I just played the PSVR and Rift at best buy - surprisingly, I feel like the PSVR had better quality. The shooting-bugs game was more fun and immersive than the demos I played on the Rift.
Christopher Long
The game you played, Farpoint, is indeed one of the best crafted VR titles out there especially because it uses a specialized gun peripheral. But it's also pretty much the only game using it that's actually high quality. Arizona Sunshine is another that uses the Aim controller but it's not as good of a game.
You probably missed out a lot on what PC VR offers by trying the Best Buy setup.
Jayden Ramirez
>Check news. >Multiple articles about VR dying because AltspaceVR is closing next month. >Nobody thinks that maybe it's because other apps are better than it.
Jace Cruz
Or how they were also hit by a patent troll apparently.
Leo Perry
Well that's sucky.
Isaac Jones
Is there a discord for VR gaming (to discuss which games are worth buying)
Owen Harris
>launch steamVR >computer instantly starts screaming like a thousand hells >put headset on and it quiets down a bit >launch a game that uses steam VR >50/50 chance that the screeching stops
Th-that's ok I didn't want to enjoy my $400 product anyway.
Aiden Kelly
Yeah SteamVR kind of behaves weirdly like that. Don't worry about it. It's still beta. Valve will fix it some time probably.
Ryan Johnson
I bought touch controllers at best buy because Amazon was taking forever. But Amazon says they can't cancel my unshipped order. Do I keep both and set up a 4 sensor space? Or return one set to best buy?
Jose Carter
Return to best buy, no question. You can get another sensor standalone for better room VR.
Juan Cruz
You could join the VRChat discord there's a section for talking about games, invite is on their website
Brody Brooks
>Amazon says they can't cancel my unshipped order That sounds like bullshit. I'd say keep the ones you have and tell Amazon to stop jewing you.
>Found out the Soundstage guy flat out dropped the game/app for a job at Google.
Daniel Price
Amazon can't cancel it, but he can still reject shipment and/or return the item.
Thomas Turner
It would be 3 sensors, since the touch controllers come with one to go alongside the one your Rift headset has.
Given how the cost of a 3rd sensor takes over half the cost of touch controllers, maybe you should keep it. The extra controllers may be handy for breakages or you could sell them off on their own.
Austin Clark
would a standard VR or mobile VR be a better entry point lads?
Mason Stewart
Well probably not mobile VR, it's not very good, even as an "entry point".
Evan Parker
how long until bigscreen gets positional audio? for the environment's sound system i mean, not for avatars.
Benjamin Torres
>entire VR game library is a bunch of indie demos poorly hacked together in Unity that the "devs" want $40+ USD for
Colton Wilson
Except it isn't? Not that you did any actual research before coming into the thread to chime recycled nonsense.
Eli Long
I think Oculus is the more friendly VR kit and you'd get free access to some games and apps with the Touch controllers. Only real downside is the cable management for the sensors and headset.
Camden Lopez
So anyone here played Lone Echo? How is it? Does it have good story telling? I don't think it's a game I'd want to get for the gameplay, sort of like how I wouldn't want to get Uncharted for its gameplay.
Lincoln Torres
It's very polished and thought out, though the second segment is very scripted and linear. The challenge is mainly flying through areas with obstacles you can't touch.
Jeremiah Robinson
Which of the (Rift, Vive, PSVR) would you guys consider a daily used device? Added bonus for an HMD that you can just throw on with no major hassle.
What I mean is I never used the entry level gearvr much after a month (apart from porn it's a surprisingly good way to use in secret away from my girlfriend) don't want to lose that novelty fast like the gearvr when I upgrade. Any advice would actually be very appreciated.
Christian Wood
Is the oculus rift/touch combo sold out in most places in Canada? Can't seem to find much.
Jordan Sullivan
>Buying into the first generation
you cant be serious
Dominic Watson
A lot of bugs and issues were already ironed out at the devkit stages.
Carter Jenkins
So do we have any likely estimation regarding when Gen 2 VR is going to be available?
Benjamin Green
worth it for porn and 3D hentai games?
Jonathan Rogers
Landon Brown
Maybe, but the Best Buy demo was the only one available.
Lincoln Thomas
A year or two the guys at Oculus said, probably a little longer with delays and such.
We will see superior headsets from other companies before then but I doubt they will be considered gen 2.
Nathan Watson
A standalone sensor is 60 bucks. A touch package is 100, only 40 more.
I've got a third coming in the mail today, actually.
I bought the bundle back on prime day, so there's some weirdness going on.
That was my thinking. I've actually got a standalone sensor coming in, so I would have a four sensor setup. I've already banged my controllers a few times, and now Oculus is experimenting with mixed reality using a third controller for tracking an object...
Andrew Hill
2019 at the earliest for real "Gen 2"
Oculus outright stated they don't expect a successor for about two years, and Vive's folks have expressed similar sentiments
I was surprised by how much better desktop VR is, but Daydream is what convinced me VR was worth it. That said, the lack of positional tracking sucks.
