Why are there no decent GUI toolkits for C?

Motif is ancient and GTK is a mess.

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suck it up and use gtk+ like a big boy


GTK is so closely tied into Gnome and forces you to use its shitty libraries.

Because GUIs are by necessity object-oriented. Even WIN32 pretty much just reinvents C++ just to get itself working.


Because most people don't want to program UI stuff in C. The most common reason people turn to C in the last decade is to eke out as much speed as they need. GUI spends most of its time doing nothing waiting for user input.

Not necessarily. That's just the most popular way. There are some very interesting proposals for other ways that have advantages in some use cases. One example that has gained some traction recently is immediate mode gui

Separate your code into a library and GUI. Write the library in C.

If you want to do GUI C is not the language you want to use. You can make Python bindings to your C code and then use PyQt.

Because almost no one writes applications in C.

Most Linux applications are written in C.

tk has c api.
but it is not easy to use without tcl.

why did you screencap such a mundane post

Because I thought it was funny at the time.

IUP is god tier.


The best and simplest one!


This is probably the dumbest post I've see pythonfags write in some time. Why the fuck would he use pyqt when he can just use c++ directly. Qt is a c++ library.

If you're willing to use OBJECTIVE C, cocoa is pretty good.

Switch to C++ and use Qt.

You could try nuklear.
pic related, made with nuklear.

You could also try to look if there's other SDL / opengl based GUI libraries, they might be in C.
There's also libraries that let you write GUI's using html+css, I think one of the big ones had example using exported API.

ec is language that is superset of C, so every valid C program should compile with it.
It provides cross platform SDK for 2D, 3D graphics and GUI.
Not sure if you can just use it as library for C.

everytthing is just handles and SendMessage/PostMessage anyways, you can still make shit with ease, documentation is the problem here

You stupid pythonfag
Write the ui on c++, write back end or algorithm in c if you want.

>GTK is a mess
lol wut?

Anyway, use Qt like a real man.

Can still program C and just link properly.


just use C++


Because C programmers are actually smart enough to use a text-based interface.

riddet is written in python

>Why are there no decent GUI toolkits for C?
Because C is a language for brainlets that lacks the facilities to create proper GUI toolkits (among other things, but lets focus on the topic at hand).
Whenever a GUI toolkit written in C comes up, it inevitably does at least one of the following:
a. reinvents runtime polymorphism and other stuff poorly (often some time AFTER recognizing that they should have written it in another language)
b. uses a fuckfest of void pointers
c. uses_fucking_ridiculous_long_stuff_names (but only in combination with the other things)
d. makes components that atomic you might as well implement your own toolkit (mostly in combination with e.)
e. outsources the impossible (like proper function dispatch) or uncomfortable (like actually using the API) things to some scriptshit

hello pajeet

oh my god, my shitpost was screencapped.

remember everyone, I was merely pretending.

>not a brainlet for not clinging to the great C delusion
>better call him pajeet

Everything worth doing can be done from the terminal.