Who here /2500K and 560Ti forever/?

Who here /2500K and 560Ti forever/?

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You guys are worse then Phenom II fags.

I see you fell for the i5 meme

Mine finally died ;-;

>four cores
>EIGHT threads
Holy FUCK.

Thats right
With EIGHT threads this baby really purrs

Damn, that's a really nice chip you got yourself there. Hope you've got a cooling solution good enough to keep that beast tamed.


Old but gold

getting 1050 next week

4790k $250 at microcenter master-race

i5 4690 and 390x here

Who else here happy?

If ram prices drop I'll get a threadripper x1950 and run it at 5ghz and a Pascal 2 or Vega refresh

i5 750 / 5850 here

Bought a 1060, but it's either broken or my board won't detect it.

>getting 1050 next week
forever a cuck, eh?

2600k and 560 here NON TI VERSION
[still can play all relevant games at 60-200fps]
and research AI at same time.

3570k boi here, altought only OC at 4.2

> 2011 was 6 years ago

how do they perform today? are they too hot compared to today's processors? do they spy any less?


delid that and go nuts


They told me it was shit
Still goin bb

FX6350 and 660 forever

> phenom II 965
> radeon 5770
gpu died just a couple weeks ago tho

i had the same config in 2011

560 started glitching out win7 really bad

complete stalls, sometimes unrecoverable

haven't upped it more since I want it to keep at low voltage 1.2V on load 0.95 idle, deliding is beyond my expertise.
Tbh I would love to see benchmarks without fucking 1080 on it to see how does the 3570k compare to new cpus where the bottleneck wouldn't be as severe as with the 1080.
Unless this shit explodes, I ain't changing cpu soon, if any I would change my 660gtx but I don't play any games that require much more and I'm a poorfag with a 60hz monitor anyway.

>thread ripper
>b1 stepping
Fucking what


>deliding is beyond my expertise
It's really easy. If you're scared to do it just get an old Pentium off eBay for like $4 and delid that first so you get an idea of what the process is like.

I delidded my 3570K using the vice only method, whole process took less than an hour and I got temperature drops of about 30C on all cores. It allowed me to push the volts a bit higher and go from 4.5 to 4.7. I'd have done it the day I bought it if I knew it were so easy.

Happened to me too, computer freezed for 5min every 30 second then i had to turn it of and on again with a screen saying me that the cpu overheated. I liberated like 500 gb to format but it stopped than.
Now i have the windows pop up every hour asking me to activate my cracked version of windows

Could just be your PSU shitting out. I thought my 980Ti was dying because of the exact problem you describe, turned out it was just the PSU.

>He got this when the HD6950 existed
>He uses a 1gb GPU in the CURRENT YEAR
You win the cuck award for the day.

Current rig

>have 2600k
>upgrade to a 1700x
>Performs the same at 1440p
Fell for the meme.

Had to graduate my 560 Ti because it wouldn't stop lagging in Doom, and no Vulkan.

dont need to do that on based Sandy Bridge :)

Bought 2500k, 6950(flashed to 6970) and a $200 64gb ssd back in jan 2011 then when the 6970 died in 2014 I got a hand me down 560ti from my room mate which was finally all replaced in 2016 with a 6600k/980ti.
Really anyone who bought the 2500k for 60hz should still be thrilled as you do not need to upgrade for 60 fps and the 26/2700k is even passable for high refresh in some titles which is fucking awesome.
GPU tech advances too fast though a 1080ti is literally 700% faster than a 560ti.

>GPU tech advances too fast
Right, it would be great if we only got a 2x (at best) increase in GPU performance since 2011 like there has been from CPU's.

That's not what I meant man of course it's a good thing.

That's was me 5 years ago

I bet you are the kind of pleb to always buy the newest Nvidia X80Ti ever year.

No, I just know when to retire my rigs faggot

Are you calling me a faggot?


please refrain from using the word "rig" when talking about your shitty consumer socket single gpu desktop computer. it makes me really upset.
it's a computer man can you please just call it "my computer"
I lknow when to retire my computers
I know when it's time to upgrade my computer
golly gee im sure glad i upgraded my computer now i have a much better gaming experience

>Performs the same at 1440p
better minimums and actually being able to do 2 things at once without stuttering is a upgrade user

No, i will call "COMPUTERS" rigs anytime I want

but it's noooooooooooooot a rig please just stop you're making it WORSE you're making everything worse what if someone sees you doing it then there are two people doing it then there might be four and then it's rigrigirigirgrigrignrniggger

>actually being able to do 2 things at once
But I never do more than 1 thing at once.
And the gtx1080 is the one rendering visors, not the CPU.

>being able to do 2 things at once without stuttering
Delete your post.

i7920 5970 lul

I bet you still own that old 2500k and 560Ti don't you? The autism is strong on you.

