Why haven't you become a chad or stacy, Sup Forums? It only means taking eight weeks off from watching animu or writing fizzbuzz.
Why haven't you become a chad or stacy, Sup Forums...
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she was cuter as a belly desu desu fampai
Fuck off normalscum
normie pls go
At least post the link faggot
Also the normal girls are cutter
Fuck off normalfag
no she wasnt fucking chubbychaser
guy is obviously taking steroids. i don't want to do that
you'll become even fatter as soon as you stop working out for a week by changing your body so dramatically over such a short period of time
Lol nice try skipping leg day, dicklett
>8 weeks
yeah on clenbuterol and deca maybe lel
The shadows on the left make her seem worse than she is. The image on the right she looks like she's sucking in her gut, but maybe that's the difference in lighting and posture.
anglo "females" are fucking gross desu senpai
>gray hair
She aged like 10 years in 8 weeks.
HIIT is very comfy desu
but why do the girls suddenly grow tall necks and lose their chins idgi
The dude now have a feminine penis.
Someone found a new way to package the turd known as crossfit. Less than impressed.
race traitor, go back to pleb bit
I'm not obsessed with my physical appearance. Eating well and doing moderate exercise like walking or running is enough for me.
I'm not a rotten-teeth anglo. Enjoy that 1984 dystopia, cockmuncher.
Because I don't want to fuck disgusting, fleshy human bodies. I want to fuck minds.
my wife is from quebec and doesn't look like a fucking slag alien, suck a fuck poltard anglos are subhumans
It's another episode of "Sup Forums or Sup Forums visit /fit/ for a day or 2 so now they're that obnoxious cunt who never stops posting fitness related shit everywhere like they were somehow superior the whole time".
If only getting fit could rid me of a dimension rather than weight.
That said, I'd imagine most Sup Forums people are too thin rather than too thick.
from ugly to ugly.
what a transformation!