Best OS for crappy notebooks?

I just got a notebook as a gift, its actually pretty crappy but I still want to use it.

It has a celeron N3350 1.1ghz processor with 2 cores,
2GB RAM (I had a spare 4gb so now it has 6gb)
And eMMC 32gb memory (I also have a spare SSD but for some reason the laptop doesnt have a connector for it).

It came with windows 10 but since Im low on disc space I want to put another OS on it.

I will be using it mostly for writing, maybe some simple graphic design, internet and mostly low end stuff. But I still want the best performance.

I was thinking the best option is to put Lubuntu on it.

Is there an OS that will give me a better performance?

Also I would appreciate if anyone knows tips, tools and programs that will give me the best performance.

Other urls found in this thread: os for laptop


it's going to be a pain to use no matter what you are doing. anything on the internet these days needs 4GB + good CPU benchmarks

Yeah I know, sadly I dont have a spare processor atm, but I might change it after a while. Still cheaper than buying a whole new notebook. And I could really use a small one like this for writing, just dont want the OS to be slow

i think everything is soldered in place in those shitty 2017netbooks

just sell or return this piece of shit

Xubuntu is much more aesthetically pleasing, but since the processor is really bad I am worried it might be slower. I havent actually used lubuntu nor xubuntu for longer periods and I am not sure if xubuntu lightweight enough for these specs.

they are almost the same because they come with the same tools from ubuntu so yea xubuntu

my opinion you could run ubuntu gnome on that
why settle for less and not be maximum comfy
yes 2gb ram works

My problem is the same as you. I was leaning to Lubuntu until some time ago when I found about netinstalls. Netinstalls is a somewhat a server installation, no graphics, then you take this basic environment and add what you need. I won't be installing a full DE, but a simple WM.

I advice you try the same, get yourself a copy of Devuan and add strictly just what you are going to use regarding to applications.

Unironically Windows XP


Windows 98 with kernel patches

Take your botnet piece of shit and never come back. We don't want viruses here.

since you mention it but it's not server tho
it's just ncurses instead of gtk for installer
>Network installer

you'll have a working base system in minutes
>skip last step of installer (don't select additional pkg groups)
reboot and install what you want, for example:
apt install i3 lxdm lxappearance pcmanfm arc-theme breeze-icon-theme

>ib4 ubanto autistic screeching
/ ~1gb; ram usage less than 100mb

gnome is still better tho, if you don't need other accounts and enable auto login you should have free -m show about 450mb ram used which is what 100-150 more than L/Xubuntu

>botnet ecks dee
Go back to using Arch pajeet

Only NT is botnet

if you're getting viruses in 2017 you are the problem

kys Microsoft os for laptop

>backdoored by the nsa
>since windows 95
drink in moderation

I'd been using an Acer Aspire e3-112 for almost two years, its specs are even worse: N2840. I replaced HDD with SSD and installed Gentoo. The installation usually took something about a night. It was working well even with a running kvm with a dev server, Windows 10 was a bit slow though, but I booted Windows only to update firmware.

>gnome is still better tho, if you don't need other accounts and enable auto login you should have free -m show about 450mb ram used which is what 100-150 more than L/Xubuntu

Well I upgraded to 6gb RAM, so Im not worried about it as much as i am about the CPU. Isnt gnome a bit resource heavy compared to xubuntu and lubuntu? How will bad CPU affect performance

This is almost my way. I also used Ubuntu then Xubuntu, then I started using netinstall and realised that I could use any distro since I built mine from scratch. I moved to Gentoo because Arch is untermensch in comparison to Gentoo master race.

>Arch is untermensch in comparison to Gentoo master race
my nigga

keep compiling, bitch

The excuse is quite typical. It actually shows that inferior Arch users can't manage their time, can't automate tasks with shell scripts, can't build a stable environment which doesn't require rebuilding world every day, can't fine tune compilation settings, can't configure kernel, et cetera.

>can't manage their time
I don't spend time managing my system.. it jest werks
>can't automate tasks with shell scripts
actually, can do.. a lot
>can't build a stable environment
wrong again
>doesn't require rebuilding world every day
never rebuild it since the first install.. no need
>can't fine tune compilation settings
can do, won't do "time management"
>can't configure kernel, et cetera
can do, won't "time management"
so it turns out you are just a faggot..

