Last screenfetch / neofetch thread disappeared. New thread, please post yours

Last screenfetch / neofetch thread disappeared. New thread, please post yours.

Other urls found in this thread:



cute boy

I honestly wish you were dead.

don't bully her



And Here we go again :)



comfy and cute uwu


i.e. deleted

why would it be deleted? it isn't breaking any rules

I have no idea. But it wasn't at the end of the board and was only about 100 posts in. Your guess is as good as mine.

le top


so gay

kool effect bro

anime website

Can't disable screen tearing and no guide helps

even gayer

imagine this much time making a fake shitty desktop just for a joke


cool idea for the anime terminals
can u post the carrot one in the middle and the bottom right most one

burn this moment into the retina of my eye

Hell of a arrangemend from the Monitors

Mine says "you're poor"



That's highly degenerate


I posted mine here

dont bully her


I can do both


owo cute desktop user


Hello again, Zhiend fan

Stop underestimating me. I can handle all three


well, i don't know for your DE, since im not using XFCE4 but for me turning the vsync option in the compton config on did the trick.

My compton config is all empty....

What even is the point of this meme distribution?

try adding this and than restart, don't even know if mint uses compton by default tho
vsync = "opengl";

Anons said it's Linux for noobs because it looks the most like windows.....
Don't laugh.

Owo no pls



wtf, why was it deleted?

no bullying aloud



I didn't do it aloud, I did it by text.

u aren't aloud to bully

Well, not like it'd do any good. Clearly being bullied in high school didn't work.

>using a fucking shit music streaming service like shitify
>"the virgin listen"

>Rockbox running in an iPod classic emulator in Windows XP running in an emulator on OS X
>"the chad tune-in"

GTFO virgin

Wow, I don't even know what to say.


kevin how could you betray the linux masterrace.
you have become a disgrace to both your inner circle and everyone on Sup Forums.



I can't tell if this is totally fresh, or fuckin' stupid

The Fucking Best.

New to eOS, anyone has any advice on what I should do to make this more comfy?

install gentoo

install macOS

install debian/arch/gentoo

install anime girls

Do you not know how to update or something, retard.

And why should i update my system ? I runs just fine.


I think you don't know how because you use putty and Discord OS.

You probably didn't change jessie in your sources.list.

>black sabbath and traps

Are you Jim Norton?

who? and she's not a trap