Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums,

I recently got an offer from Microsoft. 120k-130k range annually, ~20k stock, ~20k sign on/relo. However, my SJW-type sister who is an Apple shill is trying to prevent me from accepting (nevermind how).

What to do, Sup Forums?

do you like the smell of curry? if you can at least stand it, I'd say it's a good offer, otherwise no

Oh they beat the hell out of Google, of that I am certain.

shit that never happened: the post

That something is beyond your reach of your feeble mind does not mean it is impossible.

Hoarders can get piles of money,
That is true, hackers, that is true.
But they cannot help their neighbors;
That's not good, hackers, that's not good.

tips fedora

So being a NEET is better, than? Especially when one has gotten actual offers of employment?


You should find an ethical way to make a living.

>trying to prevent me from accepting
Tell her to go fuck herself and take the position?
The fuck do you mean "trying to prevent you"
You're a goddamn adult

To you, does that mean food stamps and welfare?

Tell your sister to assume the position and then have your way with all her holes. Assert your dominance.

As long as you're not into the windows development team, you should be fine. Having MS in your resumé will make you look good in the future, it's also a nice and shill place to work at.
Working with the Xbox or azure team is great.

accept the offer only to make your sister angry

sjw tears are noice

>Sup Forums - employment advice


Emotional blackmail, drama, and general threats. It's hard to explain, but this kind of thing is nuclear warfare to her.

She's the kind of person who like to eat people alive, that would really be letting her have her way.

>(nevermind how).
is she offering you sex?

Which location will you be based in?
That's a small salary for Silicon Valley but if it's in Seattle you'll do fine

Get the job and then fuck your sister

>but this kind of thing is nuclear warfare to her.
kill her and save the family from that devil

>feeling like your sister's opinion matters in your life's choices

Also MS is more SJW than Mozilla.

You'll be able to afford to move away if you accept.

>Emotional blackmail, drama, and general threats
Accept the job and then just leave.
Seriously dude stop being a fucking pussy, don't let somebody else ruin major life decisions for you.

Take your LARPing fantasies elsewhere faggot. There is no job offer, there is no sister. There is only you sitting alone on your computer wishing your mother was still alive so she could get you more chicken tendies.

Let her cause enough family destruction to become completely shunned by the entire family and make a complete ass of herself.

She'll end up in a looneybin once she no longer has anyone to manipulate or eventually kill herself. Whenever someone makes threats like this, let them try. Their plans are usually so poorly thought out that they backfire almost immediately.


>wishing your mother was still alive so she could get you more chicken tendies

something smells like projection around here

Fuck your sister and then kill her and bury her.

The only solution.

Good luck!