>RX Vega listed for sale in online Norwegian retail outlet
>only $1150 US Dollars
ONLY $1150
RX Vega listed for sale in online Norwegian retail outlet
Why is a tech place taking Diner's Club cards?
You antigun communist shits don't seem to grasp electronics are cheaper in the US because we're not a socialist country. Go back to sucking achmeds dick,.
Those Norwegians are a crafty bunch.
Shit costs more in europe since the people there are richer.
On the same site, a gtx 1080 is about 6000 nok, or 770 USD, while on Newegg, you can get a gtx 1080 for 500 USD. So in the US it's 65% of the Norwegian price. If we assume that holds true for this card, the equivalent US price is about 750 USD.
Y'all niggers are dumb as fuck. Its a placeholder price. This happens all the fucking time you dumb fucks.
Just wait for the actual price. Its probably going to be ~350-400
>Its probably going to be ~350-400
After it stays on shelf for a month. AMD always overshoots prices on release just to see who bites. That's the amd early adoption tax people pay in two to four years it'll be a fantastic card for it's age.
>limited edition
>most expensive country in the world
nice try fuckface
>yfw the meaning of the "limited" is not a limited number of cards, but rather limited performance because Vega is DOA
>what's a placeholder price?
>most expensive country in the world
Fair comparison fuckface
did you subtract -30% mehmed tax
thats 1080ti prices.
Hardware canucks said it outperforms the 1080ti kek.
if this is the case lol
Clappies don't understand the pain. You will one day when you get you "free healthcare".
I can't wait for the brazilian leak.
The 1080ti is $1200 here.
Ryzen CPU were also more expensive in Europe compared to some Intel CPUs, while on the US it was the exact opposite
Meaning Intel in Europe either has special deals with the retailers to get cheaper prices, or AMD is retarded when pricing stuff for the European market
>being a BR monkey
"free healthcare" is a scam.. nothing in life is free. we pay for it each month with our pay checks.
AMD international pricing is just fucked. Here in Aus it's usually better value to buy Nvidia.
Or at least it was when I built my pc...
Makes one wonder huh
This. Americans are poor compared to Europeans. When I watch American 'reality' shows I realise how many things I as a European take for granted.
>how many things I as a European take for granted
Yeah, we Europeans have
>higher Mehmed/Muhamed ratio per capita
>25% extra tax on everything
>are not allowed to purchase weapons
>are not allowed to speak our minds freely
>have to give half of our salary to the state to redistribut to Mehmed/Muhammed
so proud to be European too, I pity the Americans
Now that's nice amount of projection.
How's data caps, friendo?
I'm from Europe you stupid fuck and none of this is projection. Some things are a little bit exaggerated, but nevertheless true.
>higher Mehmed/Muhamed ratio per capita
This is what happens when you get news from Sup Forums. Maybe the capital cities have a lot of immigrants, but most of Europe has low immigrant numbers. Also, if you were European you'd know about gypsies and that they have been on our streets begging and pickpocketing long before the refugees came.
>25% extra tax on everything
Yeah, taxes suck. They allow us to have universal healthcare, free university education, a modern infrastructure and a safety net so losing a job for a couple of months doesn't result in bankruptcy and homelessness. This allows us to negotiate our salaries and working conditions rather than accepting whatever you get like a cucked American.
>are not allowed to purchase weapons
You are, with a license. And it is not hard to obtain a license. Most people don't do it because 1) it's not necessary for protection, 2) most people don't live close to a gun range, 3) most people don't hunt.
>are not allowed to speak our minds freely
>inb4 German hate-speech laws
>have to give half of our salary to the state to redistribut to Mehmed/Muhammed
My brother is a European and he just had surgery done that would have cost quarter of a million euros, but because of universal healthcare it was free to him. If you think immigrants are the majority beneficiary of taxes you're stupid.
>so proud to be European too, I pity the Americans
I am. But then again, you're probably from Poorland or some other shithole like Romania that was accepted into the EU just so you wouldn't devolve into a Russian satellite state (again) because you are poor, corrupt and unstable.
I know how to read stats you stupid fuck. Europe has population growth only due to net immigration.
Notice also how only Swedista, Bangistan, Surrenderers and wafles have above 1.8 fertility rate (that is due to the araps they imported)
EU is litteral cuckoldry. Native population pays taxes for its own replacement by sandniggers.
Now suck my huge polish dick and fuck off you little cuckhold
*forgot picture because of rage
Hahahahahahaha fucking called it.
>you're probably from Poorland
You can't talk about Europe, Wojclav, you're literally Europe's unerpaid, poor, manual work force. You're the niggers of Europe. I'd rather have a middle-class Syrian or Palestinian living in my city than some hick Pole who will bring over his whole family from his shanty village.
