About to build what does /g think?
PC build
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Where the fuck is the GPU?
looks good, it'll run like a champ when you're finished
Reusing my gtx660 from old pc
What are you planning on using instead?
>No sound card
>Republic of gamers
Are you planning on getting a better card at a later date?
Not OP, but on board sound is fine kek
depends on if the gtx660 performs well in the new build, if not then yes
If you buy a $50 mobo the onboard sound will be shit. On a mobo of the price OP paid it'd be fine.
Are you fucking kidding me buy a 1080 ti and a 144hz meme monitor or you just wasted your goddamn money.
rofl, all this shit and he's still using a fucking 660
OP here, and yea on board is fine
Does one really need a sound card?
How does it affect sound performance and quality?
660 does what I need right now
My 7700k runs at [email protected] no issue, had to delid it it though. I got on the kaby train on launch, if i known AMD was gonna put out a compelling option I would have waited and got a Risen 7
Sound cards aren't necessary at all. The on-board audio on modern motherboards is very high quality and it's almost impossible to tell the difference between on-board audio and sound card audio.
Why the fuck did you upgrade in the first place? Wasn't for any productivity, can tell you that much.
Ah thanks mate
I think I led on the impression I'm never going to upgrade the card. I AM going to upgrade the card but right now at the moment I ordered the other parts, I did not order a new GPU
>I think I led on the impression I'm never going to upgrade the card. I AM going to upgrade the card but right now at the moment I ordered the other parts, I did not order a new GPU
While I disagree with your choice of CPU (Ryzen 1700 would be my choice, especially after the recent pricedrops), I can only commend you on holding off buying a GPU right now. Prices are way too high and with Vega coming, nvidia prices may go down a tad.
Should have just grabbed a g4560 or ryzen 3 1200 and a 1060, would have been a bigger upgrade. Unless you're going above 60fps(resolution doesn't matter) just about any cpu 8370/2500k or better is fine.
more of an upgrade than the i7-7700k?
meme build
water cooling
fag colors
republic of gaymers
i love Sup Forums
no sound card = no real PC
gay and not worth it
do I need to say....
gay and goy
this is the faggiest build ever to grace itself on Sup Forums
on board is fine
post your build
Noctua NH-DS15
Ryzen 7 1700x
Asus X370 Mobo
1080Ti Titan
32 GB 3200Mhz RAM (clocked at that speeds with BIOS update)
1 Tb SSD Samsung
2 Tb HDD
>simple effective without faggetry
>werks for my deep learning needs
>my deep learning needs
You sound like kind of a fucking idiot to me.
>Sound cards aren't necessary at all. The on-board audio on modern motherboards is very high quality and it's almost impossible to tell the difference between on-board audio and sound card audio.
Bullshit, onboard sound cards are shit compared to external boxes.
>gay and not worth it
calls OP fag and uses the line "deep learning needs"
great build tho user
babby too dumb to learn tensorflow?
>You sound like kind of a fucking idiot to me.
Welcome to Sup Forums kek
You a productivity person? Why the fuck did you buy an i7 with ryzen out?
If not, why the fuck did you buy an i7 to use with a gtx660 without planning to upgrade it? Spoiler: the 660 is gonna run like shit
>deep learning needs
What? I'm an academic researcher, I create classifiers for bioinformatic needs (variant calling)
I have a need for a rig that can handle large datasets for deep learning
returning all my stuff. thanks Sup Forums!
Good man.
>republic of gaymers
>meme loop
>meme M2
>no GPU
literally retarded
Yeah, nah. Anything extra is pointless for most people.
Where's the GPU you moron
Also you overpayed out the ass, all that shit is overpriced. Way to know nothing about what you're buying.
Muc liquid cooling for much delid cpu.
>it's almost impossible to tell the difference between on-board audio and sound card audio.
Shut the fuck up please
Typical generic gaymer shit
>M2 SATA III drive
>Corsair fans
Those fans suck return them and get a ml120 twin pack
Kek this is literal meme build nice buying based on what makes you look cool
>850 EVO M.2
Why? You know that's just SATA right?
You can learn stuff from reading, but that doesn't mean visual eroge novels can be classified as "deep learning"
Maybe you installed them backwards.
I never used them, I just look at graph
>Corsair fans
Good choice of PSU though OP
The M.2 version is usually a little cheaper and performance is similar if not slightly better.
That's a Superflower PSU with EVGA branding.
For those wondering the biggest difference is SNR, dynamic range and overall detail. So yes sound cards are worth it.
Nice RAM. Oh wait...
There's literally a PC building general, we do not care.
Onboard sound is good enough for the average person.
>M.2 is SATA
Are you retarded?
Not everyone is into that.
No, but you are. The 850 EVO is a SATA drive, even the M.2 version. It will connect through SATA, whereas an NVMe drive like the 960 EVO will connect through PCIe.
>not an AMD cpu
fuck off
>Nonexistent components
Try harder faggot. I'm not even OP.