Logan Hughes
>kinda want VR for a couple of games >cant really justify to spend 549 cad + tax
Ryder Torres
You can save up abit on the side and work out what else you would spend that money on, if you would end up spending that dosh on shit then get a headset. I only have a gf and no kids so no real obligations other than the occasional night out so it was an easy choice and no buyers remorse which was surprising.
Oliver Moore
My problem is that like after the initial WOW of the VR and the two games i'll put it on a shelf and not touch it again for years till a better headset at a cheaper price comes out, making this whole thing fruitless.
Asher Lewis
this is a great question.
Xavier Howard
It's hard to say because it differs from person to person but I bought the PSVR just for Resi 7 because I'm a RE nut, the fear of giving up on VR after a short while was there but the appeal of VR made me upgrade to a Rift. I even kept the PSVR for the occasional exclusives despite using the Rift alot more.
It just depends on how consistent that WOW factor is for you and you can always return the headset if you feel it's not for you.
Austin Watson
Another user chiming in here. There's more fun games out there than you'd realize too. I didn't expect to like Echo Arena but since it was free I tried it out and now I play it almost every day. There are certainly a few games I checked out through torrents that I ended up playing a lot too. And there's more and more stuff coming out. I owned Alien: Isolation and never got around to playing it, but now a VR mod came out so I'm planning on finally playing it. The reviews are pretty positive already. I think the only "gamer" who wouldn't be satisfied right now would be someone who's extremely focused on a single genre/type of game and doesn't like any others.
Adrian Jenkins
How well does the "3d" effect work, like vs a 3d imax movie with glasses?
Christopher Flores
so oculus rift is a lot of fun but if your playing any game where you can dodge behind cover i recommend not faceplanting on your actual desk.
Ian Reed
and yeah i know i look like a hobo, just got back from 3 days camping.
Xavier Myers
I mean it's on par with the best 3D you could get from any other method, but the FOV and head tracking actually make it feel like they're just real rather than a 3D projection.
Mason Baker
Guys, Gunheart is out. It looks really good.
Project Sansar by the Second Life developer is also released now in beta.
Jayden Cruz
look like a socialist. Noted and cited.
Eli Carter
I look like a socialist because i havent had a shave for 3 days???
Colton Baker
Don't they say that about all they're products?
Hudson Turner
>ginger No wonder you want to escape reality
Nathan Carter
I love my hair.
Cooper Peterson
Seeing your custom waifu full sized standing before is something that must be experienced first hand.
Luis Garcia
what are these home cinema simulator programs like? the idea of playing on a 150 inch screen that is not bound to any aspect ratio seems really appealing. I suppose this would still be hampered by the low res of the current crop of VR, but at least the requirements shouldnt be higher than when playing normally, right?
Jordan Collins
You're ginger and have a t-shirt on. You know t-shirt posting is worse than mobile posting, right?
Levi Johnson
So Linden Labs has put their VR Second Life successor, Sansar on open beta. Looking into joining it but what do others think?
Parker Gutierrez
The Waifu Sex Simulator VR seems promising
Nathan Walker
My Rift isn't working with it but it has a desktop mode. Avatars are pretty locked for now but there's some rooms to wander in. Sadly wandering is all you can really do, so far as I can tell. I'm sure that's going to change.
Juan Jenkins
Is there anything out there other than VRcovers that replace the part of the rift that goes up against your face? The hard angles on the default face mask thing are the only thing making the rift uncomfortable, but this VRcover seller is the only thing I can find that offers an alternative and there are a lot of bad reviews for it, some saying it actually makes it more uncomfortable because the cloth bunches up since it doesn't fit perfectly, and if you don't use the cloth then the faux-leather makes your face more sweaty.
Nathaniel Turner
They're the only ones I've seen. I have the same issue as well.
I assume you got the old bundle. The new bundle ships with a new facial interface that they'll add on the site to order separately soon. I haven't seen anyone compare them yet but just judging by the photos it looks better than the old one.
Josiah Myers
I'm having the same problem. I opened up MSI Afterburner, launched SteamVR, and watched as the GPU and Memory clocks maxed out.
Honey Select also does this, VR or not. I have to underclock/undervolt just to get it to quiet down so I can have a peaceful fap, and make sure I turn them back up for other VR games.
Logan James
Bought their covers for my Vive. Not the full replacement ones.
The leather I found to be comfortable and I use it by default now since it's so easy to clean compared to the default foam. The Rift doesn't have the same issue with the foam soaking up sweat like the Vive does though since it's far denser and has some sweat blocking layer on it. It does make you sweat more but it's better than dealing with wet foam. I'd say it's about on the same level as the default Rift foam in terms of breathing which is to say it neither really breathe well at all.
The cloth cover I felt was a little coarse and didn't really solve the sweat issue so I don't use it. Not as comfortable as the default foam. Of course you can talk to someone else and they'll have a different opinion.
Anthony Wright
There's WidmoVR. They have better covers than VRcover.
Cooper Richardson
Where the fuck is my rift. I place my order more than 2 weeks ago. REEEE!
Tyler Garcia
I'd say no. First few times was amazing, but if you do it every day it starts to become routine just like regular fapping. To really appreciate it longer term you'd have to space out the fapping, but then you're paying $400 for something you only use 1-3 times a week for an hour tops.
