Should we all be using zsh or fish?

Should we all be using zsh or fish?

>not using bash with you're own patches

zsh is for hipster nerds
fish is just a slightly worse version of bash that has pretty colors

why bother? zsh does all that and then some.

only problem with fish is it's not posix compatible, nor does it have a posix compatibility mode like zsh

>Busted Ass SHell


bash: old and busted
zsh: new hotness
fish: lol

>Fucking Idiot's SHell
Zebra's SHell
herp derp

damn i just got incinerated by that inferno of words

That almost looks like a dick. Protip: you cannot unsee it.

Fuck no, we should ALL be using mksh & dash as a root shell

>Zebra's SHell
Oh no how will zsh user ever recover?

is dash really that much faster?
>ubuntu uses it as it's boot shell because it's 4x faster than bash


go be stupid somewhere else
tbqh, that isn't as bad as Zebra.

use 100k loc chad shell or use 100k loc abandoned shell?
Nah, I will keep using slim ksh.

Yes, fish.

redpill me on korn shell?

Use xterm.

ksh93v- or death!

>being a shell hipster

dash is a very fast POSIX shell and ksh93 is great for programming
something something best tool for the job

just leave

I use zsh, does the job. Also love zsh's autocomplete.

ZSH yes.

Fish absolutely not.

yeah i use fish because i like the pretty colors and indentation
so sue me

I use bash as interactive shell because it's the default on Linux and ksh93 has some small problems with autocomplete. I might switch to zsh some day, though.
I administer some UNIX servers so knowledge of ksh is vital, even if the default there is usually the older ksh88.

enjoy your limited line-based output and emulating typewriter from 80s

>emulating typewriter from 80s
that's the problem of terminal emulator, not shell
way to go wintard

>windows users

do yourself a favor, if you're not going to replace windows at least install a decent shell

What are the advantages of using other shells than bash? To look cool on screenfetch threads?

not that user, but I used to do a lot of automation in Powershell both at home and work back and it was super cozy. Then Windows 8 happened and I decided to leave the sinking ship and installed Arch instead. I knew some bash from the college times but using it now for real life tasks, basically anything more complicated than moving things around and calling a program in a loop, felt like a hack at best. Parsing commandline output with regexes, leaning back on awk to do any maths, christ, it felt as if it was 90s all over again.

Then I learned to just screw bash and go straight to python if I cannot solve the problem with a oneliner. Haven't felt happier ever since.

Anyway, my point is, well, why don't you take some time and learn what Powershell is capable of compared to traditional nix shells before replying LOL WINDOWS, would you? Have nice day anyway.

wow what the fuck ZSH shill mods deleted my eggselent post


>Then I learned to just screw bash and go straight to python if I cannot solve the problem with a oneliner. Haven't felt happier ever since.

I still use Windows by choice but on the servers where I have control I use ipython as the system shell.

>it felt as if it was 90s all over again.
Disagree, the Linux CLI/SHell is much more like 70/80's, in the 90's we had good Object Oriented systems like OS/2, Plan9, BeOS, etc.

Nah, using Powershell on Linux. I'm not falling into the license trap.

powershell is the best part of wandows

>I use ipython as the system shell.
Tried xonsh?

bash is the de facto standard for scripting, but zsh is a lot more advanced for interactive use. Shit like completion and globbing is way easier and faster.

All I can glean from your post is that Powershell is extremely overengineered, like everything else Microsoft produces, and that Windows users don't quite grasp what the point of a shell is, or what full fledged programming languages like Python even exist when shell scripting already does.

i've been a windows systems engineer for 10 years. i use powershell all the time, i even remember when it came out. such high hopes.

but here is an actual powershell command

Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source \\network\share\sxs

here's another

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Include *.doc,*.docx -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

just two questions:

why do i need to specify between "WindowsFeature" and any other package? oh right, because windows is a multi-cultural steaming pile of loosely associated crap

why do i need to specify a sane default error action? probably because the developers are't allowed to do their jobs