why is the GTX 1060 6GB SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE???
Just get the 3GB one.
is there a major difference? I'm building a pc right now and currently plan on getting the 3gb 1060
>paying the Nvidia tax
Yes there is a big difference between 3 GB and 6 GB 1060's
should I put in the extra money for the upgrade?
>when RX 580 8GB costs less (including 21% tax) than GTX 1060 6GB (excluding tax)
nvidia is truly the cuck's choice
$260 isn't all that bad.
ok poorfag, enjoy your white minority and terrorists
reminder only one half of EU is full of mudslimes
I'm not a yuropoor mate
domestic then, there has literally never been a school shooting / planes crashing into buildings here.
if you now begin with >lol not ameriboo you might as well hang yourself now
If I recall correctly the 3gb version has %90 of the 6gb version shaders
>doesn't even have his own business so he recover sales tax.
>calls other people poor.
>5% increased performance
>for >$100 the price
The VRAM is for loading textures, 3gb will be fine for overwatch, starcraft, cs:go and other relatively "compact" games. But things with big overworlds or very detailed textures will surely suffer, and in the near future even normal games will easily reach 3gb on medium/high settings. Unless you're planning on playing primarily moba's and arena style shooters, you should definitely go for 6/8GB GPUs.
>t. full of shit
No game requires more than 3GB VRAM atm.
>white minorty
Just get a 1070 desu senpai dont cuck yourself with that low tier shit
Well then why was the 3.5gb ram usage such a problem in the 970 faggot
gl rendering
gl moving the goalposts, shitstain
a 3gb card won't even be able to handle a modded open world rpg from 2011
And the other half are full of slavs, the niggers of Europe.
>source: my ass
have fun crashing when you hit the vram limit faggot
That's not how it works, but okay.
where did you get this?
those are canadian prices retard.
You're getting cryptocucked. Basically nothing but the cards that have bad mining to cost ratios, like the low as fuck end 1080 escape the Cryptojew.
Those prices look to be right on par with the MSRP in Canada so I think you're either accidentally setting PCPartPicker to Canada pricing or you're a Canadian who has been misled by seeing American pricing online a lot and expecting cheaper.
Really?? I just bought the asus gtx 1080ti oc and i thought that was expensive
>GPU prices just went down 100-200 euros here overnight
heh time to buy that 1070
Excuse me, what's that?
Elite works great on my 4GB 760 desu.
At this point you might as well get a 1080 lmao
The fact that it uses 8gb vram doesn't mean that it requres 8gb vram, brainlet.
It says 3800 on gpu memory you inbred faggot, and that's more than 3gb
tfw I paid $240 for both so technically $210 for the gpu only ayyy
Yeah well he did say 3 gigs, not 4, and even in the screenshot it's not even at 4
Well if you're planning on playing literally anything above 1080p you are gonna hit that minimum pretty easily. And even so, Elite is an extremely lightweight game, and using 4 Gigs already, so yeah...
I looked around more and they've got the 1070 for a bit more than 500. They also have pic related but I'm not sure if I need it, since I'm only going to go for 1440p/60 (which I still need to buy a monitor for too).
>Yeah well he did say 3 gigs, not 4
Oh shit I was looking at the RAM like a retard
Worst state
I bought two of those for 278 USD each just two weeks ago.
fucking delete this
Did you get them used or something?
Cryptocurency got it.
I was stupid lucky. I found an extremely good deal 1 week before the prices started going sky high. In Romania, the average price of the 1060 6GB was around 348 USD (cheapest model) (EU taxes prices) before the crisis, best offer being around 322 USD but it would instantly sellout at that price. Found a popular store selling a few of them for 296 USD to get rid of them for new stock, they were brand new too. It was lower than the majority of the 1060 3GB's prices. Low end cooler on it with RAM exposed but it's running at 9gbps OC'd and the core is sitting around 1900 Mhz all the time when gaming anything more intense. Perfect card but a bit noisy over 65% cooler speed. Still, don't care. For that price, it's a steal (at least in Romania).
After that, all the 1060's suddenly disappeared and then they reappeared after about a week and a half. My model, even tho lower end 1060 6GB, was costing 464 USD. A fucking 170 USD increase. That price would've gotten you second hand 1070s in almost mint condition. Prices are still dropping but it's still way too fucking high to get yourself one. It's simply not worth it and we got a few cryptocurency miners who literally spilled hundreds of RX 480's 470's 580's 570's and 1060's and 1070's on our online bazaars. Main problem being the fact that those cards went trough massive stress. It's like getting it after it went trough 72 hours of constant esports gaming while the PC had only 1 fan blowing inside the case and the case itself was in another closed box with no ventilation.
>he fell for the gaming headset meme
Technically not wrong, if you want to run every game on low resolution textures like a nigger