Is this objectively the worst programming language ever made?

Is this objectively the worst programming language ever made?

Other urls found in this thread: /

no its great. /thread

No, that'd be C++

Nooe, but I don't really see the point of or a good niche for Go anyhow.

I nominate the worst as PHP or Makefile
but Golang is certainly the most overrated language I've ever seen

how the fuck is this blue thing supposed to GO with short feet like these? is this a sick joke?

Go is not going anywhere... g-get it?

$ go get

No. PHP, Perl, Java, C++, C, and many other langs inhabited by Pajeets exist, and are much worse than Go is.

already has the best memes
if (err != nil) {



I just started learning Go. Please don't say bad things about it, thank you.

>Inhabitated by Pajeets



What is the subjectively worst programming language



Isn't that one of the most useful?

It is, but it's also clumsily designed and full of weird gotchas or unfixable legacy mistakes so it's a popular target for hate.

It is still very used but its pretty much overbloated. C is far better than C++ and i think C is more used when it comes to large software, such as databases.

Not to mention OS kernels etc.

Go is better than quite a few languages. Rust is pretty good, too. I don't know why Sup Forums shits on either of them, they're both great.

Yeah, they're a little slower than pure C, but a lot of stuff is. To my knowledge, both languages are pretty much on par with C++'s speed.

I guess you could use R or D instead.



>They are teaching C in Indian colleges
>It must mean all Pajeets code in C!

No? C is standard language for teaching students, it doesn't mean Pajeets actually code in it or know it.

They mostly love Java and other crap like PHP

But then why every Indian programmer I know can only programin in C# and maybe PHP.


>trusting poo in loo quora answers
>any year

That "/" nomenclature has been around for years on the Internet.

Someone's new.

Ah, so that's the explanation for the sudden influx of really shitty C question on SO over the last year or so.

Euphoric Go bashing is a Reddit trait

Not bad.
Not bad at all.

nice denial cfags


It's a draw with C, because the languages and the ecosystems are equally limited and aimed at brainlets.


Perl is great if you aren't retarded.

It's the worst modern programming language.

This is objectively one of the shittiest threads on this board. Congrats for not contributing OP. Same goes for any other language hate/shilling thread.



What's wrong about C++? Our lecturer likes it and he's a really knowledgeable guy and a great programmer. On the other hand he constantly makes fun of Java.

C++ is one of those languages which is really easy to hate since it's so messy and gives you a million ways to shoot yourself in the foot.

it's a clusterfuck of rules and paradigms, you can pick a good subset or bad, and continue

Go back to your manchild Sup Forums and phone threads. Language hate threads are the only good threads on this shit board.

>hate threads
>not the most Sup Forumstard thing

OK, so the language itself is bad, or is it just hated by bad programmers, because it's so complex and thus difficult to learn?

It's a bit of both. While I believe C++ is easily the most powerful language of its kind, the syntax could be much more regular and sane without losing any of its expressive capability.


C++ is extremely large and complicated. 99.99% of the people that claim to know C++ don't actually know C++ and create an average of 1 buffer overrun for every three lines of code (confirmed by multiple studies by both Microsoft and Valgrind). The number of people that actually know C++ and how all the features interact enough to use it safely is in the low double digits and none of them are posting here.

>is it just hated by bad programmers, because it's so complex and thus difficult to learn
It's not complex if you're not a brainlet. There's a reason people who are used to C++ do not switch to another meme language (see how D doesn't get any traction decades after its first release).

Far from worst. There's always php or cpp.
c++ is full of pajeets.
It's an absolutely disgusting abortion on top of C. /

> t. a programmer that writes a buffer overflow every 2 lines

Nothing wrong with sepples. The hate it gets comes from having too many idiots in computing. For example serious research in scientific computing is done in C++ (Fenics, Sofa, etc).

>I'm a retard who needed special assistance to learn how to breath
We knew.

> Linux kernel is full of vulnerabilities caused by C
> Microsoft and Apple kernels are the same
> Every single web browser is full of vulnerabilities caused by C++
> Same is true of basically every C++ code base in existence
> I can write secure C or C++!

Sure you can little brainlet.

>accessing memory might lead to it being modified
Wow fucking incredible dude you truly are the Steve Wozniak of our times. Now fuck off back to .

There are languages that can access memory directly in safe, or at the very least far less error prone, ways and there are plenty more than can limit the scope of the damage.

You can't write secure C++. This isn't debatable. People far, far smarter than you with far more experience can't do it.

>You can't write secure C++.
Thanks for proving my point, idiot.

Yet safety critical embedded systems are written in C, but you'd know that if you weren't another of these Sup Forums memesters.

C and C++ are the best choice on some platforms and I never said otherwise. Nobody here is working on those platforms though and nobody that regularly posts on Sup Forums is anywhere close to capable of writing good C++.

Okay OP, is it just that you're lonely and mentioning Go guarantees replies, or are people trying to raise Go's mind share, positive or negative, so much that there are always multiple threads up?

malebolge, mainly because it was designed that in mind

>I know every single poster on Sup Forums

I'd hardly call a language that you forget exists until you type "go" into the search bar, think it automatically selects "google," hit enter, and then create a google search for "go," which, obviously, brings up the language first, "overrated."