>sign up to be among the first to have their consciousnesses transferred to a machine and live forever
>the process finishes and your consciousness starts fading
>as you die you realize the engineers responsible are already conversing with the new machine you and you'll die without your life transferring over, merely being copied
Sign up to be among the first to have their consciousnesses transferred to a machine and live forever
Other urls found in this thread:
The thing you're referring to as "me" doesn't exist
>The engineers deliberately code maximum suffering with no relief, you will feel pain no one has ever experienced before on a unprecedented scale forever.
We don't even know what makes you, you yet.
A mere copy of your memories isn't you.
I have faith well one day find out what creates specific individualities, but we aren't so stupid we'd try digitizing a human life without understanding individual consciousness.
>Pajeet cobbled your upload code from 45 different stackoverflow and ExpertSexchange posts.
>You spend the rest of eternity in a boot-loop
>implying this is not what is happening to uu right now
you would like to run away to the matrix, goy. Too bad, until you pay up some bittocoinu you are stuck here forever reincarnating teehee
SOMA did it better
Sounds like 'I have no mouth but I must scream'
ikr, that guy makes good reviews.
i never understood why this concept even is a thing for people
it is absolutely impossible to actually transfer anything
it´s always either just copy or copy and delete
>achieve transhumanism
>turn pleasure to 100% and idle to the end of the universe
>you will never achieve virtual godhood, living in your own personal subatomic supercomputer where one second in reality is thousands of years in the machine, where you can sculpt and change reality akin to lucid dreaming, but with the ability to create other people with their own consciousnesses to keep you company too in an infinite heaven
It MIGHT be possible in my lifetime... Maybe not a computer that small but definitely one that can be shoved into some archive and forgotten forever..
>just before you die you realize "fuck it, that might as well be me over there" and you are content
utilitarianism ftw
>then you go to hell
basically the plot of Soma.
Yup, twice.
Well you could discard the body and only keep the neurons, hook them up to some interface that could either be a simulated environment like the matrix or a physical replacement for your body with which you move around, while nanobots maintain the neurons?
You can't think of a single counter-example to this?
no, I can´t how would you propose the process of mind digitization to work without copying it?
What difference does it really make if it's essentially identical, though?
The only way to keep the consciousness of somebody would be to understand how each and every input of the neural system works and then hook it up with a simulated environment. This way you would keep your brain and yourself but it would be tricked by computer generated external inputs
Because if you try to lie forever you don't actually want to die and leave only a copy of yourself
>simulated environment crashes
>there's nobody left in real life to maintain it
>yfw you are now a consciousness without any inputs
>blind, deaf, mute, senseless, can't do anything about it
Quite wrong since I'm talking about leaving your brain intact, which means that if the system crashes it would be like removing life support from a comatose person thus killing them
you'll get used to it.
only the program crashes
The machines maintaining your brain still work
Define that word.
>go to sleep
>as your consciousness fades you realise this is the last you will exist and you're merely being copied to the person who will exist in the morning
>deaths sweet release at last
Does anyone have the comic of the guy that refuses to go through the teleporter for the same reason as OP? I don't blame him either, I'd like to stay the original me
You should have been more specific. You can, for example, transfer a load of groceries from your car to your house.
Or as another example, one could transfer dishes between the sink and dishwasher.
Nevermind I'm retarded
your consciousness is like RAM
if power is lost then all data is lost
the process of rebooting your computer and filling the ram with data is like a lifecycle
there is no reason to believe that if your brain is turned off, "you" will wake up after it is turned on again
'You' as in the chemical reactions in your brain that make you act like a normal human. Something like that can't even be "copied" to a machine.
I guess i assumed that it would be obvious, that i was referring to the topic in the op
I'm sure you could simulate it perfectly with adequately advanced technology.
>there is no reason to believe that if your brain is turned off, "you" will wake up after it is turned on again
What reason is there to believe "you" wake up in the morning when you went to sleep the previous night?
>chemical reactions can't be simulated
Every time this thread comes up I have to explain this shit to people.
I mean your own consciousness can't be copied. It can be simulated in theory but if it's not your own brain then it's not you, you can't transfer your consciousness.
>What reason is there to believe "you" wake up in the morning when you went to sleep the previous night?
That's not opposite to my point. In fact, any given moment, awake or unconscious, could be the "start" of you with everything you feel is in the past, including that very day, being fabricated memories.
Here's the real deal though.
You create a clone of yourself, which has the exact same particles in the exact same spots relative to his location as you do relative to yours.
You shoot yourself in the head, there is now a consciousness identical to yours living on earth, but it is not you, you are dead forever.
explain what
you didn't explain anything
is that jared leto? he was so fucking cringy preparing for his role as the joker, sending crongy as shit via physocal mail to the other cast members and other cringy shit.
