I am a noob and gonna learn Rust.
How crazy am I?

Other urls found in this thread: .html


>How crazy am I?
Somewhere between "on depakote" to "tumblr"
Learn a real language instead of some useless-language-turned-social-movement

>t. lower IQ than a cyka

>Learn a real language
like what?

>learning an SJW language
back to tumblr, subnuman brainlet


how is it SJW?

Not crazy at all, that's a really powerful language that will replace C++.

That Cнимoк.png tho, cyкa.

Literally anything else.

how hard is it to learn?

like haskell or go?

Nevermind him, that's Sup Forums. For some reason NEETS here love to hate on anything new and actually useful. SJW is of their "arguments" to show that this language is somehow bad.

Rust has a legal document that says if you say something problematic (IE traps are gay or there are only 2 genders) the rust devs can sue you if you have written a program with Rust.

Could you link to it?


Those would actually be more useful to learn than Rust, yes.

- owned by an SJW company
- banned usage of master/slave terminology
- ban prolematic contributors
- website full of women

back to plebbit, brainlet

no, i just made it up so it doesn't exist

Rust is not a beginner language.

>back to plebbit

Exactly what a gobrainlet would say

>how hard to learn
Depends on you. It is multi-paradigm and has many differences from usual languages. However, once it clicks, everything becomes so meaningful and neat. To me, it is easier to read and write Rust than C++, and I really, really enjoy it. The language has so many great features.
To me, it is easier than C++ now, but I had to learn some new things other than usual OOP principles.
If you want to learn it faster, have a look at functional programming principles. Have a look at code examples in official documentation section "Iterator". Also read their official book, it is really good.

This is not true. Their code of conduct asks you to be polite and not to offend other contributors regardless of their political views, gender, religion, etc. This is SJW for Sup Forums

>SJW's extremely verbose blog post disguised as a meme

No the code of conduct only protects the "less privileged" and enforces left wing ideology.

Rust has a horrible syntax you're full of shit when you say you enjoy it.

yeah use golang instead, definitely no fag enablers at google

>Rust has a horrible syntax you're full of shit when you say you enjoy it.
Do you think all people have the same preference?

What's wrong with CoC again?

Go is shit, but Rust is infinitely shittier, not only the language, but also the cucked SJW ideaology they glorify. Now run along, brainlet.

What about Rust makes Sup Forums shitters so angry?

>I hate reddit because i like impressing other virgins on a chinese cartoons board with my edginess

Sup Forums is full of retarded brainlets, I'm not a Sup Forumstard. Lost on your way to r/rust, brainlet?

You certainly find peace calling others brainlets, you must be very smart, user

If you use rust instead of a real systems language, you are a subhuman brainlet. Not much else to say. Answer this: why did you start using Rust?

try to answer without using the words/phrases: social, justice, PoC, women's liberation, and mansplain

Does your mom know you are here? Shouldn't you be doing your homework?

Learn what you wanna learn kiddo.

No him, but I ll try to anser. Because it's modern language and developed by a huge compyny which support free speach and open source sofware

All it takes is one malignant shitposter to derail and destroy a thread. I wonder why some kids like to muck around the things they don't like.

Find any lulzy memes lately? I like doge lol, let me show you something, just follow this link and don't come back lol

>daily rust thread because Mozdrones just can't get enough attention
It's not a good first language at all. You should start with Lisp.


>Because it's modern language and developed by a huge compyny which support free speach and open source sofware
Well said, SJW. I personally use rust because I'm more interested in Herstory than history.



Do you have any previous experience in programming?

It's not a hard language to learn and the std lib is pretty small so go for it

ha ha ha, user, you are so funny! can I be your girlfriend? ^.^ Oh wait. You are short, fat and have a small penis. *puke in disgust*


Sup Forums destroyed Sup Forums permanently

I've tried to learn a couple of languages, like python and javscript. But I didn't write anything useful. And I don't understand OOP.

Hmm I see. Here are my recommendations:
1. Get the rust book (v2.0). The book is not in a PDF form, so you have to bookmark the site
2. Get a book called Rust essentials
3. Read both of these books, especially The official rust book
4. If you get stuck go back to rust essentials and see how they approached the topic.
5. And as always, got it Rust's IRC channel, #rust-beginners channel have some pretty friendly people

Horrible syntax? Show me horrible syntax. If you don't understand it, it doesn't mean it's horrible.
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
if (i % 2 == 0)
sum += i;

let sum = (0..1000).iter ().filter(|i| i % 2 == 0).sum();

Which one is better?
How about this?
std::array myarr = { {2, 2}, {2, 2} };
for (auto& i : myarr)
for (auto& j : i)
j = j * 2;
let myarr = [[2; 2]; 2];
let myarr = myarr.iter().iter().map(|j| j * 2)

By the way, if this were vectors and not arrays, Rust would be much faster than C++.

And these are incredibly simply examples. You can get such a clusterfuck with C++.

What excuses now?
Specifically have a look at higher order functions, lambda functions. Revise recursion.

go to* Rust's IRC channel

You do realize he's not here to argue, right? He's just here to spew cool memespeak he learned in Sup Forums

I know, but I want OP to see examples and decide by himself whom to believe.

thanks, my friends.

