Why does windows 10 get so much hate? i think it's the best looking os out there

why does windows 10 get so much hate? i think it's the best looking os out there

>simple clean design
>good combination of professional and stylish

compared to osx and linux

>le gaussian blur meme
so beautiful!

>looks old and pleases niche autists who like windows 95 design and vaporwave

Other urls found in this thread:


what do your parents or friends when they visit you think about those images on your screen? do they consider you "normal"?

not op but
>having friends in 2017

who cares?
just upload the wallpaper already.

>best looking
underage b&

>why does windows 10 get so much hate?
Did you consider simply reading the hate and trying to comprehend it?

>>looks old and pleases niche autists who like windows 95 design and vaporwave

W- What

>better than osx
Winshits live a life of denile to cope with their garbage os and trash filesystem

>linux looks old and pleases niche autists who like windows 95 design and vaporwave

>why does windows 10 get so much hate?
because Microsoft wants to make 1984 a real thing

Can you upload the anime girl wallpaper you have?

bumping for interests

Ubuntu Mate

"Looks old and pleases niche autists who like win95 design and vaporware"

Yeah k.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not get crazy here.

user stop ruining that great pape with that icon theme

Ooh I never really thought about that.

Will hunt for new icon themes thanks

Is this better?

>not gnome or kde
yea k

Yeah, I've used gnome2 since 06, used window managers like Awesome. Decided to have something that just werks, but gnome3 is a retard's DE, and KDE is an autist's DE.

Mate is like the old Linux Mint that was good, and like Ubuntu before Unity, I know how to use it, and make it how I like it, and that's what I've done.

And unlike my old Arch with AwesomeWM, it just werks dammit.

Because it's not Windows 9 Strongest Edition

OP has abandoned us

That looks fucking terrible user.

Enjoy your Telescreen, prole.

this is now
totally not a desktop thread

ye i tried gnome classic - pure garbage in terms of layout and usability, your diagnose is pure nostalgia

Yes, way better my dood


>looks old and pleases niche autists who like windows 95 design and vaporwave

That's where you're not right.

i need that pape

This image tells me nothing about the window decorations

Not OP btw

I've used that icon theme before and the icons aren't very well scaled. Many of them end up blurry.

>disgusting icons
>disgusting taskbar
no wonder linuxfags spend all their time shitposting, their OS is ugly as hell!

Why'd you post the sample? The original image is 6532x4926

The biggest problem with any windows after 7 is permissions.

like it is literally impossible to delete or modify anything owned by (((Trusted Installer))), and taking owner ship just gives an access denied message.

I was fine when Windows wouldn't let me do shit because it couldn't actually do them, but ever since 8, microshit decided that they should have more authority to a user's computer than the user himself.

patrician taste OP

>implying anyone saw my screen in the last ten years

It's because retards kept deleting system files and then going HERP MICROSHIT DERP.
This is what you get when tech caters to normfags.

Nah mate, you're retarded if you think that's "ugly as hell".

Nice KDE Breeze copy


p e d o s

Because there is no feelings of responsablity on windows, microsft takes its users for dumbasses and prefers a flashy pop up with a ok button than a real warning.
I knew some people at uni who shat their pants when they saw the sudo warning
>user blabla in not in sudoers file. the incident will be reported.

Looks good to me. Those are workspaces by the way, you fucking idiot.

lmao this literally looks like it's from 2007

I fail to see how this is ugly.

what DE is that? xfce?

God, I totally want to ravage Cirno's ass.

Yes, Xfce. He's bitching about the workspace selector, which can be removed. I just put it there because I use it so frequently.

Dr. Dipshit is bitching out of jealousy, is my guess.

i think so but then
so gnome2 something

If you fail to see how that's ugly you have absolutely zero ability to judge others quite frankly.
Workspaces can still look good you blind cunt. macos has been doing it for years.

/r/ wallpaper.

Get your eyes checked, mate.

Meant for

It's Xfce.

>being gay

Why do anons care what other anons think about their choice of desktop OS?

>Workspaces can still look good you blind cunt.
One workspace for one program, this is the gnome paradigm and it sounds ok to me.

>macos has been doing it for years.
Same as linux, what's your point?

I know. Get your eyes checked. It's not ugly.

how do you get Places in there

>not pedo == gay

It's in the panel items you can add. I'm using Xubuntu 16.04.

Well here's the 1920x1200 version at least. Tineye, my dudes.

Being straight is oldschool, mate.


r e d d i t


>uses spyware with photoDNA


Just don't have illegal images on your profile?

... or anywhere else on your computer.

that's because of retards who feel the need to rice every bit of their os then complain when it breaks.

microsoft has literally had to put safety locks on their os because of tech illiterates and ricers.

if you want to thank anyway for window's current state, thank half the autists in the desktop threads who moved to linux because microsoft was sick of dealing with their shit.

You have to go back.

>Not being alpha enough to pull off being a weeb in public while still being a player

>use an OS that reports back all files to the government so they can check it against a database
>be a pedo with 1000s of images of little girls on your hard drive

some of you guys are going to get a knock at the door

two control panels

Hey man. Wtf, why drag vaporwave into this? What's wrong with vaporwave?

>calling anyone autistic when you've got child porn as your wallpaper

This fucking guy is the epitome of neo Sup Forums

How can Windows even compete?

>child porn
>60 years old

r u dum


are you perhaps god

what an obvious bait thread, just sage it already

> bloated
> crappy fragmented filesystem
> malware everywhere
> have to run AV that wears down your system and spies on you
> OS spies on you
> OS uses your bandwidth to update other bots
> literally botnet
> OS updates take a long time and sometimes don't even finish
> no built in package manager, have to run around on the internet installing shady applications as admin
> crappy security
> little control over OS, pain in the ass yo disable built in resource hogging AV
> OS rot
> old shitty registry that was a dumb idea
> no built in drivers for common devices, need shady discs drivers online
> generally inefficient with RAM and CPU

why all da hate?????????????

Atleast we have games.

It's is a draw of a small woman to fit in the screen

Because with Store you are forced to pay by M. Office, when the average people are too greed.


post dem mugis

weeb is one thing, but being known as "that guy" with "pedophile tendencies"..

When will Windows replace its fucking awful font renderer?



I'm surprised you didn't come sooner

i just woke up (。>﹏

No, get glass icons.

Debloated Win10 is honestly the best OS I ever had.
Literally the only issue is that it likely will never update again, I hope this won't cause big problems with some software later. Then again I never update 7 either, and there was no problems.

wow that was rude

post it again cutie


>still on 10.12.5
update your shit

your desktop ofc baka

umm their arent any new emojis in 10.12.6 so i have no reason to update