Chromium OS

>it jest werks
I am not the other guy, but you are full of shit and you know it.

go neck yourself, boi

Stop recommending Xubuntu as lightweight, retard. It stopped being so more than 5 years ago. Xfeces uses twice as much memory than Lxde or Mate and almost as much as Cinnamon.
In fact, you should stop recommending Xubuntu at all, because it stopped being relevant and brings nothing special to the table.
1. There are other distros that do more and look better for the same footprint.
2. There are other distros in the same category, but with much lower footprint.

Op, try Ubuntu Mate from a live-cd and if you find it bearable install it.
If it's not, install Lubuntu.

>Isnt gnome a bit resource heavy compared to xubuntu and lubuntu?
no, only a bit more ram but how else would it be comfier
>How will bad CPU affect performance
idk what you mean, cpu cycles only go up for sec when you press super for the overview for example else it just sits at 1-2%

if i had a very very limited pc with less than 2gigs of ram i would use openbox on it with tint on that network buntu install - this is as minimal as it gets

>gnome uses only a bit more ram than lubuntu
kys already and stop giving advices on Sup Forums - Technology

i already said you can't measure XFCE vs LXDE from L/Xubuntu because they come with the same tools and use about the same mem, it's more of a preference and xubuntu is nicer to the eye.

or 5 whatever


your graph is old.

Wasn't this famous now for crashes?

and inaccurate


the specs on this are EXACTLY the same as their chromebooks (and other chromebooks).

they just took a CB model and stuffed win10 in there instead of chromeOS.

install chromeOS (or chromium OS) and you will be much happier with the laptop. i have had two CBs over the years and they both still hold up fantastically for the same purposes youve cited, and have roughly the same specs.

you wont be disappointed.

Sounds tempting, but already installing xubuntu. Might try both for a few days and see which one feels better.

Gnome does seem a lot more visually appealing

>source: anons ass

Windows 7, but, its an celeron, no matter what you do, no matter how much ram you put, it will always be slow, for everything, its meant to be a very portable device, not fast but ok for everyday task.

remember about the auto login thing
it will spare you another gnome-session just for gdm
there's a bug tracker for it but who knows when they'll make it go on/off on demand

No man I know a single cpu with 1gb ram runs current FF fine. Plays youtube at 480p even.

OS doesn't really matter, just install a lightweight DE like lxqt/mate/lxde or even i3 if you like

if the thing can run windows 10 at all, even slowly, then you're not going to have much trouble finding a good distro to run on it. ubuntu/arch/gentoo/most other things should be fine with a light de

-t someone who used a chromebook with those specs for years with ubuntu

I installed xubuntu and it wouldnt boot. I flashed bios and reinstalled however it atill wont boot, now I have a weird windows error even tho I dont have windows anymore.

Bios has the lates firmware now and I dont have an option to enable legacy boot, pretty weird. My options are minimum.

did you boot into the livecd and try it out as is recommended? did you install the bootloader as is necessary?

Yes it boots live and works without a problem. And I did install the boot loader

This is what I get

How much productive work have you done using this computer since the last reboot? What kind of work was it?

install gentoo

>How much productive work have you done
a lot
>What kind of work was it?
IT related. rdp,AD,gsuite,vpn,avaya site admin,cms etc
maybe some people shoud learn how to use a computer

Return it to Bestbuy and buy a real notebook on eBay.

>my usecase is playing steamgames and typing up my social studies homework
>that means that people who work with UNIX for a living and can install an OS without an installer are neakbeards
It works for what I use it for.

I tried reinstalling grub and now I am back to "no boot device"

Use Void. very lightweight and snappy, and no systemd!

disable uefi and secure boot

secure boot is disabled, I cannot disable UEFI in BIOS, it doesn-t have that option, which is weird

Lubuntu is solid. I'd go for that.

Best setup would be gentoo + a tiling window manager + cli programs. Only install gui programs if it's necessary (web browser and image editing program).

i don't habeeb you.

nope, chromium OS isn"t relevant in any way
chrome OS is notperfect imo but it can be used for basic stuff. chrome Os can only be installed on chromebooks. Chromium OS doesn't have any software for the end user

but you can't install chrome OS and chromium OS is not a viable OS

ewwwwwwwwwww the fuck is that shit!??

Lubuntu is your best option if you just want to use it taking notes, browsing and some little shits
any distro with mate could do the job too with a little more disk space use
xp sp1 is also an option if you're not bloating it with antivirus and keep away from non secured websites (sp2 or 3 won't run as smoothly)
if you want to have some fun, you can play with some obscure OS like haiku, menuet, kolibri, ...

I just set the bios password and then I was able to disable the secure boot, simple as that.

How much was that thing anyway?

Puppy Linux