I'd rage too if I had to go to an outhouse to take a shit.
literally talking to this guy (pic related)
Your words have no meaning to me. My brain blogs comprehension of senteneces uttered by liberal cucks
My plumbing needs fixing, how soon can you be here?
Kek. Nice try fag. Everytime we go to the doctor it's free. Every single time. We don't even need insurance
My country needs more free money from EU fonds. How fast can you transfer them Sven?
Also, we are not taking any refugees LOL
Its like 2% sand niggers.
You have blacks and Mexicans shooting up everything. So thank God for strict gun laws.
>Kek. Nice try fag. Everytime we go to the doctor it's free. Every single time. We don't even need insurance
Berny Sanders level economic comprehension
fuck off, I'm not wasting my words on you
>y-yes, goy! give me money for obscenely overpriced healthcare!
When will the bigot Donald Trump take pictures like this?
He only take pictures with hot women.
>the new and improved GERMANS
Why shouldn't it?
Westerncuck ha
I know your country needs money. You're not taking any refugees because 1) you can't afford it, you can't support your own people that's why they leave and 2) no one wants to live in Poland.
But don't be mad now, you betrayed your origins with your stupid Sup Forumsack opinions. It was that obvious.
You keep saying muh refugees over and over. If the refugees were that big of a problem or burden in developed European countries we'd be behaving differently. But we're not because it isn't. It's only the right-wingers and their media who want to drum up support for their pro-business agenda. These are the same people who want to lower pensions for pensioners because of 'austerity'. They will use any excuse to come to power, you happen to be living in the 'scary refugee' times.
After you wait 3 weeks for an appointment.
>be amerifat
>buy the vega for 3/4 the price in Norway
>muh commies
>vega explodes
>go to hospital
>they ask for credit card
>don't have 100,000
Meanwhile in Norway
>pay more for vega due to muh socialism
>it explodes
>go to hospital
>posting a laughing gif on your own comment
back to tumbrel retard
Norway has the highest white tax in the planet.
It will be $700 in UK/USA
When the word "free" is used in the context of universal healthcare and other tax-payer funded services to refer to the fact that it is free at the point of access. Of course it costs money somewhere down the line, but you do not personally have to pay to use it. If you don't work or don't earn enough to pay income tax, you can still use the system despite the fact you never paid into it yourself. Even if you have health insurance in the US, you still get a bill when you leave the hospital and you have to pray your insurance company doesn't have a loophole in their contract that means they get to say you're fucked and leave you straddled with a massive bill.
Yet, despite this infinitely superior service provided under universal healthcare, it still costs less in tax than you pay for your shoddy health insurance. Not only that, but Americans actually pay similar amounts (more in some cases) in tax for their shitty bloated government healthcare schemes than Europeans for universal healthcare. Just look at this great value for money you get! But hey, freedom means the freedom to get raped by corporations too, right?
RX Vega US Prices:
AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 Air: $499
AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 Air Limited Edition: $549
AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 Liquid : $599
AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 Liquid Limited Edition : $649 [UPDATED $649/$699]
AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 : Pending [UPDATED $399]
Just so you know, the US spends 16% of its GDP for healthcare while countries like France only spend 11%, and that's including the fact a lot of US citizens don't get treatment because it's too expensive.
The US literally pays more for less
i've never seen amerifats get so swiftly and utterly BTFO
this again prooves that EU is cucked beyond believe. Paying 2x prices to finance Muhammeds comming in to fuck your GF and have social and helath care.
Where do I apply for green card?
amerifat education
That's because even the government in the US is cucked by corporations and the government is just paying private health providers on behalf of some poor people, at the same exorbitant rates of course. It's bizarre how deeply embedded the corporate cock is in the collective ass of America, the rest of the western world seems to have avoided issues like that for the most part.
you forgot the swede ending
>live to get raped by refugee
>die by hand grenade
>poster asks where to apply for green card
>eu cuck thinks poster is american
eu cuckducation
US is literally owned and run by jews and amerifats die gladly for Israel.
>what is a false flag
Europeans don't have such poor English, has to be a 56%er.
>AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 : Pending [UPDATED $399]
means €500 in cucked union
1080 starts at €550, sales are gonna push it down to €450
doesn't look good
Source: My Ass
That's like a lunch in Oslo.
In the United States, hospitals MUST treat you whether you have insurance, payments or not. However you may be in debt because if it, but you cannot be denied treatment.
Newegg leak you cunt.
Bravo murrica.
millions of africans/indians/asians come into your country and abuse your social system without ever having payed into it
bravo Europe
It's because of our insane taxes and import fees obviously
They'll kick you out as soon as you're "stable" and you'll probably die from infection or some shit
>b-but refugees!
>c-corporate cock is so nice and tasty i-i s-swear!
stop getting your news from the internet
>stop getting your news from the internet
where should I get it from? the state propaganda tools, like newspapers and government sponsored television?
fucking idiots like you are ridiculous
Kill yourself.