What do you think? What features should I add?
Currently thinking of
>Changing design through bootstrap (default design is shit)
>Making archive
>Supporting catalog
>Supporting clover
What do you think? What features should I add?
Currently thinking of
>Changing design through bootstrap (default design is shit)
>Making archive
>Supporting catalog
>Supporting clover
Other urls found in this thread:
Just post here instead
Are you chinese or something?
But here are no Korean-only boards
Korean, actually.
yo this shits in vietnamese or some shit
good effort though OP, better luck next time
then whyd u post here and not KoreaChan.
IMO it looks like absolutely standard imageboard. Cant say anything about community as i cant read runes.
why not vichan?
No KoreaChan here. All websites are badically BBS-like.
Github user name(savetheinternet) looked better than vichan
teach me how you did it ooo-peee
i know:
>ubongo lamp
now what??
where's the cp
XAMPP, bootstrap and Wakaba
Somewhere on Sup Forums
Please put picture of glorious leader on front page OP.
Real big of course.
>Korean only, Any English thread or reply will be deleted.
Implying we can speak gook. Why are you shilling your shit here?
There is Sup Forums for English speakers.
but we can't post lewd shit on it. so it's useless.
Just don't post cp
I'll never ban you guys for porns
this is nip zone
my flag is broken
kawaii senpai!
Lack of geoip database
I'll fix it
Too many lolis
Are you that guy who asked how to make an imageboard a couple days ago?
A fucking update button
okay, could you add the tomorrow theme too pls?
also there's a guy who collects Sup Forums boards allint.xyz
>korean only
Quick reply and thumbnails are needed
>thought the same
>I just made a imageboard
>no catalog
Oh... ok.
I can't read your insect gibberish.
>not distributed
>not free as in freedom backend
>no nntp frontend
Coreans are cancerous.
>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.
Fuck off nigger.
>>not free as in freedom backend
what did he mean by this
I literally can't post anything.
Nobody here understands your obscure language