Isaiah Morris
How was the visual quality on playback? I'm specifically asking if I should just pick up a psvr for porn instead of rift. Thanks
Ryder Hernandez
>more than 2 weeks ago You should have gone to a retail place. Amazon and Oculus were the first to run out of stock and get backordered.
I ordered from Oculus at first, but after going a week without hearing any updates I cancelled the order and went with Best Buy. They had the bundle that included an xbone controller and a copy of EVE Valkyrie, and had free 2 day shipping. Newegg took a while to run out of stock too.
I'm learning my lesson from this one, and avoiding Amazon and first party sellers whenever I can.
Ayden Robinson
>finally get my Rift >dropped frames every 30 seconds or so no matter how much performance headroom I have in every single program, including low requirement games like Thumper
What in the hell, man? It's so annoying to drop from 90 FPS to 87 for no reason. Just sitting there in Lucky's Tale I see the drops. It usually happens when something happens like the pig kicking the ball in the idle screen or breaking a box.
I'm guessing my processor/RAM just can't keep up with what's required even though usage is low... I've fuckin' tried everything.
Brandon Hernandez
How is Honey Select in VR? I am legit debating getting a headset mostly for that
Benjamin Russell
Have you tried DPC latency checker?
Jack Bell
Just tried it. It seemed very limited and had a pretty bad VR implementation. They've got a long way to go.
David Gonzalez
pretty good but
Camden Carter
What kind of virtual or augmented reality glasses is the man in the background adjusting in this picture? If he is security, what data would be displayed in the glasses?
Jose Price
The amount of clipping is absurd. It's still fun, though.
What I really enjoy more is the dressup stuff in CM3D2; I don't even play that game for the sex.
Henry Price
I was waiting on my nephew getting out the shower so i could get in...other than that wtf is wrong with Tshirts when all im doing is slobbing around the house, its warm here atm and i just wanna be comfy.
Caleb Harris
Any decent fantasy walking simulators out there? My mum wants to go wandering through a 'fairy forest' as she puts it but she dosnt want to play a game, she just wants to wander around....I got her walking about in skyrim but she got upset when a bear attacked her.
Oliver Fisher
i just pose my maid nude in the editor and creepily whack over her
Robert Jackson
Any idea how accurate best buys finder is? I checked online and it seems to be all out of stock in stores.
Kevin Martinez
So I ordered from Oculus on thursday and they haven't sent it yet. Are they out of stock?
Luke Gomez
Honey select is better
Adrian Hill
I love it. You have to have look at you turned on, and position yourself just right and it's bliss just watching her dance to apple pie, especially when she gets up close
Adrian Kelly
I stuck my hand in the ceiling fan twice
Levi Brown
Yup, they and Amazon are on backorder, but Best Buy has some stock I think.
Hunter Smith
Holy fuck why did HTC put such a shitty unfiltered mic on the Vive. Every god damn multiplayer game is filled with mouth breathers and it's just always constantly there because the mic is always default on and they don't think about turning it off. It's like a constant stream of shit going into your ears, fuck.
Jackson Moore
Didn't get a chance to view any video
Dominic Adams
They are allegedly getting more mid august.
Logan Hernandez
At least you can be certain your not a manlet.
Isaac Cooper
Ordered one from oculus site as theres no tax or shipping costs to Canada for some reason (confirmed on redflag deals).
I have a question though. My pc set up is as folows in the image.
Would putting the two sensors to the left and right of my curtain bar work (faced downward)?
Aaron Mitchell
If you're going for a frontward facing setup only then yeah it should be fine. It's actually better mounted high up pointing downward since it gives it more view of your play area than just sitting on your desk.
Cameron Turner
Yea that's what i'm gonna try first. Not sure how long the cables for the sensors are or if if second will reach (or if i'll need usb3 extender cables).
Levi Ramirez
Sensor cables are 6ft iirc. If you need to extend longer than another 6ft then you should probably get an active extension to save yourself from any possible headaches.
Julian Nguyen
Hot diggity, thats pretty smart.
Jordan Morgan
Thanks user! I didn't know Best Buy was including Eve. I just bought that bundle myself.
Tell me, does it still include the Xbone controller?
Juan Hall
I don't think the clipping is that bad anymore. I just tried in non-VR mode.
Chase Carter
does the steam vr theater for non-vr games play whenever it feels like it? the thing never stops loading in the headset, but when i check the game, it is running.
Joshua Sullivan
Yeah I was kind of annoyed with it so I just disabled it completely through the Steam settings.
Chase Anderson
What I need
>better res >better FOV >eye tracking >wireless >inside out roomscale
Angel Morgan
>better res some guys are making that "17k effective resolution" that projects a google-glass sized 1k image wherever you're looking so that should be fun also samsung's gonna be providing 4k panels next time around >better FOV who knows >eye tracking already available if you're a developer, we should expect it in the next couple years >wireless see above >inside out roomscale see above
i don't super expect all of these things to show up on one headset and still be relatively lightweight before 2020, but there's options soon
Hunter Gutierrez
I consider FOV more important than resolution at the moment. I can already read text and see most detail but the goggle vision really hurts immersion.