Album torrent is the .cue file and one or two flac files instead of being split into multiple tracks

>Album torrent is the .cue file and one or two flac files instead of being split into multiple tracks

Why do people do this? What advantage is there to this?

Yeah man, wtf is the point, it just forces whoever downloads it to split and tag the files

Burning a CD that's identical to the original

sounds like a pretty niche application, especially nowadays

but usually I see this for vinyl rips, so what would be the point then?

What's the point of ripping vinyls in the first place? Unless there is no other medium available (unlikely)

For the superior audio listening experience :)

Easier to burn on CDs.
>tfw musicbee doesn't pick it up if it's more than one flac with a cue file

Yup. I run all my music through an old reel to reel and encode it in flac. Really brings out the analog warmth.

Use AIMP's converter to split by cue

You can do that when the file is split. CUE files are arbitrary metadata.

Why does this even matter to you? Foobar2k can read the cue sheets and display them as separate tracks. You can then use it to split or convert files for your portable media player.

Waste of time considering there is absolutely no reason it shouldn't already be that way.

I'm fucking glad I use foobar2000. It makes splitting up that bullshit so easy.

>play the single .flac file
>playlist is built using the .cue file automatically
>export playlist as .flac
>they're now all individual track files

>burning a CD

Welcome to 2017. Optical media is dead. You are urged to send your CDs to a recycling facility after ripping them.

enjoy your cloud botnet

>download the Drive soundtrack off of a torrent
>transfer it from my seedbox using FTP
>wtf why are there 120 files what's going on?
>.cue files, .mp3 files, .flac files, a bunch of fucking files I've never even heard of before, not one but TWO different spectrogram screenshots for each and every track

I deleted everything but the .flac and the cover.jpg.

user my HDD isn't on the cloud.


Nigger you offend me, I have 100% of my music stored on my own hard drives and stream NOTHING.

enjoy your rotational velocidensity and failed drives

audiofags need to be shot

>Not deleting the cover.jpg
Top bloat.

>he doesn't know what crate digging is
>he doesn't realize there is all this music never re issued and/or private press only

I bet everything that peasant listens to can be found on spotify

>bets nothing
>types bets everything

One cover.jpg is better than embedding a separate cover.jpg inside of every single track file.

good luck for people downloading non english music. what happens is
1) the cue file is not unicode
2) the text in the cue file is corruped like Óèêèïåäèÿ å ìíîãîåçè÷íà åëåêòðîííà åíöèêëîïåäèÿ.
3) you have to manually fix the .cue file by copy and pasting names of songs into it

bonus points if the album has 10+ tracks like most

cool blog post

On books on cd's that I get from the library
I do the whole 1 flac + cue file thing. It helps
when a book has 13 cds etc. It's not that hard
to turn them into separate flacs (at least on

I hate this shit so fucking much.

It's not difficult splitting the tracks on pc, even on android by using Poweramp if the tracks and cue is in one folder it will show them splitted in the app