
>all of the screenshots are from mac
Hmmm, really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off, Firefox Screenshots is one of the best things to ever happen to the browser, there's no more need to install extra add-ons contributing to the bloat.

See, this is what I hate; mozilla apologists.

Easy Screenshot is the furthest thing from "bloat" you'll find as an extension, and the fact that mozilla doesn't have to worry about breaking it nor even spend an ounce of thought about maintaining it is part of why they never needed to integrate that feature in the first place.

features that add functions to the browser should always remain addons and the focus of the browser can be performance while still allowing addons to modify and extend its core functions.

but what they're doing is essentially locking out modifications to the browser in favor of conforming to the limitations they're imposing without any benefits.

few of the features they're integrating into the browser itself are actually being used, and that figure will be even smaller if there was actual widespread use of the browser. as it stands only the few and the informed actually use firefox anymore. and only then only a small set of those use those features.

>mozilla have completely lost the plot; they're wasting time and money on shit like this instead of a compatibility shim for firefox addons.

There's already a compatibility shim for the addons, the shims are part of the problem. They degrade performance and hinder development. 57 they remove them and let the pieces fall where they may

>57 they remove the only useful feature differentiating them from another generic Chrom* like Vivaldi
If I wanted a free, secure browser that I COULDN'T change the UI of, I'd be using a Chrom*


DuckDuck Go is a botnet, as is Firefox without the security tweaks, but unlike Chromium it gives you the ability to tweak.


What I do not understand myself is why they do not directly develop for Chrome.
They have committed browser sudoku and as a result FF market share is about to disappear once 57 hits.

>voice fill
>implying this is them losing it in any way

do you even accessibility
>but that's progressivist and humanitarian bullshit

literally every other stt solution is either A. shit or B. proprietary

I use Seamonkey.

>lets switch our entire base for some proprietary garbage

Look mom I'm retarded.

Since when chromium is proprietary.

Since having google dictating every change in it, having source code online doesn't mean shit.

You seem to use some meme definition of proprietary. Have a nice delusional day.

To add to this, CuckCuckGo results are frustratingly off-the-mark in a lot of queries.

it's FLOSS, you can make any changes you want

nice blog post

>browser sudoku

>Greatest TNG epsiodes
>1. The Inner Light


>source code is under an open source license so it'll be developed in the interest of the people instead of Google managers even when 99. 9% of devs are Google employees

Jesus are you kids naive.

Honestly webExtensions is just gonna make people use chrome because it's faster and has the same add-ons

I think firefox is trying to be competitive with Chrome. If they didn't adopt webExtensions, SDK add-ons would end up like the Windows app store.

Make LibreJS fast again

>Firefox continues its descent into Chrome Lite.

Fucking why?

Firefox will never be the most used browser and that's fine. But it will get even less use if it's just a shittier version of Chrome instead of a powerful customizable browser.

I just use Yandex. Its much better.

Send is gonna be a great way to send pirated videos. :3

it gets deleted after one transfer

I just use qwant

>Fuck off, Firefox Screenshots is one of the best things to ever happen to the browser
It's bloat, pure and simple.

Browser or search?

That's fine if you're just sending to one person.

I actually like the sound of send. Something in browser I can just go *bam* here's a file.

>not hosting your own searx instance
>on a non-botnet server, with let's encrypt HSTS, hardened security headers, self-hosted BIND master/slave Authoratitive DNS host with DNSSEC

Here's some links