Jesus Christ thats a lot horsepower

pajeets vs jews
dis gona be gud
let the fight begins

Amd's hitman AI server?


What is this ?

Shame that they launch RX Vega without TBR lmao.

Even if this is just a proof of concept and never goes to market, that is fucking insane. Because companies could actually replicate this shit with ease.

So this is the power of infinity fabric?

But can it run Crysis?

So how many FPS does it get in Witcher?

So this is the poower of AMD...not bad.

you know the drill

but can it run crysis

Who buys this though? AMD has been out of the market for so long, surely companies who need this sort of power already have their needs met?

Is this a real product or concept??

wonder what hashrate that thing can generate mining Ethereum..


you get more for less space and money meaning you can stuff more cases of this in your datacenter meaning more computational power

not hard right?

Well I could be a complete FUCKING retard. But do you think Datacentres have spare space just laying around? and can workloads simply be moved to a completely different architecture?

monero on cpu, ethereum on gpu. just wow.

>But do you think Datacentres have spare space just laying around?
No, they don't.
Because right now they're filled with Intel servers where they need 2 racks to do the job of one EPYC powered rack.

Also, just look at the size of this thing compared to Su, maybe about a foot wide? 2,5 feet deep? So at a floor space of 2,5ft^2, you get 1pFLOP FP32, and 10TB of RAM, and 640 CPU cores, 1280 threads. The density AMD can provide to datacentres now is insane.

>But no datacentre will need to upgrade anytime soon!
1&1 and Baidu are already partnered for EPYC. Boom, China's copy of Google. And Europe's largest data provider right there.

> The density AMD can provide to datacentres now is insane.
That rack is THE most dense heterogeneous compute server ever.

nice digits senpai

>do you think Datacentres have spare space just laying around?
Yes they do. Many Datacentres are running sandy bridge generation hardware and are replacing them about right now. There is a constant demand for newer and better hardware.

> >mellanox
> What is this?
Step up your game, nigga.


What about culling?

If a 480 can reach 30MH/s a vega can get to 60MH/s mutiply by 80 and we get 4800MH/s being optimistic.

Actually they refresh their machines constantly to save space/cost while increasing performance.

Culling should be made by the devs, but if you are a lazy ass, here it is.

>Culling should be made by the devs
Then it's DOA.

>But do you think Datacentres have spare space just laying around?

that's precisely why they would want more bang for space you mongoloid.

air conditioned climate control quake proof bomb proof EM proof space is expensive.

So is this a dedicated bruteforcing machine?

what sort of fps does it get for 4k gtav?

But can it run Crysis?

>this will be smalltime in 10 years

>but who will buy dis?
>companies that needed this much power have already purchased someting liek dis already??
your average retard that came with the influx of nvidiots

Instool Gentoo

>that ghetto stage


Deus Ex Machina >D


That's hilariously dense.



>It's the athlon 64 all over again

You fools, you refused the truth!

Now it keeps happening, i told you about amd you kikes!

We are all doomed, fated to perish like mongrels.

We are all hero to rot, along our 2500k's




hahahaha what the fuck

yes, they're going to stick with one supplier forever, despite there being huge cost advantages to switching to AMD

are you fucking retarded?

It's like saying you wouldn't buy a car with the performance of a Ferrari for the price of a Toyoto Corolla.

amd gigaflops their epyc mellanox on intel's face


>completely different architecture
You mean x86-64 instead of x86-64 that they are running now?

> Project 47
> Digits check out
Anons will know where to look for this pattern and how to achieve it

Probably just 30 fps 1080p, but on 1280 instances.

Sue-chan called it project 45 once...

Buzzword. Part of their marketing gimmicks.

it's "only" 20 epycs dual socket systems with four RX Vega each. This is only equivalent to , which are equivalent to four Threadripper+Vega systems each, so only 80 instances.

But you're not giving 16 threads per game, specially an old game like crysis.

That EPYC systems are single-socket.

That's a lot of hardware.

Is this vendor or directly sold by AMD?

>amd pack combo samsung monitor + vega
>amd using 14nm LPP samsung process
>amd using samsung memory on epyc
AMD and Samsung partnership confirmed.

user Samsung is platinum parner for EPYC.
Wake up pal.

a flops are floating point operation per sec, and is a measuring tool for computing performance. Here is a picture of the IBM roadrunner the first petaflop supercomputer built in 2008

>in 9 years we have gone from a full room of racks to the same performance in a single rack
What a time to be alive.

And yes I am aware that not all of those racks would be computation racks, a lot would be storage as well, but still.

That has happened every 9 years, sometimes faster, for the last 70 years, it's not special to today at all.

nice quints.

Kill yourself.

checked but a bit wasted

>12,960 IBMPowerXCell 8iCPUs, 6,480 AMDOpterondual-core processors.
> Power2.35MW
Jesus Christ no wonder it sucked so much power

Wonder if it will make a dent into Intel's marketshare.

We'll find out in 2 years.

that's one fucking awful graph

Joly shit

The thumbnail for this looks like a fisheye piano


Green500 leader is 14.110, but those are far bigger farms


Can this play video games?

320 instances of gaming

Must be hard being that stupid.

If someone were ultra-rich, and he liked playing video games, and he had an employee tasked with buying & installing every game on Steam whenever it comes out, what sort of system would he have?


Single Point of Failure spotted. Would not buy.


Ironic that it will probably be the only Intel part that fails

Mmm Hmm

How often do switches fail?

My friend is building a new home (renovating his old grandpa's home) and he said he'll connect a switch to his modem then send ethernet cables through the walls to all the other sockets in the home (instead of phone sockets).
He said he's building a 'compartment' in the wall next to where he'll have his only phone socket & modem so he can put the switch in there and be invisible

I hope it doesn't fail

not too often
realistically the only thing that could happen is the fan failing and it cooking itself

Looks like a painting from Romero Britto.
top kek

Can we get some context on this power?

Thank you for making this graph compatibly with my Atari 800.

Counting the hardware, that thing costs around $500000

Just the hardware, no support, no installation, no markup.

I'll take twenty.

Samsung is a AMD schill company. Do not buy samsung products.

Dear mother of god. But intel told me I wasn't allowed to bring stronger friends?

Oh good, it was about time the Intel shills started attacking Samsung and IBM as well as AMD.

AMD selling 1000 of these is 40% of the company revenue.

Assuming it's cheap at half a million
Realistically, it should be at least another $100000

They're ultra salty after Samsung surpassed Intel as the #1 chipmaker on the planet last week.

and one hundred of those are enough to make up the fastest supercomputer on the world too

I can suddenly see orders flooding in for something like this..

am chezching, comrade

Meh. Whatever. Let me know when it fits inside a laptop. I'm not holding my breath. Intel and AMD are two sides of the same turd. Both companies overhype meager 2%-5% gains in performance, expecting the consumers to swoon and plunk down hundreds of dollars for incremental gains. Processor technology needs 10x the number of competitors in the market if we the consumer are ever going to be given significant leaps in performance in shorter time frames at reasonable prices.

primary market where what kind of CPU it is even matters are the server market and business desktops/laptops.
What some poor college student buys means nothing.