My 560 Ti died in a fiery horrible death in the summer of 2014.

My 2500k was succeeded by a 4790k in the winter of 2015.

I do not have regrets.

Looking to upgrade my old i5-2300 with something stronger.

I thought about a i7-6700k with a z-board for overclocking.
However some people told me the OCing of that i7 barrel yields any results and I could save money if I go for non OC stuff.

I have no clue though what combination of MB+CPU I would be using instead? How much could I save?

2600k here OC to 4.5 , tell me again why i should upgrade?

>housefire GPU

What did he mean by this?

I did read Sandy bridge ends up with lower mins.
But gamers Nexus's 1% lows show no Such dips.

sold my evga 560 ti 2gb, and my other one won't work anymore. was fun running two for a while.

>OC'd 6 year old Intel consumer CPU embarrasses AMD's latest meme offerings

Was 2500k and 560 to 448 up until a month ago. Had to get a 1050 ti. My 560 wasn't cutting it, plus the fans were loud af.

Running at 4.6Ghz.
I'm waiting for Vega to see if the bundles are any good.

>I don't know how computers work and what is ram

if it gets the job done there isn't much reason to upgrade I suppose. I take it you just browse the web and do the light game like csgo now and then?

>Source: my ass

Friendship ended with 560Ti, now 770 is my best friend.

Still have my 2500k in a 2nd rig, still running at 4.4GHz. Originally had a custom water loop but now it's got a Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo.
Pretty amazing how cool it runs on a slightly dodgy looking and very cheap heatsink, No chance of that with later Intel CPU's.


just upgrade already

>are they too hot compared to today's processors?
Sandy was the last Intel CPU that was soldered to IHS.
Hope that answers your question

get on my level

>GTX 1080
Level of stupidity?

It's surprisingly popular.
My friend has an locked Ivy Bridge i5 and a GTX1080 with a 1080p60 monitor because muh futureproof.
He recently upgraded to a watercooled 7700K. Still has the same 1080p60 monitor.




>>He got this when the HD6950 existed
Im gettin my 1080/6600k setup for my 4:3 1280x1024 monitor tomorrow.

At least it's a modern CPU where as the poster above is wasting a 1080 on 1080p while also chocking it to death with a Phenom II. Even a 1070 would have been money wasted.

But it's such a retarded combination. I've got a 1080Ti and a 144Hz 1440p monitor and still don't feel like it's worth it at all. Something as old as a 780 would probably be 3x more than good enough for 1080p 60.

i like to post that speccy for shits and giggles. really i've been piecing together my system as the money becomes available, so next up is a couple new monitors and a new desk.

Give it back tyrone.

Ya got me good

>buy 4790k
>it dies
>buy 6700k
>Intel releases 7700k
>Intel releases 8700k
>see this chart
wowie it really is incremental

It was fun to have the old Phenom and put out huge numbers on graphics benchmarks, just to post them on Sup Forums and leave everyone scratching their heads.

I justified my gtx1080 by taking into consideration that it seems games will be okay to run at 1080p 100fps for a few more years with this chip, and considering that's exactly what I'd like to do with this PC (racing sims) it was the most logical choice

What are some good overclocking boards for 2600/2700k?
Would Ebayy be a good place to get them?

asus z68 would be a sure bet

Radeon 7870 and i3 2100 reporting.
4 gigs of ram and shitty cpu are keeping this beast down

I used to have exactly your computer. Get and ssd you plonker. In fact after incremental upgrades to a 290 and 1700 it's now just a spare pc for testing shit.

i7 920
My nigga.
But I had to change my 5870 for a 1060.

>/2500K and 560Ti forever/
fuck off newfag
q6600 and 8800GTX ftw

>i7 920
Well, on the positive side you don't need any additional heating come winter.

I recently scored Dell Optiplex with i4790(sadly noK) and ssd plus 16gb ram for 280$

What card should I fit it with? im gonna buy in a month, when the cuckminer market finally crashes, with bitcoin as gold standard getting fucked by chink miners.

Hope you realise that shit's motherboard has a proprietary PSU son, so you aren't fitting anything with too much of a power requirement.

>4790k dies

What the FUCK did you do to it? God damn, you're a monster.

G4560 + 1050ti poorfag race

i have the 560, not the 560 ti though

560ti passed away one week ago.
We 1060 nao.
i5 3550 keeps working, not planning in changing in at least 2 yrs.
Phook Intel. Phook AMD.

Who here /R5 and 470 forever/?

I also killed a 4790K. It's the only CPU I've had die in 30 years. I didn't do anything special to it.

I call it money waster 2000

>please refrain from calling it a computer, it's a "desktop personal computer"

this is you

yea, 290w(i cri ) so thats gonna need rwplacement too. hope mb takes it lake a champ

Autism speaks

Quitensentaly 2011