Even the movie subreddits at reddit thought it was cringe
>ITT. People try their hand at philosophy and fail.
Read more you philistines.
>What reason is there to believe "you" wake up in the morning when you went to sleep the previous night?
A continuous stream of consciousness. I would be aware that I went to sleep, woke up, and was the same person last night. If I get a clone of me, we have a separate consciousness. We aren't a hivemind and we can choose to do separate things. A clone of me does not make MY consciousness continue, it means a clone's consciousness continues. He is a separate entity just as two twins don't share one consciousness and they develop different personalities.
So, no, cloning doesn't make you immortal. You die just like you would normally. The only difference is you make a guy who shares the same DNA as you live.
Same as if you went into a transporter. You die, end of story. Your atoms and all that are broken up and destroyed (presumably, no idea if that same matter is saved and reassembled). That consciousness that was you is gone. It is for all intents and purposes dead. There is just a new you there to have a consciousness, but whatever made you you is gone.
>transfer process starts
>as your consciousness fades away, you hear a beep
>look at console behind engineers
>engineers start pooping on the floor
why don't you enlighten us m'sir?
Philosophy doesn't change the fact that consciousness is a direct result of chemical reactions in the human brain.
fuck of ioudaios
You die every single day. Every day you wake up you are different both biologically and mentally. Your cells are constantly in a state of renewal, growth and destruction. Your chemicals are constantly being rearranged. The 'you' you think you are is not the same 'you' as the day yesterday or the day before. Only your memories keep you as a coherent whole. If you lose your memories as in alzheimers/dementia patients you are only a remnant of your former identity.
Your consciousness ends every time you fall asleep, though. Are you not the same person the next morning?
I fail to see why this is any different from copying a program from one computer to another.
I don't think the neurons renewing themselves (do neurons even do this) counts as a complete shutdown of the whole brain.
But you aren't "different" in that sense. You are the same continuous chemical/biological process you have been since birth. Your consciousness remains. A clone or imitation of that does not change the fact that your consciousness shall and will inevitably die and be no more no matter how many clones or other imitations you make of it.
That is, in itself, a philosophical thesis.
Are you even aware of the meaning of what you are talking about?
If there's a clone of you around and you kill yourself, do you think you will magically continue your life in the body of the clone?
Also a program is a recipe to bring a computer in a certain state at a certain time. Copying a program is merely copying the recipe. If the program runs on the computer you copied it to, it is an independent instance of the program running on your computer. They do not influence each other.
Duh, there's no thing as transferring, only copying.
Same applies to teleportation (except wormholes).
Welcome to San Junipero.
>but it is not you, you are dead forever.
You just acknowledged that pinning down a good definition of "you" is difficult, and yet you can say this without offering any justification?
>continuous stream of consciousness
This doesn't happen with sleep, you realize?
>I would be aware that I went to sleep, woke up, and was the same person last night
You would remember that you went to sleep, and think that you were the same person last night. As would the output of a original-disintegrating teletransporter. How can you possibly claim you "know" you are the same person as the one who went to sleep last night, when you did not have a continuous stream of consciousness? How can you differentiate yourself from the perfect clone whose original was instantly disintegrated?
>tfw your consciousness is transfered by a poorly written program in java
Is it truly a meaningful distinction? The current session of you will be over soon anyway, and the one that wakes tomorrow would not know any better if it had been copy pasted and had the original destroyed.
>This doesn't happen with sleep, you realize?
But it does. I don't fucking die when I sleep. Your brain does not shut off when sleeping. Or do you think sleep means you become brain dead?
Granted, I could be a potential perfect clone and got placed into the bed without realizing it, but that would mean my (the clone's) consciousness remains intact either way. It isn't like if I was the original person and got killed that my consciousness transfers into the clone. We would be two distinct entities with two different consciousnesses.
Another user already made this point with his suicide analogy.
>pajeet consciousness bootloop
>The current session of you will be over soon anyway, and the one that wakes tomorrow would not know any better if it had been copy pasted and had the original destroyed.
Yep. Still means the current you will not continue living.
>You just acknowledged that pinning down a good definition of "you" is difficult, and yet you can say this without offering any justification?
I don't feel the need to justify that killing oneself is the definite end. That would hard to implant as a memory into a new consciousness anyway. Are you sure you are addressing the discussion here? You are not giving any arguments or ideas of your own that support the claim that one could transfer his consciousness into a machine and live through that.
The memories are only stored physically anyway. Why would it be impossible to harvest them?
>the memory/copy of X is the same as the original
So, if you die, but a clone has the same memories as you, will you come back from death and inhabit the body because the copy is the same as the original?
It wouldn't be impossible.
