これは何、Sup Forums?

これは何、Sup Forums?


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>google translate

Why would you browse Sup Forums in VR user ?

B-but I'm too stupid to learn moonrunes.

it's not that hard, just takes time
anyone can do it

Baka desu senpai

Japanese is a worthless language. Japanese media is worthless. Anime is beyond worthless.

>he says as he posts on an anime website



ching chong, ching chang chong ming ming mong moa you fuckin weeb

lmao what are you doing op you faggot


nice n5 japanese
i bet you're gonna be a "translator" someday, right faggot?

nani mono da

it's Google translate lol
but seriously, what's with this stigma on Sup Forums about treating people who are starting to learn a language and try using it like shit? you were at the same place at one point, do you expect them to reach fluency without ever using the language because mistakes offend you or something?

nani ko re

make a rope neck tie and have yourself a fitting, nigger



fuck off baka. go back to jerking off to rat-faced women.

>hating anime on an anime website
that's as retarded as going on gay.com/forum/tech and complaining about faggots.
it just shows how stupid you two are.

it looks good but how am I supposed to use my hansd to control the virtual KB while I'm fapping

*luaghs in Japanese*

shitpost practice on the tech board? yeah, really want to support that…

I'm not OP, but regardless of what you think of her post there's literally no defense for the absolute human filth like this guy

>make a shitty post
>people don't mince words because this isn't hugbox land
> you're the human trash! not me!

ummm nah
the answer is to brush it off and get good enough so no one can tell. until you're the top, you're shit.

do you honestly expect anyone to get to the point where they can actually speak in a language without ever using that language to learn from their mistakes? sounds like you got the same treatment so you feel like you have to do the same thing, how about fuck off?

VR headsets are too heavy to use as monitors, it just hurts your neck.

I unironically like this.

>go to the library
>talk loudly on the phone everywhere
>why are you getting angry? do you expect me not to talk?!?!

everything has a place and time user. this is the tech board. over there-ish is /jp/ and the daily japanese thread

even if you did post here, there are few people who can analyze and correct mistakes in japanese, so posting here like this is also ineffective

any more questions?

yeah, why don't you go back?

>yeah, why don't you go back?

I'll take that as your defeat user. it was nice talking.

The best VR experience I ever had was with an arcade game. The headset was mounted on a pull down frame like an oversized helmet, and it must have been electronically assisted, because moving your head with the VR helmet on was smooth. It felt completely weightless, and natural to make head adjustments with it.
I understand that this would be too expensive for a home unit, but man I wish all vr headsets felt like that.

k, go back

Everyone who is in the process of learning Japanese knows that Google translate is bad at grammar.
Most textbooks are bad at it too desu.

OP isn't learning Japanese and I'm not defending her, just calling out idiots who do that sort of thing because they're literally alienating potential speakers of the language just because they get irrationally angry when they see someone making a mistake. Maybe it just makes them feel better about themselves because it's the only "skill" they have, I don't know.

Times has changed, this website isn't about anime only anymore.
Fuck off to your containment board (Sup Forums), weabo

anime website

besides this shit fucking thread, is that a photo of vr surfing the web, ill buy a helmet if this is possible

Get out onii-chan

it had handles that you shot the guns with and held with your hands so it was easier to move, stop lying on a mongolian wall scroll

The whole site is a weabo containment board though. -de gozaru


>it had handles that you shot the guns with and held with your hands so it was easier to move
What game was this? -mayo

>being a weeb in 2017


fuck if I know I just played it at arcades ~15 yrs ago had a HUYG helmet, like hugggge

nice bait

>fuck if I know I just played it at arcades ~15 yrs ago had a HUYG helmet, like hugggge
Same. It was so long ago that I forgot that it had handles. -dattebayo

this is the worst Japanese I've ever read.


Not bait.
Really, fuck off to anime boards. There's a reason for these boards.
Frickin weebos

anime website

That's the game. I wonder how it holds up today game play wise, because my nostalgia goggles had this at being one of the most awesome games I've ever played. -nin nin

yah thats it, pretty shit game

What app is the picture? Is it a game on steam? Where can I download it?


...why do you keep doing that

why would you just assume she's a guy?
also I thought you said you were leaving?


You haven't read my attempts at Japanese.

Why would you just assuming he's a girl?

It's not going to make any of you fantasies come true.

>anyone can do it
fuck off normie
i have all the time in the world and yet i tried and failed to learn
>applesoft basic


it takes time and effort, it doesn't matter how long you put into it if you aren't trying

What if he's a retard? You did say anyone.

even retards can speak a language

But can they speak two?

its been an hour and I'm putting together a new desk that came in the mail.

and i think you said i was leaving, i said it was nice talking to you.

but I'm going to have to take that back, as you seem like a very hostile person with strange set ideas about things. whether its a carefully crafted persona to ruse people, or whether it's just who you are, frankly i don't care. it's kind of... sad? i guess i just feel bad for you.

Sup Forumsから出てけ


are you trolling? be honest. I'm not angry or anything like that. if anything I'm interested. you can open up, it's ok.

>you seem like a very hostile person
don't bother replying, I won't read it

I did put effort into it, And i did learn most of them to *some* extent, But not early enough to use them. eg. learning numbers, colors and phrases in languages, or simple hello world's and fizzbuzz in programming languages.
Then i get to some point like grammar or "object oriented programming" (which to this day i still don't understand), and slowly lose interest in it.

that's a shame. I'm sorry we had this misunderstanding

There was at least one that could speak multiple languages, and was able to be conversational within a week.

I cant wait for affordable VR with bigger resolution!

Sup Forums was never about anime, it's always been about counter-culture and resistance.

Sure, back then counter culture included anime and the resistance was against normies. But now the new counter culture is the right wing, and the resistance is against SJWs & the left.

So fuck off weeb, we're the new Sup Forums.

Somehow you remind me of this jew.

You have to go back




Reminder to ignore all trolls.

>Sup Forums was never about anime, it's always been about counter-culture and resistance.

It makes me feel old, realizing there are people here who don't understand this place at some point used to not be about try-hard internet activism.

Sup Forums- Anime/random


>le counter culture and resistance meme
you sound a commie or a newfag


Is learning to read, write and understand japanese difficult? I've heard all three are much easier to learn than actually speaking it.

you don't need to learn japanese but shitposting in japanese

japanese will be easy for you if you are good at not thinking in english. sentences are usually backwards order from english, so if you can get used to that, its quite beautiful. good language for describing change and sense of suprise.
english being better at transmitting information


mahou desu

and a ching chong nip nong to you, young lady

Is that really Urara Meirochou?


Looks like it.


Learn french again, my dood.
Most beautiful language in the world
