What is better?

What is better?

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left is reddit, right is good

Who the fuck cares? How much time do you spend in the control panel? Just type whatever you are looking for in the start menu search like a non-retard.


>Implying I have Cortana or the search indexer running

I don't have Cortana either. It works all the way up from windows 7. Does really need search indexing for control panel items?

Mac is superior to both.

let me check
for starters, the new one doesn't work

The start menu you retard nigger


oh, you are the Pajeet that shitposts the Microsoft posts
nice to meet you mate
i won't waste my time any longer, check for yourselves

I didn't know Sup Forums users were such mouse lovers. How fucking hard is it to press the windows key and type whatever

The real problem is that it's split between the two rather than being one or the other

just use vim to edit config files in /etc/


No matter your feelings on macOS, their centralized system preference application is better than the mess Windows 10 have by leaps and bounds.


Sure it doesn't have everything yet but it looks nicer and is less of a clusterfuck to navigate.



Not my fault you broke your machine through stupidity, your mother should have been more honest about your abilities with computers whilst you were growing up and you would have turned out better.


I should clarify, I meant your stupidity.

That's just the norm on Sup Forums. All of the complaints are retards breaking shit and then going "GRR THIS THING IS SHIT". Applies to all platforms and products.

Sup Forums truly is the consumerist hellhole.

Both of them are accessible through the windows button thing with a single click so who cares

And here's the proofs for the brain damaged among us.

>works on my machine

clearly right the control panel has much more options the only good thing about left is that it's easier to navigate and it looks better.

do you have Cortana installed?
the point of the post is that the search bar does not work in the metro Control Panel
it works in the old one
