I am really into reverse engineering stuff, figuring out how it works and finding weakness in the system and sometimes making money in tjhose gray areas (unregulated). That means that nothing of the above is illegal, but you get my point.
My problem is, that I can't find people the similar talent that are not autism level over 9000 to share my similar interests. Most communities are edgy teenagers that downloaded some 2008 RAT and spread it to their friends. No legit communities that are into reverse engineering and breaking things apart to find problems and see how it works. No people with real skillset and passion for this..
Just letting you know that you won't find what you are looking for here.
Isaiah Myers
Would love to, but at the same time it would be hard to tell leeches apart, people that just looking for stuff like "How to hack facebook account" vs actual people that have a skillset, they can contribute and also learn something.
This is a discussion/brainstorming thread, not here to recruit to some Illuminati clan.
Andrew Bennett
The worst part is, it's hard enough online, let alone irl.
Evan Rivera
I'm really interested in that but I have no clue where to start.
I fucked around quite a bit with the CheatEngine debugger on Windows and I know Assembly but that's it.
Any book recommendations or something to learn?
Chase Ortiz
If I weren't seriously fucking allergic to x86 I'd probably be doing quite well with it professionally. t.autism level approx 8860
Charles Moore
I doubt you're that skilled or you'd have find your place around bugtrackers and security mailing lists, there is plenty of knowledge on reports disclosed everyday.
>I doubt you're that skilled or you'd have find your place around bugtrackers and security mailing lists, there is plenty of knowledge on reports disclosed everyday.
Bugtrackers and security mailing lists you mean of open source projects?
You def sound skilled. You ever followed a bugtracking mailing thread? It's all about trivial and stupid issues. Autistic adults are power tripping over whose opinion dominates.
Nathan Ramirez
IRC and I am down
Julian Butler
Bugtrackers and security mailing lists you mean of open source projects?
Yes, they are mostly crash reports and cve assignments and there is few arguing, but it is enough to help people that wants to learn. I agree they are not a place to meet or share conversations. I think it's hard to find communities because people are really busy and security in general is a very hard and individual work.
Perhaps you should check for CTF teams, I don't know how it is to be or to get on them.
Kayden Howard
Currently looking for these in a torrent. I missed the deadline last night.
Parker Bailey
>No legit communities that are into reverse engineering and breaking things apart to find problems and see how it works. No people with real skillset and passion for this..
LoL. I'm just a mediocre dude and I was watching C3 talks a few years ago where people were probing TPM chips with needles and homemade electron microscopes and shit. There are people who are building satellite scanning hardware from surplus naval gimbaled parabolic dishes.
Are you some kind of fucking fed fresh from your first defcon looking to scrape up some low hanging fruit?
David Peterson
The only two facts in this thread.
The main attraction point about being apart of the feds is the instant access to deep resources for acquiring a greater understanding. The trade off is you're tied at the hip for government/public services.
No worries, they are brainlets just like you. >Jimmy wants to be a hacker, but feds (his mom) won't let him Embarrassing to watch.
Ryan Baker
>talks about reverse engineering like it's 'hacking'
You just persuade people to do something you fucking cum stain. Not impressive.
Thomas Brown
Makes you sad?
You're surprised you're not meeting people who lie on the internet about making money from reverse engineering/hacking?
You probably work in a gas station.
Landon Kelly
checkout ax0nes.com
founded by DarkCoderSC
if you dont know this name do not apply
Benjamin Ross
OP, get on slack, irc, Twitter, etc. It's really not hard to find people with your interests. And probably stop using retarded guy fawkes images of you want to be serious or be taken seriously.