How do I make a GUI on Windows.
Why most courses only teach to program console based program when 99% of commercial software is GUI based? Fucking retards.
How do I make a GUI on Windows.
Why most courses only teach to program console based program when 99% of commercial software is GUI based? Fucking retards.
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Depends on the language, but most GUI makers are drag&drops
That's your first problem. Install gentoo and you will never have problems with guis again
Download Visual Studio.
Mek a project.
Drag'n'drop various controls.
A child can do that. Programming on the other hand has to be taught.
Just use electron.
It just werks :^)
> electron
bloated shit.
>How do I make a GUI on Windows.
>Why most courses only teach to program console based program when 99% of commercial software is GUI based? Fucking retards.
Kill yourself noob
lmao @ (you) pajeet
Give me something that only takes up 5MBs of RAM in memory.
it's really not relatively speaking, but ok
have fun with the native win api
Because it's absolutely disgusting shit. You have the following options:
Qt/GTK (shit)
Electron/HTML gui (shit)
curses based gui (shit)
winapi (very shit)
tk (not as shit but dead)
You mean winforms.
What about Xaml?
Because if you can do shit from a console you can easily do shit with a gui. And then ya have the ability to do both. Like if you can drive a stick shift a car with automatic is easy as hell and then ya can use both.
Stick shoft cars exist in America?
Wasn't winforms deprecated after WPF was introduced?
C# with WPF is by far the best option.
Just download VS community and drag drop some winforms you tard
Windows only:
Multiplatofrm options:
they have bindings to wather language you may wish.
>Started working at new firm
>They're six months into project
>They hired some guy fresh out of college to do it
>He made everything in winforms
>Even used some expensive bloat library
Fuck this guy. luckily my contract ends the 20th of august.
This is a hilariously bad analogy.
Taking the same underlying logic from an application and giving it a good, intuitive GUI adds a layer of complexity. Really, it's the other way around.
>Because if you can do shit from a console you can easily do shit with a gui
Except your clients are technologically inept and would piss their pants at the sight of a console.
He meant that if you can program console applications, you can program GUI applications.
>if you can do shit from a console you can easily do shit with a gui
kek'd hard
If you want to make a toy app, sure. If you want to make a complex program with custom controls and shit, not really.
Nope. In fact it's still much better than that XML mess that WPF is.
Welp, into the trash it goes
>Yfw the bridge was added in post to make it appear the dog does something smart but in reality the dog just tilts its head for no reason
because 99% of the time, 99% of the program deals with non-ui-related code
This. I haven't seen a gui in years
Not even close. GUIs are a nightmare for programmers, but a dream for consumers
the stick hits and casts a shadow on the top of the left railing, it's probably real
though the right was clearly added to make it seem more impressive
Java swing
Okay, are there any good books or tutorials to learn WPF?
Arch is great at solving any possible GUI problems as well.
Smart dog invents electromagnetic induction plasmon wave spacetime shifting stick.
Successful field tests are termed "Fake and gay" by disbelieving public.
Jiff at eleven.
inb4 FreePascal/Lazarus
>writing a calculator program in high school
>it's all text-based
>fuck it, I want to have a point-and-click GUI
>can't figure it out
>ask teaching assistant for help
>he gives me a file he made for one of his projects I can use for ideas
>I end up only figuring out how to make circles and a movable cursor
>still can't figure it out how to make clickable inputs
>end up just keeping my calculator text-based
>make an ASCII intro screen with PC speaker music to make up for it
>teacher says my program is all sizzle and no steak
>still gives me an A in the class
kek, I still have my programs somewhere. Thanks for the nostalgia, OP.
kek, ive been using VS for a long time using unity, i never even imagine it had UI drag and drop stuff built in.
wxwidgets is the only sensible option
If you want to be close to metal you can use the WinApi in C and call the window creation and management functions. Or if you're hardcore you can just create a window and then render your own GUI with the CPU or GPU using opengl/directx/vulcan.
(less shit to port if you want to port).
Or you can just use already made cross platform GUI frameworks like Qt.
Or just be a scrub and do your software in C#/Java that already have fully cross platform pajeet easy editors for GUI's
In highschool they only taught me OOP and visual basic, and only high level programming. Nothing about functions or inputs, recursion or anything like that.
You just collect a skillset, and GUI's made with visual studio are hilariously easy to make.
What's wrong with Free Pascal and Lazarus?
doggo no!!!1
If you're into lisps, racket's gui library makes things pretty easy.
If you want to make GUIs with code, Tcl/Tk is good and actually cross-platform.
Here's a calculator.
set reset 1
set display 0
set previous 0
set operator ""
proc digit n {
global display reset previous
if {$reset} {
set reset 0
set previous $display
set display ""
append display $n
ttk::entry .display -textvariable display -justify right -state readonly
foreach n {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0} {
ttk::button .$n -text $n -command "digit $n"
foreach operator {+ - * /} {
ttk::button .$operator -text $operator -command "set operator $operator; set reset 1"
ttk::button .c -text c -command {set display 0; set reset 1}
ttk::button .= -text = -command {set display [expr "$display $operator $previous"]}
grid .display -columnspan 4 -sticky we
grid .1 .2 .3 .+
grid .4 .5 .6 .-
grid .7 .8 .9 .*
grid .c .0 .= ./
Load Average: 1.35
Running processes: FUCKING ELECTRON
>How do I make a GUI on Windows.
You learn a library that does it for you. If you want to make your own library, the basic primitives for doing this shit are in the Win32 API.
>Why most courses only teach to program console based program when 99% of commercial software is GUI based?
To learn to run, you must first learn to walk. Console programming is simple, and so it makes it easier to learn everything else you need to know.
HTA > Electron
>Let's just put an entire fucking web browser engine inside of every GUI application, no matter how small.
It found be fine if the whole desktop was built from the start to run the browser.
You've exactly described ChromeOS
Is it smooth?
Not OP, but what about GUIs for Java? Most books seem to teach Swing, but JavaFX is available. Is another better GUI available?
is there a visual designer for javafx?