The problem is getting "hooked up" to them. Your brain cannot be shut down, or "you" will be lost and the next time the brain is turned on and working with the state it is given will the another person that doesn't know, just like you right now, whether their memories are things they really experienced or if they are just a state that was artificially put there.
There's nothing special about "you". If it's identical, it's the same thing.
Next you'll tell us that you believe that living things have souls, or some shit.
Hey pajeet do you know there can't be such thing as an "exact copy"?
At a quantum level, each atom is most likely unique and unclonable, so you can't make perfect duplicates.
And it's probably around this level that is defined "what is your point of view".
This is what happened to Lain at the end of the psx game.
>There's nothing special about "you". If it's identical, it's the same thing.
Then why are twins genetically identical and yet different?
>Next you'll tell us that you believe that living things have souls, or some shit.
No. I am saying that even without souls it isn't the same. Because even presuming that we are merely a chemical and biological process, I would still die. My consciousness would cease to exist. Having a copy of that is not "me". It is not the same biological and chemical process that was born and grew up under X circumstances. Entity 1 (the original) will die and cease to exist. Period. A copy of that consciousness in Entity 2 does not make the biological and chemical process that was Entity 1 come back from death. All you did, like with twins, was have a genetically identical entity walking around, albeit with the same memories if we assume it is perfect. Entity 2 would have a consciousness and be aware of things, while Entity 1 would not be because he is dead. Maybe to an outside observer they are the same, or maybe even to Entity 2, but that is a far cry from immortality like some people seem to be claiming. They act like having a clone will bring them back from the dead because there is a backup consciousness somewhere. And that isn't the case. When you die, you die. Just as when one twin dies, that doesn't mean they have a ghost that latches onto the backup copy and live in it.
i'm genuinely horrified
>There's nothing special about "you". If it's identical, it's the same thing.
So if there's a perfect clone of me, I am two people at once?
Why not just copy you and leave you intact to see what would happen.
>"""Atheists""" believe that through faith in technology they will be granted life everlasting
What's wrong, Sup Forums? Feeling a little uneasy about your mortality?
You don't actually replace brain cells.
Inventing a story just to calm your tits is not a much better solution.
Specially when this story is written to benefit a certain group of people.
nice digits. also that was a really good book but it'd be even worse since you'd be a real simulation as opposed to a real person like in the book
what about being knocked out?
Funny how SOMA brings this out in people but when brought up in school you introverted little boys are too afraid to speak your mind. You need videogames to do it for you.
Thessius' ship. Perspective is key to how we interpret what is real. Do the sailors on the ship think of the wood that broke and was left behind is the 'real' ship? To anyone who matters the new one is you.
From the perspective of the entity in the machine it was 'transferred' even if it just popped into existence. It doesn't have that last moment of panic that 'you' experienced. Besides, to map out all your neurons and the chemicals inside, your brain would have to be disassembled unless scanning technology makes quantum leaps ahead. You'd be dead long before the new conciseness is created.
Tl;dr it doesn't matter.
Experience life, advance humanity's lot in life, don't sweat the existential questions that have no bearing on your circumstances.
That whole episode was fucked really.
what the fuck this wasn't in any season
this is actually untrue. your brain cells die and new ones are born, replacing the old ones. i think this process would be something along the lines of slowly replacing your brain cells with some kind on synthetic brain cell, not all at once but one by one. so when your old brain cells die because they simply reach the end of their life cycle, you wouldn't need to grow new ones, because there would be the synthetic ones to take over. i think this way it would be actually possible to transfer "you" into a robot brain.
another example: just think of it like a big ass RAID volume, where if one HDD dies, you just replace it with a new one, but the actual data as a whole stays the same.
It's from before Netflix bought it. And it's a Christmas special, falls outside the regular seasons. It's longer as well. Go watch it now, arguably one of the best Black Mirror episodes.
OP here. I literally have never played Soma, I only know the term from BNW. The inspiration for this thread comes from the recent Elon Musk shit + the Alex Jones rant on the Joe Rogan show
Hmm true
I never considered it this way.
>Sup Forums tries to get deep and determine what it's like to be human
>you die when your consciousness is copied
I bet you think piracy is theft, too
This pretty much the plot of Soma.
You never played Soma did you?
The past you is dead.
Sup Forumsfags out REEEEEEE
If there is a sudden power loss, however unlikely, would it be considered murder if done deliberately? If you wanted to prevent this from occurring you'd obviously be backed up at a remote site, but your copy of your copy, would that still be comparable to your original self. If there was a divergence from your copy and your backup which would be the true you, if there was ever such a thing in the first place?
Can I just get my body replaced with a metal one?
Then along comes wannacry malware, what den??
Mutual incremental syncing. I imagine the additional information would feel like a dream
Your consciousness is nothing but pure energy. If you can successfully transfer the same energy into a machine, then perhaps it will be you