So /g, why are you NOT using linux?

so /g, why are you NOT using linux?
>hurr muh games
not a valid argument.

Hurr muh games.

>hurrr muh invalid games argument
if you care about games that much just get a console. you know, they're designed solely for games.

I prefer OS X and *BSD

I am using GNU/Linux and I play games on it.

What about games that either don't exist on consoles or suck to play on consoles?

I use linux but I don't mind windows or macfaggots

they have their reasons, and the existence of linux is not threatened because most PC users don't have it.

tldr: stop sperging about other people's choices

>you know, they're designed solely for crappy games of few genres
fixed by PC master race

Wallpaper? This is really good

hurr muh games

because it is a valid argument and probably the biggest argument against using linux. It's easier to just run windows than to use wine or a virtual machine with a gpu passthrough

some people like to play more than just indie games

because its poop

btw i use arch

>linux fanboy telling people to get consoles

well there's something I never thought I would see

What happened to PC master race?

Console games are overpriced

>games not being a valid argument

jesus you are a drip. are we supposed to just sit here staring at a screenfetch window? why the fuck would i buy a console when i have a 1080ti...

Not using consoles is the same reason I don't use linux. I don't like to be limited to an arbitrary subset of games when the hardware is powerful enough to handle them.

background pic pls

I am, mactoddlers and pajeets don't belong on Sup Forums

reminder that if the normies infest linux then THEY will try to start making money off of it

the linux master race were neglected and retreated into their caves where they grew hateful and withered, only having enough energy to lash out verbally against those they feel have wronged them

>binary blobs allowed in kernel
>not using OpenBSD
enjoy your fake freedom and NSA OS.


pic related
so how many dragon dildos do you own?

photoshop and ms office but mainly ms office

you can run office 2013 and photoshop CS6 in wine

When you consider the time expense of gaming as well as the expense in gear and the games themselves, these are 'valid' reasons for gamers to not adopt linux. Not enough time, money, and motivation. I'm in the wrong thread though since I use linux. Just started getting into gaming a little though and it does take the time. literally hours a day and I'm just getting into it. This happens every few years and then I stop because it's not sustainable.