How the fuck is this legal? Wtf
How the fuck is this legal? Wtf
>give you a warning about the contract you signed
Seems like they are doing you a favor since you can't seem to keep track of it yourself.
No HTTPS, senpai
How the fuck did you manage to download one terabyte of data in one month?
because you didn't use https
GNU + Linux does not have this problem :^)
>1024 GB monthly data plan
You lucky motherfuckers. I only get 150 GB a month.
so you have to pay $30 bucks now?
Why isn't it default?
Because you're not using HTTPS Everywhere.
No shit. Why isn't Sup Forums using https by default?
This. This is about 35gb a day. The fuck are you doing op?
there's no way you used a tb just on Sup Forums. Not even close.
It can't have it's unencrypted web traffic intercepted by an ISP who injects a little dialog box into it? How so?
National Surveillance Agency
Don't dodge the question you nigger
Not OP, but I can seed almost 1TB/week without even trying - And I don't even have a decent internet connection.
What is legal and what is right seldom coincide.
yeah its gay op. cox is going to enforce the same fucking thing november here.
i pay $100 a month for my ((UNLIMITED)) plan and have a 1tb cap.
>burning 1tb of data in 1 month
How in the fuck. I burn at most like 200 gb, and that's only because I download chinese cartoons. Otherwise, it would be like 50gb at most
I don't have that problem.
t. European
Wtf? I pay ~10$ for 100/100 unlimited in Russia.
I spent more than 1tb just in chinese cartoons
Stop using Coalgirls, user.
How about, I dont know. Swallow your pride and switch to the competitor next to XFinity and Cox like CenturyLink. Thats what I did 35$ a month 20mbs unlimited and no overages.
Buy your Ian cable/wifi modem combo and do not use the default that they send you.
freedom to get cucked by corporate oligarchs ayy lmao
OP what the fuck? are you torrenting a copy of GTA every day?
Does he not know he could have usenet sand seedbox?
It's cuck mentality we have here. Divide and conquer people with corporations vs Government idealogy for the left and the right, then once they are distracted reap all the rewards for the Jews behind the scenes.
>Inb4 I can't switch I can take 10$ per 50gb
Stop being a beta and switch do not whine about it.
>not using https
Rookie mistake
>not using add-ons to automatically rewrite urls to https
Get out of Sup Forums
>windows 10
>google chrome
>HTTPS Everywhere not installed
>complaining about getting MITM'd by ISP
9/10 bait
I am using nothing but http.
Do I care?
This thread just made me realize my HTTPS Everywhere was for some reason disabled. Not by me...I haven't touched my extensions since first installing and enabling them.
Neither do I, but you reap what you sow.
sow nothing but offline development and online shit posting and youtube.
The ISP knows where you're going and does forward your request to DNS. It is easy to display a message with needing to know what website you're going to. It could even be a simply webpage which the flags allowing it to over display.
To display a message they would have to inject it into the data in transit. With http that is trivial, with https it's impossible unless the mitm the connection, in which case it becomes illegal.
GOP sure gonna change this because those bad Rep cucks! Be sure to Trump up goy!
>in Russia.
you have other problems like that recent ban if anything
My ISP does this too, but only to let me know when there are planned service outages.
>implying that losing legal access to VPNs for a while isn't a fair sacrifice to prevent (((Soros))) operatives accessing their western masters on the sly
just purchase a vpn fagit
Only in the glorious us is this possible. What! Don't like it. Then go to another country (hopefully one that won't be invaded by the country you used to live in). You can also just switch or do all your heavy bandwidth at a corporation
ww3 when?
You could also spend for a business account, but some ISPs might expect that you are actually operating a business, because consumers need to know their place vis-a-vis the grand bourgeoisie.
Mid-2018, if the astrology is correct.
>windows 10
serves you right, dumb faggot.
It's a bullshit contract to begin with.
I loled, go to bed sweetie
lol mericans
>living in america
Wtf I like to live in Russia now
What the fuck does HTTPS do to avoid data caps?
Do murricans have virtual ISP resellers that offers better/unlimited plans or are they actually stuck with the few government approved network owners?
Is this some sort of new meme I'm missing?
They can not inject the advertisement/warning-message with https enabled. That is all.
>Sup Forums
You got what you deserved. Unfortunately the rest of the population is going to suffer for it as well.
The invisible hand of the free market will fix it
Now buy those extra GB, goyim
>tfw AT&T
haHAA 12 btw
Hi merchant
they would support the free business practices because it is a benefit of their beloved failing system name capitalism.
>crying about cuckcast
>muh net neutrality
>muh rights
God some of you fags are unbearable.
Because you agreed to it in the TOS.
dumb nazi capitalists
>Sup Forums
You should enjoy the free market at work. Don't like it? Don't pay for it.
Well, who was it that signed the "bullshit contract"?
>blaming soros for your bad life choices
Back to Kekistan you go.
>t. (((Soros)))
100Mbps connection can do that in a day t. torrent user
If an isp had actual competition they wouldn't be able to pull this bs
>this is what shitlibs really believe
his mother, probably.
Stop pirating.
>this thread for the third time this week
Make me
How many times a day are we gonna have this thread? We're currently at twice a day, but the rate is increasing
I got off Cuntcast the second they started waving around the idea of caps
Found a local ISP that has better speeds for cheaper with no cap and no surprises on the bill
Best fucking thing that could have happened. I suggest everyone do the same if they're not sittting in a monopolized area
because you reject communism
If you're using https everywhere and are on their DNS servers would they still be able to inject messages like in OP?
>mfw you're not only allowing them to send this message, you're paying them to do it
>and complaining about it on a burmese belly dancing forum
> americans
would feel sorry for you but you lot of retarded in your support of corporations fucking you over.
https everywhere is TRASH, make your browser slow to a crawl, I just keep track of sites and enabled "always use https" in here.
how the fuck do you know how to download a terabyte in a month and not know how to change your DNS?
Most of the country has only one option. Let alone 2 (still bad) or 3.
Move to a part of the country with a more competitive broadband landscape, like the northeast. Comcast doesn't have data caps in that entire region because they have enough competition from verizon and others to keep them in check.
lol is this what burgers call "freedom"?
Yes. My ISP injects ads from DNS server and you only can remove it by using adblocker or host.
>free markets are better!
Or just use a different DNS server.
Well yeah, it also works that way.
Anyway I still get redirect to their ads occasionally even though I already change the DNS, how the fuck do they that?
thats like saying flies keep coming in through your front door so you've thumb tacked a blanket to the ceiling around your computer. You can just use a different DNS
I mean they kinda are, leftcuck
did you change the DNS on your router or on your OS?
>Being this much of a shitlib