Post ur homescreens

post ur homescreens

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Am i patrician?

No, you're both pathetic narcissists that find pride in using software other people have written, in using icons other people have made and in using wallpapers other people have made.
Fucking pathetic, disconnect yourselves from the internet.

0/10 both of you, see me after class

you didn't even post yours faggot

i find no pride in this, my home screen is a mess you idiot

i'm just bored it's like 2 am here

you sound bum rustled

Then why are you on this website made by someone else? Using a browser and os made by someone else? Using a network made by someone else?
Fucking pathetic, disconnect yourself from the internet.


Lineage as fuck

I don't take pride in that. Your reading comprehension is worse than an illiterate person's.

Are you daft? An illiterate person cannot read nor write. The user you quoted has already proven that he/she is able to read and write in a coherent manner. What you said could be considered an oxymoron of sorts.

Fucking neo-Sup Forums, man.

Idk senpai

It's a bit of a work in progress.

is this a joke lol

why are mcdonalds and burger king apps near the front


Had it for a bit now, can't come up with a new idea

I use the coupons. What does my selection of apps have to do with the looks of the homepage? Post yours.

My reading comprehension is fine thank you for your concern.
Why do you get all defensive when someone uses your stupid logic against you?
Maybe cause it's stupid

Phat phuc.

I like the color green.

No need to rice

Am I?



how insecure are you?

Post pucci


you should put your icons on the sides so you don't cover her face


How did you do the news thingy.

>two clocks

Skinny fat.


Wow that looks great. Has got to be a battery killer though.

anyone have a different background they can recommend?

Samsung Galaxy J5 (2016)

Most of them are those "swipe up" hidden folders from Nova Launcher

I know, 2 clocks



>gym rat propaganda

die fatty

Clean only


I don't like widgets too much, so you won't find them anytime soon on my homescreen

Feels great to have a non normie launcher, especially if you have a physical keyboard

R8, time/date divider doubles as a battery meter

remove page indicator, buddy

>2 clocks literally millimeters from each other
>mcdonalds and burger king apps

you idiot

>two clocks in different time formats


plz no bully

U chubby as fuck maggot


Took the picture myself


Why not just buy an iphone if you want it to look like one?

i don't like iphone but i love iphone theme so i do this ^^

oh wow nice cell phones retards

best in thread desu

Sorry for being pleb, but iBooks is literally the only reason I'm not on Android.


Reminds me of Cave Story. What is it actually based off of?



I own a pixel so I haven't changed anything

I don't like Persona but you have a cool interface .

Thanks man!

I see you copied my homescreen from the last thread, nice setup
Here are all the best wallpapers i have saved uploaded on gdrive-


At least crop the wide screen wallpaper to fit your screen, if you don't like widgets too much try minimal Zooper widgets apps you can find on play store and your choice of icon pack is good

Change the time font that 5 looks autistic and decrease the font size to make it look better get a good wallpaper here


You need to have baby fingers to accurately click on the right icon, so make 2 rows and 6 columns of icons and use nova shortcuts for your most used app as then it can be easily accesible

This looks like straight from the time of jelly bean

>You need to have baby fingers to accurately click on the right icon
Wrong. You would only have problems if you have large nigger hands. I have normal sized hands and have no problems with accuracy.

It's your personal choice but your homescreen looks serried, you can easily use gestures to access apps from different pages and make your homescreen look a bit better but it's your phone your personalisation

>that picture
Good taste user

What widgets did you use for the wingpanel and apps configuration


old school

r8 h8

Anki is better you faggot


Now that's cute


play books?


Kys dumb poster







Validate my taste Sup Forumsros

>using mimi over clover

Superior form and function coming through


Put the neko naked

Hail Satan

