend most of my time uploading so it really doesn't mean anything to me. I'd much rather if mine looked like that 109/24 than my 180/13.
I'd use it all.
sometimes your ISP doesnt give you much choice.
I've had higher download and upload on wireless, that ain't shit. 802.11ac
yeah my phone gets decent wifi speeds in the same room as my router.
>$70 a month no cap
Fucking Spectrum, but it is the cheapest plan.
IP address my mans.
Ausfag here, considering offing myself.
Thanks. I see someone below did the same thing. Please don't ddos me.
Life is good, friends
lmao prepare to get ddosed
>implying anyone would waste their time to DDoS someone whose only contact with them is a picture on Sup Forums
No u
50/20 1TB data limit
$120 dollarydoo's per month
And no upgrades in speed for the foreseeable future
at least there is no congestion :^(
I thought Verizon FiOS was in Australia.
Cable internet after 2005, wtf au.
They were supposed to use the FiOS plan and do the same sort of rollout, but they cheaped out and went with FTTC instead of FTTH
t. burger
Verizon does not service our country, but we do have fibre, well sorta.
Yeah, Serviced by a government wholesale company called nbn
Was originally Fibre to the Home, but government was changed and it has now become Fibre to the Node & Cable for most people that only guarantees UP TO 25/5 once a day with less than 5 dropouts per day
>upload bigger than download
Does Aus have gigabit internet now?
Point and laugh at mine.
i have no reason to laugh
only to cry
kill me
This legally isn't even broadband
Good for Australia
Hi Bris Bro ! Are you paying for that ?
Just kill me already. I paid for 10mbps internet, but fuck them they haven't upgraded their cables to fiber.
I live with my parents, pay $115 for 100/40 1TB cap with limited foxtel
They like having music channels and news plus recording stuff to the foxtel box
Foxtel would be $25 per month by itself, so I guess the internet could be seen as $90 per month because of the bundle
You really should my fellow ausfag
A full 10mbit slower than tony promised me, the cunt.
Glad to know this is the result of the only network upgrade I will ever see whilst I live at this location.
wait is that with NBN?
Fuck, you poor bastards....