In that case

See .html
For a detailed comparison

Rust is an abomination and has been tainted by sjws. If this doesn't bother you, thene by all means learn that shit language.

Thanks for the red pill, I'm shoving it up my ass as I am writing this

Just read this shit and don't say this is full cancer

t. firefox-using brainlet

>t. (((Chrome))) shill

Fact is, I wouldn't even be able to tell any difference. How much time do you spend in finding worthless shit like these?

rust doesn't have typical OOP with classes and such

Rust is not really an OOP language.

this is what i'm talking about
check out the IRC channel, pure tumblr in there

What's wrong with you? Seriously, if you dislike Rust why are you in this thread? Since the beginning?

>IRC is tumblr
I don't even understand what that means

>has to samefag this hard

> .html
Nice article

Did i offend you, tumblrina. See, I apologized to xhe after I accidently triggered xhe, this is important in 2017. sage

Your newfaggotry is so painfully obvious that it's making me cringe.

Sup Forums has no mods

That's a good article, but Rust code can be simplified in some (maybe many, I need to look more carefully) places.

Instead of using
for x in 0..y.len()
for x in y.iter()

Or if index is needed, use
for index, x in y.iter().enumerate()

This will greatly improve speed. Official book covers that, especially
for x in 0..y.len()
as it is tempting to write, but actually really slow and so considered very bad style.

Also, "match" can be used in some cases instead of "if else", which is also faster.

There other things too.

I'm taking a screenshot of this thread, next time iff anyone cites Sup Forums for anything I'll show this to them

t. firefox-using brainlet

DId your mom stop helping you with those edgy comebacks?

Mods ban this faggot,

>Sup Forums
pick one

ahh, the sweet smell of tumblrina's getting triggered

You are breaking global rule

So there you go, OP. Rust and how Sup Forums reacts to it.

If you are looking for quality content you won't find it here, this website is full of edgy 13 year olds. However if you are really into programming I suggest that you go to google groups, your language forum and hackernews. Rust is okay if you have done any programming before but it's very different from the ones you know.

Rust is not C++

// i32 means it is 32 bit integer
struct MyStruct {
myvar: i32
impl MyStruct {
fn new(var: i32) -> Self {
Self { myvar: var }

fn print_self(&self) {
println!("{}", self.myvar);

fn main() {
let mystruct = MyStruct::new(42);
// prints 42

Implementation is a bit different than classical OOP, but in the end, it's the same.

I hope Sup Forums doesn't fuck up my indentation.

>complains about 13 year olds on Sup Forums
>suggests hackernews

see the sticky, it shows you how to use [code[ [/code[


>expecting tourists from reddit to read stickies

People here don't even give a fuck about global rules

Don't want to discourage you, but if you don't understand OOP, you're probably really novice and Rust could be a bit more difficult. Learn programming overall, OOP, functional. Try different languages like Python, Rust, whatever else sound cool to you. Try to pick up some idea for personal project and do it. You really learn well when doing personal projects.
Programming can be frustrating when you are new to it, but is really fun when you can get things done and see the results.

Don't give up, good luck & have fun.

>compare to C++

how about compare to crystal, rustfag?
sum =

Rust is a direct competitor to C++.

Crystal has a garbage collector, Rust and C++ don't.
Rust has zero cost abstractions, Crystal and C++ don't.
Rust and C++ are systems programming languages, Crystal isn't.

What do you say?

C++ also has started to get some zero cost abstraction lately

Rust is pretty okay, you just have to carefully read the books

Nothing wrong with firefox

>using a language from a company that needs to spend money, they don't have, bribing others to support their failed technologies and sjw agenda

t.butthurt Sup Forumstard

firefox is required for icecat/waterfox/tor and the browser ecosystem

only a fool who uses windows would consider otherwise because their own shipped browser is insufficient and closed source.

its funny how all of you anti firefox shills have had to change the argument because you cant argue technics anymore since firefox 54+ is massively improved in performance and security with rendering management and sandboxing respectively.

now all i hear about is muh sjw boogeyman when in reality they are leagues better than google.

>inb4 chromium which is majorly developed and funded by google devs and which itself includes closed binaries.

>inb4 ungoogled-chromium the project that relys on chromium itself and without that upstream they would sink.

you were comparing syntaxes though

Nice blog faggot.

Rust is like Haskell, its research oriented. Rust its not finished yet. If you will be aware of the constant changes to its api's and the packages that break, go for it. But in no way is a language to be productive in and do professional work.

>Rust has zero cost abstractions, Crystal and C++ don't.
C++ definitively has zero cost abstractions.

This. It's useless in an embedded/systems environment, until the API and ABI gets stable.

Nothing bad with the original. But Coraline added a clause to stop contributors from expressing their own personal opinions on personal social accounts.

Some repositories found out and fixed that clause adding "when in representation of the "project or company". Even Microsoft corrected it, look for the VSCode one. They say they based on the one of Coraline but with a few changes.

I would remove the need to use iter with filter. Is there a reason it is not implied with filter, map and reduce?