Sup Forumsuys, i'm getting a thinkpad x220. what distro/OS should in install on it? coreboot?

Sup Forumsuys, i'm getting a thinkpad x220. what distro/OS should in install on it? coreboot?

OS X Sierra

Slackware because that is what's running on mine.


Windows 7 runs great

Debian 9 "Stretch"



thank me later.

OP here, what is a hackintosh? i have heard the term but never looked into it

install macos on a pc. look it up on tonymacx86

Try Source Mage OP

Enjoy your botnet. might as well throw W10 on it. Coreboot wont scrub it clean :^)

What is not botnet and not ten years old?

X200's are nine (9) years old and not botnet. Im just salty you have a 220; coreboot is saying they should have a full sploit for intels shit by the end of the year.

serious? are you memeing

this is a t420 though but there's a guide for the x220 too

In all honesty OP, install either antergos or Debian testing (buster)

literal irssi machines, I have two irssi instances open right now, why is irssi on a thinkpad so sexual?

I thought libreboot was saying that?

Yeah, it is Libreboot talking about a version for the X220 by the end of the year

Fingers crossed it works out. If not, I'll be using my X200 for the next 50 years

Arch, no joke. There's an entire wiki page dedicated to fine-tuning for that specific model. Arch users love Thinkpad and vice versa.