What fucking browser do i use on windows

what fucking browser do i use on windows

none, because you dont use windows in the first place

Chrome. Since the operating system is a botnet you might as well go with the best one in terms of performance.

steam embedded browser

Install gentoo

Helllo sir use edge, it fast browser

Firefox because when Photon comes this November it will be twice as fast as Chrome.


well, windows 10 is already a botnet, so chrome would be best

Arch Linux with Waterfox

Install a web browser appliance (vm).
because windows is a security vulnerability disguised as an operating system.

It removes the bot net part of the regular google

how about opera?

is it botnet

Manjaro OpenRC with Midori

qutebrowser is qute!

just use chrome you fucking retard. people here like to criticise the browser because muh botnet memes that have no base in reality. in any case, chrome not only is fast, but is the ONLY browser whose main priorities are adhering and implementing the latest web standards, in addition to making progress to the webkit engine. a browser that fully supports the web as the w2c standards demand without letting proprietary or economic interests interfere should alone be your number 1 reason to use chrome.


No it doesn't, lmao.

if youre concerned about privacy you might as well not use Windows

Netrunner :^)

>Manjaro OpenRC
Discontinued, lad.

firefox nightly

I just set this up in a VM, not too shabby for a Mangaroo based distro.

>Using a smiley with a carrot nose
Stop it, retard


>muh chrome performance
Fuck off back to 2009 when that was actually the case, cut-down Trident is god-tier in muh performance, miles ahead of your Google trash.

Why is Firefox still so sluggish btw? It's already multithreaded, but it's still slow compared to Chrome.
Also, Chrome is able to utilize 100% of my CPU when it's needed, Firefox is not. Why?

>palemoon: the only legit fork of firefox
>chromium: it's chrome minus google
>otter: the only legit lonely manchild browser

>chromium: it's chrome minus google
Lmao, retard.

i said fast not fastest you illiterate fuck. is your trident proprietary garbage up to date with the latest standards? no


If that were true than people might actually use it.

>download opera
>i'm logged in everywhere
>automatically got all my bookmarks as they are on firefocks
what the frick

Chrome is alright.

Edge for Netflix.

"The two browsers share the majority of code and features, though there are some minor differences in features, logos and they have different licensing.!

>botnet isn't real
Fuck off shill


nice argumentum ad populum dumb animeposter

post source code then. the only real botnet is the captcha on this site.

>post source code
That's the fucking problem, you retard.

then how can you people claim """"Ungoogled"""" Chromium is a safer and better version to use?

google you freaking dumby

Because you can see all of the source code for that, not that I ever said it Chromium was good either.

Firefox because freedoms and is more privacy oriented. Also chrome cannot be allowed to become the next IE6.

So what part of Chromium is not open source? Apart from the hotword binary blob thing which was a bug, and was never executed (which you can verify by reading the source code of the part which isn't loading it)?

said Chrome, not Chromium.

Ah, my bad. Nevermind me then!

>No one has posted the correct answer
It's obviously firefox nightly.

This but edited slightly;
Edge if you don't care about bookmark maintenance or old webm standards.
Chrome for everyone else.

Why do you autists have so many problems with browsers?

Don't u ever ever fucken send me any thing like this again. U r so ignored. U will be so sorry one day. But u don't even know it yet. That pride of yours u think u know everything but u know shit. Your have really pissed me off. One day u will say. Wow Mom was right but it will be to late for u then. Fucken no all. I will not help u with ur hair or anything else so done ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to throw u out off my property. You r the most disrespectful little bitch I know. Don't ever disrespect my 'Lord' to me again. U and Chris will be able to talk to each other in Hell.

Install QupZilla.


I use this shit all the time to browse Sup Forums during warmup in cs go.

Netrunner once it's complete, or now if you don't mind missing features.

>freedoms and is more privacy oriented
lurk moar newfag

and half as functional

Just use Chrome.

I found opera to work a little better than chrome lately. The only thing missing for me is a chromecast addon.

it is botnet

You might have accidentally clicked something during installation to import bookmarks and data and make it default browser. On installers these days the option usually has a very low contrast, like dark gray text on light gray backgrounds in relatively small font.

I never clean the cache and have so many tabs and sessions open at once that eventually the browser slows down and it's easier to get a new browser rather than close tabs and forget about them.

I use firefucks, because the only addons I use are uBlock and greasemonkey

Despite losing the legacy addons it will still be twice as functional as Chrome. about:config isn't going anywhere.

for lightweight use palememe, for customisability use vivaldi
