Is it even worth owning a TV anymore?

Is it even worth owning a TV anymore?

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If by TV you mean a big 48+ inch monitor you can plug your PC into sure.

hahaha nigga, who the fuck watches tv, like what the fuck nigga, close your eyes, hahaha

Only if you plan on ripping tv shows and putting them on bittorrent.

>Is it even worth owning a TV anymore?
I don't want to pay a tax.

you don't need a TV for that

you do if you want to have any plausibility.

>TFW your country investigates you for not buying TV

i'm not sure what you mean

ignorance won't save you in a court of law.

TVs haven't been worth owning since 2010

None really. It's increasingly problematic to get the TV set to not fuck with the picture. This bullshit has also spread to PC monitors.

that doesn't explain what you mean
are you talking about pay tv stuff?

For watching sports.


Great Shittain.

Our propaganda stigmatizes those who don't participate in the various protection rackets that our great Kingdom has been the unchallenged masters of for around 600 years now.

Next they'll be installing microphones in the CCTV and telling us to "don't be sneaky."

>live in germany
>don't watch nor even own a TV
>need to pay regardless
>per residence
kill me

friend of mine in australia is about to build a new home, was looking into going full off-grid solar
turns out you need to pay the periodic electricity connection fee simply if your land *can* be connected to the grid, even if it's not or never has been

le britbong meme
thanks for the laugh

I have one for watching my chink cartoons and movies.

You can use your television device for things other than broadcast television, like gaming and streaming content over the internet.

sometimes being a burger is good

>This bullshit has also spread to PC monitors.
I'm so glad that I stockpiled CRTs. I'll never have to have X-Reality Pro and it's derivatives fuck with the picture.

Yes, so I can watch my VHS

Enjoy it.

It's not vhs on your pic, underage

>>live in germany
>kill me

Nope. I watch all video on my PC, and not even in full-screen mode.

>interlaced signals
>unskippable advertisements
>paying money for this
fuck the tele

More like since early 2000's

I own one, for Netflix only tho

it's nice to have a big screen. Live sports are also nice.

Nah, the internet is all the entertainment anyone needs.

Why are people so dumb and thinks a TV = cable?

bullleys i mena bullies Are making me nausaeueseted


Is it monthly? Are the money distributed to every channel available or just bbc?

You just went full normie.

Thank you Mr. Churchill.

Of course. What do you watch movies on in your living room? A laptop?

BBC high budget anti-white propaganda is financed like this

Are these figures inflation-adjusted?

well, Australia IS the land of thieves

For wathing static content (movies, anime etc): projector > tv.
For consuming interactive content (games): monitor > tv.
There is literally no reason to own a tv.

Learn English dumbass

This. Paying for cable is just retarded with nextflix and all. You get the same content minus the ads. And you also have the option to torrent if you are a poorfag.

Can you at least fully avoid it? Here in Germany its mandatory and you will be arrested if you don't pay for state sponsored TV programs.