Startup culture is the cancer killing tech. Just a bunch of normalfags trying to cash in on "le nerdy tech world xD"

Startup culture is the cancer killing tech. Just a bunch of normalfags trying to cash in on "le nerdy tech world xD"

Don't EVER listen to any of these fucking normals. Stop watching TED talks. Delete Twitter, Facebook, and all your other shitty social media accounts. Stop reading Hacker News. Only pay attention to people who actually care about technology.

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Hacker News is generally very cynical about startup culture, at least in the comment threads I read. It's just that the actual folks at YC are dipshits. Once you look past the overlap between the two it's fine.

Please include pretty much every online tech publication on your list though. Verge goes right at the top. Now there are some total fucks who are in it for the hype money.

>cancer killing X

How to spot a retard who has no idea what he's talking about.

>t. Pajeet on his 54th round of VC funding for an app to rate apple pies.

>tfw you want to start a tech business but don't want to be a traditional startup
>tfw can't come up with an idea that's retarded enough to get investment. more retarded = more $$$$. example: juice bags

>No, I definitely know what I'M talking about, trust me!

>Just a bunch of normalfags trying to cash in on "le nerdy tech world xD"

Pretty much. Before that they were in real-estate, banking, startups (dotcom boom)

An AMERICUKS invention
Uber président and shit

Large company culture is even worse though.

It isn't. Large companies are led by men and women at least in their 40s - usually between 50 and 70 to be honest -, those people are very mature and serious about what they do. And they employ hard working people. Start ups on the other hand are led by spoiled college kids who were given $100k by daddy to start their own companies and they hire their college friends. Tell me, who would you rather trust to run a company, the Californian "YOLO" college kids who have parties, beer, weed and orgies 24/7, or tall, grey haired men in dark suits carrying briefcases?

>basing your perception on the world on STOCK PHOTOS

Id trust the college kids tbqh. Fuck boomers.

They're serious about what they do; and what they do is look for ways to dick you over.

And TED talks are good, it's the unofficial TEDx talks that are hot garbage.

>Only pay attention to people who actually care about technology.

So, does that mean you're gonna leave Sup Forums?

>Stop reading hacker news

Then what do I read and who cares about technology?

The Verge has fallen off since Gamer gate and allowed SJW's to post stupid things about Gamers.

Yeah Boomers suck ass they gave us an economic recession and are piling up debt that we will be paying into their retirement funds on S.S.

>Fuck boomers.

>Tell me, who would you rather trust to run a company, the Californian "YOLO" college kids who have parties, beer, weed and orgies 24/7, or tall, grey haired men in dark suits carrying briefcases?
The nigga paying me well.

>trusting your boss
That's the dumbest mistake you could ever make, user.

That is an impressive strawman you built there, buddy.

I don't.
That's the thing.
As long as the contract is respected, the company could be run by blind albino polynesians, via tibetan prophecies, for all i care.

startups are going to crash their bubble and kill californias economy

Startups already crashed in london desu
Worked for one that failed because it was based on startup culture and being a startup rather than actually being a small business that upscales. Wasnt very profitable and I worked for free for "the potential".

I know its reddit but the startup subreddit gives you feel for the hate people have for the culture after working for one. These startups are usually run by over zeapous drop outs who think theyre the next zuckerberg and their idea follows the format of "its x but like for Y" the main """CEO""" usually doesnt have an ounce of technical knowledge and wants to protect his idea, everything revolves around his oh so protected idea like its worth a fucking thing

yeah FUCK old people XD Anarchy!!!

The hardest thing about starting a business is attracting customers.
That's why social media is a channel that must be tried.

I started a business and I don't even have personal social media accounts. But I do have someone with a meme job managing social media. I don't thing social media has produced any results so far. But it does look good for the brand.

startups are literally ruining the term startup

you're supposed to create a startup after actual sales, not establishing one in hopes sales come

millennials can't into shit desu how embarrassing

>the company could be run by blind albino polynesians, via tibetan prophecies, for all i care
>could be
>he doesn't know

>Work at a startup with a quirky non-standard domain name
>"Agile" "scrum" but horribly applied
>Lead developer knows less about programming than me
>Has actively broken my programs trying to "enhance" them on more than one occasion
>Doesn't know how to use git or linux
>Made it seem in interview like they were an actual competent team that did code reviews and shit
>After I joined the other "developers" all bolted.

Yes I'm looking for work atm. When I leave they honestly might go under but fuck it its too late to worry about that now

It was my first programming job and I was desperate.

Your in for a surprise.

80% of the businesses are like that. And that includes the government.
Most people are incapable of doing their job.