Replacing a gift

So I broke my mouse because I was incredibly angry and things I'm not gonna go into, and I want to purchase the same mouse if only for sentimental effect, plus I like it
Can ya help me figure out what brand or model this is?
>pic related, it's the mouse
>it's not under the surface of the mouse

Google gives this result. You should find one of these easily.

Self bump cus this is important to me

Nice helmet, but doesn't help

Look at the underside of the mouse, there will likely be a serial number or something that will help us identify it
>holy shit how are you so oblivious to literally everything around you

Nope, nothin
At all
The fuck you mean by that second part hombre

>Nope, nothin
>At all
>The fuck you mean by that second part hombre
You literally just proved his point by asking "what he means".

My money says the person who gave you that mouse is long gone, with good reason.

Hang yourself with that mouse cord to get one more use out of it.

>He stole the mouse from a friend
>managed to throw a tantrum and break the mouse in the process
>Realises that friend is going to notice soon and blame him
>The shirtless user is trying to find the exact same mouse to give back to his friend

Moral of the story.
Don't be a Jamal.

You are a terrible person, OP. And the Sup Forums community isn't going to lift a finger from our perfectly working mouses to assist you. Please open your wrists in the bathtub.

>implying the whole of Sup Forums community is using a mouse

>holy shit how are you so oblivious to literally everything around you
Not OP, just curious what you mean by this. What are your eyes seeing that mine aren't, user?

Is obviously and Q.c. O.K. Series, I think there was a run of only 50 of those amigo, so you. Can't do shit now :(.
>other option will be try to fix it or opening and seeing if the internals come with a name or something, however for the looks look kinda generic friend :(

I wish; I'm using Vimium for every other site than Sup Forums, but Vimium can't hover over reply-links to preview them.

>Q.C. OK
Just forget it, fampai. That's the mark of having been made with whatever was available at the Shenzen market that day, you're never going to find a manufacturer or model.

Holy Christ, it's spreading.

Close, he stole it from a library lol, I broke it and he's in a different state, I just want a new one cus it's a good mouse desu

What makes me a terrible person tho I just want a new mouse, I'll tell him I broke it and nothing will change lol

>run-on sentences

>stolen from a library
>using the acronym that gets you "desu"
>thief skips town, but you feel compelled to give him mouse updates, and find that lol-worthy?

You've been advised to KYS several times. Take that advice.

That's the shittiest scenario I've ever heard. Don't ever try to write faggot.

>stolen from a library
>using the acronym that gets you "desu"
>thief skips town, but you feel compelled to give him mouse updates, and find that lol-worthy?

You've been advised to KYS several times. Take that advice.

The shirtless bit made me chuckle though.

Seek out anger management classes

>using the acronym that gets you "desu"
Desu is an old meme you retard

Never mind the mouse, you need to save that money to replace that table. The fuck is wrong with you? Do you destroy everything you make physical contact with? I'm scared... does the laptop work or is that 'broken' as well?

This dumpster tier computer desk is something that's been around for about 25 years, it still rolls around and has enough space for my working but damaged laptop
It's damaged from overuse more than anything desu

Sigh... so the laptop is broken too

Nah the only "broken" part is the charger, and the battery a little from, like I said, overuse

Just get a Xornet II.

>that design
>side buttons
What's with the stretch on the right side on it? A left hand adapter? A pinkie rest? Get outta my sight, fool. I'm not gonna steamroll over my pinkie with a mouse, I don't need that damn flap.

That's where your ring finger sits, m8.

It's a claw-grip mouse just like your chink mouse.

Oh, nice
Still butt-ugly, and I still dislike the side buttons, but nice I guess

>hes this new