They're going full botnet.
It's like a windows into your faggotry
Why are you using software that hates straight white men?
Maybe the women should choose to be in STEM.
Mine's like
>A vers majestic view
>Do you like what you see?
>Do you like new zealand?
Sup Forums btfo
Or rather, finish their STEM studies
its sexist to suggest such a thing
this is obviously the fault of straight white males
It's not the software that hates straight white men. It's OP that hates straight white men and the software is aware of that.
Oy vey
It's sexist to consider the intelligence gap between men and women!
How is that even hating? It's not saying less men should, but so few women actually graduate in that field.
What is this? I don't see shit like this in windows 10
When I first installed W10 I saw that exact quote on maybe the third startup. It's what convinced me to figure out how to turn it off.
Than you didn't really pay attention I guess.
Actually, I'm pretty sure you don't pay much attention or you wouldn't end up with windows 10 on your system.
>turn on computer
>M1CR050FT informs you that women are fucking retarded and are bad with computers
microsoft is based as fuck.
Same here. Don't know what the fuck it is
>Only 6.7% of women graduate with STEM degrees.
How does that information help me pay my bills and put food on the platter for my family?
You don't have a family and coming here doesn't help to pay your bills, yet you still do it, fag.
I do have a family and coming here helps ease my mind by entertaining me which helps pay my bills,
which is more than some feminists have or ever could do for me.
You want me to give a shit about your initiatives? What do you have to offer in return? Basic business and trade etiquette.
>this triggered
>this much of a brainlet that he hasn't switched to Linux
Cry more drumpfy.
what? we dont speak nazi
Nah, it is easier to simply introduce quotas, and make so that you can accept a male application only after you get 1 from female.
Or even better. Forbid man to ever apply for STEM fields
I too browse reddit. :3
It's called windows spotlight (under lockscreen settings).
I don't know why anyone would use it though unless they have a bing fetish and loved their featured backgrounds and wanted them on their computer.
Apparently using your own animu wallpaper = too difficult for Sup Forums.
Nice rawr >:3
>jew letter as name
>muh six gorillion
>so dense that he didn't see the translation
Hitler was right to gas you fucking potatoes.
Jews > Aryans
Thems the facts.
>muh superior genetics
You sound as retarded as skinheads.
I always make sure women finish their study of my STEM
>downgrade to Anniversary Update because Creators Update is a buggy piece of shit
>set it to defer updates
>after first batch of updates it's downloading CU anyway
You can't trust anything in this.
aww a lil triggered Sup Forums babby
what else is new
>riding bike
>accusing anyone else of having a cult mentality
I laughed.
Jews aren't the cult mentality they are the boom boom mentality
he is right jews are the master race they have the highest IQ of all the races and intelligence is mostly genetic.
It's only relevant to numales who have their PC in public and have to use a password.
>this angers and confuses the jew
>anyone but aryans being mad
Jews are so master race, they got expelled out of, or genocided in, every country on the planet at least once in history and never learned to fix their shit;
then they produced 2 Abrahamic religions that are iterations of Judaism which would both become successful than Judaism and 1 even wants to exterminate it;
then they couldn't create their own country but instead had to depend on Brits pitying them in a lucky stroke and handing them a country on a platter like a retarded child being given candy;
and then they couldn't even manage their own country without the West pouring in massive amounts of money and technology and unfair trade deals much like a retarded child becomes a high-maintenance job to make it appear normal on the surface;
and now the whole world hates Jews and even gave independence to Palestinians despite Jews recently having their Holocaust sympathy meme and fucking it up by becoming oppressors themselves.
A bigger failure of a people doesn't exist,
with the only positive thing to say about them being that they have the tenacity of rats and roaches.
Why did my post derail into a Sup Forums playground fight?
>are these two figures the same except for their orientation?
Did you just assume their orientation, shitlord?
>Sup Forums
Answered your own question
>few women graduate in STEM fields
>just saying this is enough to trigger the stormtards into oblivion
>we second dark ages now
Honestly the wallpapers are usually quite beautiful though.
>posts about tards engaging in sci-tech
>posts a 2.92 mb POS image
u dum fuk
/pol, take ur meds
I would but the Sandniggers are too many around them.
mines like this
yanks btfo