Am I fucked Sup Forums?
Anyone has a good battery brand to replace it?
Am I fucked Sup Forums?
Anyone has a good battery brand to replace it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>3,421 cycles
Is this laptop 20 years old or do you just have it in a machine that removes and reattaches the charger several times a day
My laptop battery of 7 years only has like 530 cycles
Nah its pretty recent
But its only holding a charge for about 1 to 2 hours
you charged and discharged a battery 3400 times on a "relatively recent" laptop? That's draining its battery 10 times a day for a year. How the fuck did you manage that?
its from 2013
I don't know how the fuck that happend. First I noticed after the first years that battery didn't hold that much anymore without charge and then I couldn't use it more than 1 fucking hour before i needed to charge it again..
You did something to cause that cycle count.
>buying a laptop without an external battery
Sup Forums still does that?
maybe, you know, he used his laptop as a laptop.
What do you mean?
You think the high cycle count could be caused by something else?
how to view this info about battery in windows?
I've used my iShit "as a laptop" for work since 2014 and it's got a few dozen cycles short of 1k. This is just another sheeple faggot being retarded with their hardware.
How did you do that
0. my battery dont support it or?
Sounds like the autist kept the laptop plugged in all the time and Apple was too stupid to stop it from charging constantly.
It sounds like you have no concept of what a charge cycle is and shouldn't be posting your worthless and uneducated opinions
what the fuck? Your post doesn't make sense
I bet OP unplugged it when he used it, allowed it to drain, then charged it
instead of just keeping it plugged in
i know several people who are that stupid
when you had a power adapter nearby, did you use it or not?
yes after it fell down to about 20 or 10%
so why use a laptop then if its better to keep it on charge all the time?