So Linus Shill Tips hosted his own event, 'LTX 2017', and did nothing but shill for AMD for the entire event to an audience of about 50-60 teenagers.
Is this proof that Sup Forums's favourite label reader is BTFO/bankrupt and will never recover?
So Linus Shill Tips hosted his own event, 'LTX 2017', and did nothing but shill for AMD for the entire event to an audience of about 50-60 teenagers.
Is this proof that Sup Forums's favourite label reader is BTFO/bankrupt and will never recover?
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Broke-ass teenagers can't get enough rides in their mom's car to make it there since they spent all their allowance on shiny new Razor keyboards and mice. Doesn't mean his audience just vanished.
Man we really need an e-celeb board.
This shit is getting so fucking old.
No one cares about fucking linus, you fucking teenager.
Fuck off faggot, Linus is /our guy/. The reason it has a small audience is because it's an incredibly exclusive event.
LTX 2017 was a few balloons and a bedsheet with a projector in a giant dark stadium they didn't even turn the lights on as it prob would've been more expensive than the abysmal ticket sales. Tickets were $30 a pop and OP pic is what you got.
Linus didn't prepare and had fucking nothing at all ready for his ghost town shillcon. I bet he fucking begged Papa Rajeet for this so he had anything at all to show at his rendition of a rural elementary school play.
>but shill for AMD
It's hilarious when you realize that he uses older Intel stuff and when Skylake-X's release issues get fixed he'd switch to that as well.
I liked it better when Rossmann was /ourguy/.
At least the pricing was confirmed.
$399 for the 56
$499 for the air cooled 64
$599 for the water cooled 64
The $399 56 is going to be a really nice sweet spot card for high refresh rate, 1440p gaming and 60hz 4k.
>60hz 4k
kek, in your dreams
Can you not post using a tripcode please? Thanks.
Barely faster than a 1060, no it wont
It’s also in bumblefudge, BC Canada. Of course no one was going to venture into the literal Canadian wilderness for LTX
The only reason he can afford a massive warehouse is because land is still given away in 40 acre and mule parcels out there.
You mean faster than a 1070 right? The rx580 is faster than a 1060.
Freesync 4k monitors will be able to pull 60hz at most settings turned all the way up with the 56.
Yeah, that hour and a half train/bus ride from downtown Vancouver was a real trudge.
I asked him for a hilarious reaction image but he didn't even contort his face at all. What a pleb.
>that gaunt face
>that beenie
Guys.... does Linus have cancer/aids?
So awkward
>favourite label reader
brilliance in simplicity
>You've watched the videos. You've read the forum. Now's your chance to experience Linus and his pack of rag-tag Tech Tippers IRL! No, your eyes do not deceive you: you are cordially invited to the first ever second attempt at an LMG fan meetup: LTX2017!
>The LMG team is pulling out all the stops to create the world's first ever Tech CON-ival: a fun, family friendly hodge-podge of games, exhibits, and socializing. Mind-splitting prizes are on the line, and the LMG staff will be lurking about, rocking you at the Case Toss, wrecking you at CS GO and pretending they don't know you at the Socks & Sandals photobooth.
This is so embarrassing what the fuck
I wish I was there
Does it have a ball-pit?
Didn't he btfo Linus once?
>Barely faster than a 1060.
An rx580 is faster than the 1060. Vega 56 will BTFO the 1070 and trade blows with the 1080 with no issues.
I would have gone if I lived near the middle of bumfuck Canada.
>Is this proof that Sup Forums's favourite label reader is BTFO/bankrupt and will never recover?
Surely he wouldn't have the money to throw around for useless events if he were bankrupt.
what does the x stand for?
>Hosts event in bumfuck nowhere Canada
>Surprised when no one shows up
Linus Tech Xpo 2017
That location probably had the largest concentration of his fans anywhere in the world.
>his fans
Pretty sure Noctua is based in Austria, and they manufacture in China and Taiwan.
There is nothing to fix there. They need to start over.
>400W TDP
>release issues
Umm, user...
Almost bit. You son of a bitch.
>$1350 entry fee
>useless events
Motherfucker made a killing on this.
>>$1350 entry fee
How were there so many kids?
It's Canada, everyone has rich parents because of government handouts.
Sup Forums has a global rule which restricts underage people, and any organization which could pull underage people onto the site against the rules, from being present or posted on Sup Forums.
Please post LTT somewhere off Sup Forums, or at least move it to .
I bet it broke the cunts heart to see his only dedicated fans are children
I like him to be honest he has a good stage presence and an interesting personality
To be honest it would have been better off if he ran a Minecraft benchmark with the Vega, demand would have skyrocketed
Yes it fucking does
I've been saying he has Jaundice or whoever colour corrects his videos needs firing
I don't know if you're joking or not
I've made a thread about the flood of Sup Forumsermin on Sup Forums on /qa/
Must have been a lot of fun backstage after the event was over
The colour grading on LTT videos has always been fucking abysmal, even between different shots in the same video.
They've spent like $50k on 8k hollywood grade cameras but can't even edit properly.
Goy, i have never seen a graphics card like this before!
Because Google doesn't enforce COPPA. Also demonstrated with Joke Paul. I can't wait when they get a huge fine from the FTC over it.
y-you were there?
>The $399 56 ... refresh rate, 1440p gaming and 60hz 4k.
No way the 56 is better than a 1080.
>I bet it broke the cunts heart to see his only dedicated fans are children
He knew for at least over a year
It's still funny that the whole thing was sponsored by accounting software for small businesses when 90% of the audience was 12 years old lmao
I wonder if they will suddenly have a whole new set of sponsors that are more age appropriate for their videos
>age appropriate
They already shill Intel and Nvidia to 12 year olds, how more age appropriate can they get?
muh production value though
56 will be just behind the 1080
nvidias just gonna price cut everything $50-100 then release volta in 6 months anyway, AMD was too late with vega
well their videos are basically tech for dummies
wasnt he just saying vega was bad a month ago? now all of a sudden hes shilling it
same with the i9s, he did some video ripping on intel now hes shilling them
>this video contains paid promotion
Umm, linustards? Wtf?