Update to 17.04

>update to 17.04
>mouse and keyboard don't work at login screen, can't do shit
>tried booting previous kernels, still doesn't work

What can a linux newbie like me do to fix this?

use verbose boot and post output.

Stop using shit distros.

did your mouse and keyboard work during the Ubuntu graphical install?
>Stop using shit distros.
Ubuntu shits all over whatever distro you use, unless you use Linux Mint in which case my bad

install 16.04 and wait for 18.04.
17.04 is shit.

>using a distro at all.

you can go to freenode #ubuntu

Sup Forums is not your tech support

Explain how is Ubuntu superior.

Install Solus.

Always stay with the latest LTS that doesn't break everything
t. fag that had to roll back to 14.04 because graphics card isn't supported anymore

Fedora with XFCE doesn't have this problem.

It just werks

But your mouse and keyboard aren't working

I'm not OP
Nor am I dumb as OP
How do you fuck up ubuntu

On Xubuntu 16.04, no problems.

Unless you need the newer kernel for compatibility with your hardware, stay with the latest LTS

Ubuntu is the only distro that can compete with macOS or Windows out of the box, there are no better distros than Ubuntu there are only less complete distros

ubuntu a shit

Wrong. It's called Android-x86. Ubuntu doesn't even have any apps. Just use Android.

Had that problem once, every connected USB devices started going apeshit (mouse and keyboard backlights started flickering, racing wheel started aggressively moving left and right).
Seemed to be a bios option I fucked up, as in theres a setting that fucks up USB devices on OSes other than windows.
I'll check which one it was and then get back to you.

Developing programs on Android itself is a pain, even with Termux, which is very limited.

If its not an lts release its just shitty betaware. Those releases are just meant for experimentation for the final lts product.

This is the one I was talking about (port 60/64 emulation).
It was off by default, enabling it again did the trick for me.


that's a big pic

if u enabled fastboot in bios disable it



>Ubuntu is the only distro that can compete with macOS or Windows out of the box, there are no better distros than Ubuntu there are only less complete distros
Ok, please explain how it's a better OS than Fedora. Because I've never lost my mouse or login screen after an update.

Fedora is RedHat botnet


Also I've had both of those happen. Also GNOME crashes every 5 minutes despite my having more than enough resources to run it. Also probably not specific to Fedora but shutting down takes at least 90 seconds because of some shit to do with my encrypted drives. I'd move to Ubuntu if it didn't take me forever to reboot.

Install Windows. Linux is complete shit.