Thoughts on my new thinkpad.....
Thoughts on my new thinkpad
keyboard is kinda garbage, otherwise the hardware is nice in the formfactor
What is that, OP?
what is this owo
Enjoy your physically broken graphic subsystem and shit CPU, FagOP
gpd pocket
>red nipple
nice touch
pig disgusting keyboard
honestly been thinking of buying one of these, I still use my Asus Eepc from like 2007 because it's so small and since the CPU is shit the battery still holds up like 6 hours.
>tfw netbooks will never EVER come back
>what is a chromebook
I don't like the build on those, too cheap
It's a mistake. Too big for thumb typing, too small for regular touch typing.
i like... lost mine?
i have no idea where i left it
i want it now
>implying an eepc was ever any better than a chromebook
hell, id say even the lowest end chromebooks are better put together than eepc's were
If the clit was in the standard location, I would have bought 3 of those.
so fuckin stupid looking lmao
That's literally my only issue with this laptop. They made it so nice, but put the track point in the most retardedly unusable location.
I like mine better...
Trannyboot ftw :D
fucking kek'd
How is it OP? I'm struggling to hold myself back from buying one.
awful post
Come on OP give us a hands on.
i can't believe you actually paid $500 for that chinese piece of shit
Looks nothing like a thinkpad
Wow user you fooled no one
Great job
honestly I think GPDs are fucking neato and would be great for flights and stuff but I know if I bought one I'd never use it.
Biggest reason not to get one is gpd does revisions... So I can bet the next version will ditch the caps lock button and love the track point up. Look at the GDP win. First one was a cheap feeling mess. Newest one fixed the shoulder buttons, plastic build quality, clickable analog sticks, etc... And all with the same specs as the original unit(so it hardly counts as a proper upgrade)
That'll happen with this, over the next 6 months, and all the early adopters are gonna be sour.
Are you happy with it? Got any problems?