Could rap make better students and engage them more?

could rap make better students and engage them more?

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Unless i see the score average of the students go up from before the rap experimented was implemented, no.

I read that as "cloud rap make better sutents" and was a bit confused

>real person paid for real opinions

>fine print: Real person paid for real opinions.
At least the editor of the video has a sense of humor.

learn chemichal elements with bones

Engage in what? If you mean crime and degenerate behavior then yes.

No, but gene therapy could.

>he has a youtube account
>he's subbed to a windows youtube account
>he downvotes/upvotes videos

what went wrong w/ Sup Forums

Nice reddit spacing

you fags know way too much about reddit

its really gonna do the opposite by not teaching foundational skills. I wish there was less focus on gimmicks and more focus on the actual curriculum, teachers and infrastructure. Like the australian government spent tens of millions on smartboards and laptops. Tell me how that actually makes a difference in the classroom? laptops were just used for textbooks and youtube, and most students would just fuck around on facebook and what have you instead of study. Smartboards too, most teachers used them just as whiteboards / youtube. Sure they have other uses but they ultimately serve as distractions. Money should have been spent on 1)failing buildings 2)creating actual incentives to get better test marks

How does rapping "pussy, money, weed is all I need nigga, skeet skeet skeet" gonna educate"youth"? Seems like just more money tossed at (((them))).

>one space down
>it's reddit spacing

that might work for niggers






Rape probably would.
Specially if applied if they failed their grades.

Whats on his head?

Imagine how bad it must be for a black kid just trying to pass exams.


you dont finish it if you get interrupted retard

>comments disabled

You don't tell me what to do.